I'm extremely concerned about geostatistics! Bre-X caused a friend of a friend of mine to blow out his brains because he lost not only his own money but that of his family and friends. Before Bre-X drilled the first borehole at the Busang property I had already brought to the attention of the Ontario Securities Commission that geostatistics is an invalid variant of mathematical statistics.JanWMerks 16:25, April 17, 2006 (UTC).
I better confess! I wanted to find out fast if Wikipedia has a role to play in my crusade against voodoo statistics.JanWMerks 04:02, April 16, 2006 (UTC).
Bringing knowledge of the pseudo science of assuming, kriging, smoothing and rigging he rules of mathematical statistics to the world.JanWMerks 20:37, April 16, 2006 (UTC).
… a synopsis of my case against Wikipedia’s NPOV policy: NPOV 1: geostatistics: each kriged estimate doesn’t have its own variance, NPOV 2: mathematical statistics: each distance-weighted average has its own variance. These NPOVs are mutually exclusive so that one is true and the other is false.JanWMerks 04:02, April 16, 2006 (UTC).
… if a Wikipedian were to remove a contribution that refers to analysis of variance, Fisher’s F-test, spatial dependence or sampling variogram, my original contribution will promptly … reappear.JanWMerks 04:02, April 16, 2006 (UTC):
I've been exposed to geostatistical peer review since the early 1990s, which explains the antagonistic perpective of a true contrarian. I may not make a complete recovery any time soon!JanWMerks 00:47, June 23, 2006 (UTC).
Added the following text (with little or no variation) 10 times: Geostatistics is a unique case of junk science by consensus. … Blatantly biased, shamelessly self-serving peer review made geostatistics a junk science by consensus.[20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29].
Added the following text (with slight variation) 8 times: A unique case of junk science is geostatistics where the true variance of a single distance-weighted average is replaced with the voodoo kriging variance of a degrees-of-freedom-free set of functionally dependent kriged estimates formerly known as distance-weighted averages. Not surprisingly, geostatistical peer review is a blatantly biased, shamelessly self-serving sham.[30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37].
Added the following text (with slight variation) 4 times: A question currently under scrutiny is whether any variant of mathematical statistics that violates the requirement of functional independence and ignores the concept of degrees of freedom is indeed junk science.[38], [39], [40], [41].
For example, geostatistical peer review is a blatantly biased shamelessly self-serving sham but it does protect junk science.[42].
Sir Cyril Burt was accused of augmenting measured data with cooked data and the case remains contentious. Geostatisticians augment measured data, determined in samples selected at positions with different coordinates, with infinite sets of distance-weighted averages-cum-kriged estimates. Geostatistics violates the requirement of functional independence and ignores the concept of degrees of freedom but the question whether it is a junk science is beyond debate.[43].
Professor D G Krige discovered at the Witwatersrand gold reef complex in South Africa in the early 1950s that two or more gold assays, determined in samples selected at positions with different coordinates in a finite sample space, define an infinite set of distance-weighted averages. Krige did not know that each distance-weighted average has its own variance in mathematical statistics. In geostatistics, however, the true variance of the distance-weighted average was replaced with the false variance of a set of distance-weighted averages. Geostatistics is a junk science because it violates the requirement of functional independence and ignore the concept of degrees of freedom. Blatantly biased, shamelessly self-serving peer review turned geostatistics in junk science by concensus.[44].