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[edit] New Image Available
Pcarbonn...I just uploaded an image of a more modern calorimeter. A closed cell, within a mass-flow calorimeter. It may be more appropriate than the image of the old open cell calorimeter. I do not know how to put it into the page. Perhaps you can figure it out. If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at 310.470.8189. Stevenkrivit 06:01, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks! I have updated it. And congratulations for what you do for Cold Fusion ! Pcarbonn 12:40, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] another cf related move
I.Q. starring Meg Ryan
btw...Breaking Symmetry is hot..its unrated..if it was rated, it would be R ! Sex and cold fusion. Great combo.
STemplar 06:06, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Assertions of opponents
- The successfull experiments are poorly documented, making understanding and reproduction difficult
- The excess heat generated is within calorimetric measurement error when computed over the entirety of the experiment
- All chemical and solid state sources for the excess heat have not been investigated and eliminated
- The excess heat, if any, was tiny and has not increased, limiting its economic potential
- Commercial applications of the effect have been said to be imminent many times, but never delivered
- Fusion in the described apparatus is impossible from a theoretical point of view
- The traditional products of nuclear fusion have not been found in the experiments
- The apparent production of helium can be explained by contamination from the atmosphere
- If theory cannot explain an experiment, the experiment must be wrong
[edit] Assertions of proponents
- The excess heat is well above calorimetric measurement error when computed over the entirety of the experiment
- the observation of excess heat has been reproduced independently and with a variety of apparatus, that it can be reproduced at will when the proper conditions are reproduced, and that many of the reasons for failure to reproduce it have been discovered
- The excess power density is well above what could be explained by chemical storage or reactions
- All objections of opponents on the calorimetric measurement have been carefully studied, tested and ultimately rejected by the researchers
- The excess power is generated in tiny hot spots. If they can be created at high rates, the process could be scaled up to megawatt levels.
- Anomalous transmutations have been observed
- Helium has been observed about its concentration in the atmosphere
- Helium has ben found in quantities commensurate with the heat produced
- If theory cannot explain the experiment, the theory must be wrong
- It is not uncommon to have difficulty in reproducing a new phenomenon that involves an ill-understood macroscopic control of a microscopic mechanism
[edit] Navy Photo
Hi Pcarbonn,
You are most welcome. By the way, the top (Navy) photo was taken in 2005 but the cell was built and used mostly in 1989. Pamela Mosier-Boss calls it their "First Generation" cell. It is designed for the codeposition method. I'll have a photo of a modern codeposition cell posted in a few weeks. They might look interesting side by side, for comparison. The modern cell is starkly boring compared with the first gen cell. I like the first gen cell because you can look at it and (if you know the details) learn a lot about the process by identifying each component.