Talk:Paul Ricoeur
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Paul Ricoeur also made significant contributions to theology. This article, while giving a good basic introduction to his life and his work as it relates to philosophy does not at all touch on his theological contributions. Unfortunately, I am not qualified to add information regarding his theological contributions to the article.Bob em 09:30, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
- To displace a quote from Ricoeur's student, Derrida, when we talk about philosophy, "we are already talking about theology". Ricoeur's influence on theology isn't really separable from his philosophy. In fact, Ricoeur only infrequently explicitly writes on theology as such — despite being a life-long Christian and even holding a chair in theology. Even then, by and large, his impact on theology is really not to be found in his explicitly theological writings, but in his concepts of hermeneutics and ethics. That said, even here we encounter an implicit theology (one can recall that modern philosophical hermeneutics traces itself back to Schleiermacher, and, of course, Ricoeur's development of hermeneutics always gives a nod towards his interpretation of the bible). However, it is interesting to note that most of what theologians have garnered from Ricoeur is not so much his ideas about the meanings of particular passages, but the philosophical notions behind them — that is the hermeneutic arc, the interplay of symbols, the surplus of meaning, etc. Particularly telling in this regard is one commentator in a paper I read recently who called Ricoeur's biblical exegeis a turn in his later life (or something like that), which rather ignores some of his earlier writings on the subject. That said, it is precisely these underlying concepts which are sorely lacking in development in this article (or, indeed, to the best of my knowledge, on Wikipedia as a whole). If I get a chance, I will try to add something, but for now, I've got a bit too much on my plate. Ig0774 10:52, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Unpromising Start
This is pure hagiography indeed, a success story without a trace of criticism. I would rather say that Ricoeur's oeuvre is an eclectic mix lacking any originality. He started as a religious existentialist, in the 60s flirted with structuralism and freudism, during his stay in the USA assimilated something of analytic philosophy and lastly found himself to be a hermeneutical thinker. He was never influential but came to prominance in the 90s just because he outlived everybody else. The french page (a stub) outlines something of his unpleasant political profile. The story which lead to his fleeing from France deserves perhaps to be told. Or at least Sartre's view of him (as reported by M.Richir): 'ce curé qui fait de la phénoménologie'.al 15:45, 14 September 2006 (UTC)
- Mean-spirited attacks have no place on Wikipedia. Keep your mean comments to yourself.--Agnaramasi 17:13, 16 March 2007 (UTC)