Paul Glover
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Paul Glover (b. July 18, 1947) is a community activist currently based in Philadelphia.
He is the founder of the Ithaca Hours local currency system, the Ithaca Health Fund (now incorporated into the Ithaca Health Alliance), Philahealthia Citizens' Health Coops, Citizen Planners of Los Angeles, Ithaca Community News newsletter ([1]) and Whole Ithaca Stock Exchange ([2], [3]). He was also a 2004 Presidential candidate in several primaries of the Green Party as well as a candidate for mayor of Ithaca.
Glover is author of Hometown Money ([4]), Health Democracy ([5]), Los Angeles: A History of the Future ([6]) as well as several urban histories.
He holds degrees in Marketing and in City Management and is founder of GreenPlanners ([7]), a consultancy for community ecodevelopment ([8]).
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[edit] Highlights and Central Themes Underlying Glover's Work
Paul Glover describes himself as a community organizer and "social entrepreneur" ([9]). His activism is rooted in the principles of grassroots, local control of society's key elements, through cooperative, democratic, and transparent institutions which are additionally socially just and ecologically sustainable.
Since the 1990s, the central themes of Glover's proposals and projects have included the notions of local currency systems, health cooperatives, also referred to as MHOs or Mutual Health Organizations ([10]), and locally-controlled alternatives to Wall Street. These efforts have attempted to promote democratic and sustainable control over the local economy while meeting citizens' needs for health care, meaningful and dignified jobs, clean and safe food and water, as well as the social and cultural needs of a diverse modern society.
[edit] Local Currencies
In 1991 Paul Glover founded Ithaca Hours, which is "credited as the first modern local currency and has inspired similar systems throughout the world" according to its Wikipedia entry.
In 1995 Glover published Hometown Money: How to Enrich Your Community with Local Currency ([11]). While the administration of Ithaca Hours was turned over in 1999 to a Board of Directors, Glover continues to support the local currency system in various ways, including a "Starter Kit" that is available together with Hometown Money ([12]).
He continues to be a community organizer and advocate of local currency systems as a means towards democratic local economic control at the grassroots level. Venues include radio interview appearances, such as his appearance on Steppin’ Out of Babylon ([13]) and local and national conferences, such as the June 2006 conference "Complementary Currencies: Money for Local Living Economies" ([14]).
[edit] Healthcare Democracy
In 1997, Glover launched the Ithaca Health Fund, a coop run by, and to help meet the healthcare needs of its members. The Ithaca Health Fund (IHF) ([15]) is now a part of the broader Ithaca Health Alliance (IHA) organization. IHA states that the IHF "has been established to facilitate access to health care and increase wellness in our communities. IHA General Members are eligible for grants or interest free loans to help with specific health care expenses: these include preventative care, certain emergency procedures, and dental care" ([16]).
In August of 2005, Paul Glover moved from Ithaca, New York to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There he launched a new health care co-op, Philahealthia, which was inspired by the IHA model. Philahealthia in turn is part of a wider Health Democracy movement ([17]) in which Glover is a prominent leader and advocate. In 2006 he published the book Health Democracy, ([18]) which has received the support of prominent figures such as Hazel Henderson and Patch Adams ([19]).
[edit] Alternatives to Wall Street
Glover's ongoing work also includes proposals for locally controlled alternatives to traditional, for-profit stock exchanges. His seminal work in this area is his Whole Ithaca Stock Exchange (WISE) project ([20]). While including mention of retirement income and security, WISE focuses on the "investment in businesses" aspect of Wall Street (here "businesses" is understood to include and promote community- and worker-owned businesses and cooperatives). Others who have proposed alternatives to Wall Street have proposed new ways of meeting peoples' need for economic security during retirement. One such proposal is "A Workable Transition to Democratic Retirement Systems" ([21], [22], [23]) by activist Harel B, who has engaged in collaborative discussions with Paul Glover on ways of combining the two halves -- retirement income, and investment in local business enterprises - through "community annuities" ([24]).
[edit] Miscellaneous Biographical Facts
Paul Glover describes himself as "a longtime vegetarian". He is comfortable speaking Spanish as well as English and relies on a bicycle rather than a car for transportation ([25], [26]).
[edit] Quotes by Paul Glover
"Creating is more fun than consuming"
"Life gets higher ratings than TV"
"When conservatives don't conserve and liberals don't liberate, Greens become centrists, because we directly address the central concerns of average Americans for healthy food, clean water and air; for secure housing; for reliable health care and satisfying work. By contrast, Democratic and Republican party leaders are dangerous extremists, indulging extremes of violence and greed, converting global wealth and human decency into chaos."
"I believe the 2004 campaign should speak to America foremost about grassroots alternatives to corporate destruction...The Green Party message should emphasize rebuilding, to inspire hope rather than cynicism. Railing against fascism is necessary but by itself insufficient. We reverse fascism ultimately most forcefully by pioneering better directions that can lift us all above the corporate treadmill..While Greens are horrified at corporate and consumer trashing of planet and society, our message is primarily confident and affirmative. Greens foster grassroots nonprofit and worker-managed enterprises that repair nature. Greens can govern to literally rebuild America's cities and suburbs, such that neighborhoods become energy-efficient; productive of food and fuel; respectful of water; safe and fun to live in. We can restore regional agriculture, rural economies, and habitat" ([27]).
"The era of road widening in our narrow valley will end. The era of trollies, buses, bicycles, pedicabs, cargo bikes and pedestrian amenity will accelerate. Center city will become home for thousands of humans rather than cars, to the benefit of local businesses. The era of poisoning our children with automobile exhaust will end. The era of worrying about paying for health care will be replaced by free and at-cost care through mutual aid clinics. The era of pooping into clean water will yield to clean, safe composting toilets. The era of energy waste will be replaced by energy efficiency. The era of throwing America into landfills will end, as Ithaca becomes the nation's first 100% precycling and recycling city. The era of consumerism will transform into an unprecedented celebration of creativity. The era of discarding the young, particularly kids of color, will be replaced by skills and work that give them pride and power. Likewise senior citizens will find here lifelong appreciation for their capabilities. The era of police respect for civil liberties will expand respect for police. The development of creative work for all will reduce crime" ([28]).