Peace Prizes
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Under the title of Peace Prize, the following prizes are awarded among others:
- Aachen Peace Prize
- Albert Einstein Peace Prize
- Augsburg Peace Prize
- Bremen Peace Prize
- Bruno Kreisky Award
- Carl von Ossietzky Medal
- Defender of Peace Prize
- Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize
- Peace Prize of the German-Israelian Society
- Peace Prize of the German Book Trade
- Nobel Peace Prize
- U.N. Peace Medal
- Hessian Peace Prize
- International Children's Peace Prize
- Lenin Peace Prize (formerly the Stalin Peace Prize)
- Lew Kopelew Prize
- Lothar Kreyssig Peace Prize
- Niwano Peace Prize
- Nuremberg International Human Rights Award
- Pacem in Terris Award
- Petra Kelly Prize
- Ramon Magsaysay Award
- Sydney Peace Prize
- Templeton Prize
- Thomas Merton Award
- UNESCO Prize for Peace Education
- War Resisters League Peace Award
- Westphalian Peace Prize
- World Peace Prize