Parwin Pazwak
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Parwin Pazwak(Born 1967 Kabul) is an Afghanistani artist and a modern Persian poet and writer.
Parwin was born to the Pazwak literary and political family (father Ne'matulla Pazwak and mother Afifah Pazwak). She went to the French-taught Malalay school and completed studying medicine in the Avicenna Medical Institute. Following the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan, she spent two years in Pakistan as a transit refugee before moving to Canada as an asylum seeker. She now lives in Ontario together with her husband and children.
Mrs Pazwak considers her study periods as the best and life in exile among her most difficult times. Her works of literature include modern Persian poetry, short storiess and paintings for children. She has eleven works of art in total so far. Two of her most famous published books are 'Oceans in Dew' (Darya dar Shabnam) and 'Gems and Stars' (Negina wa Setara).