Penetration (weapons)
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Strictly speaking, penetration refers to a projectile entering a target without passing through it and perforation refers to a projectile completely passing through the target, but penetration is commonly used to refer to both. Penetration into a semi-infinite or massive target refers to penetration (in the strict sense of the word) of targets so thick that the level of penetration is not affected by the target's thickness. There is a transition region between semi-infinite penetration and perforation, in which the target is not perforated but the projectile, as it nears the back face of the target, meets reduced resistance and is capable of penetrating a greater distance than it would in a semi-infinite target. This effect is variously named the back or rear surface, plate, or face effect and is also present when perforation occurs. Bombs designed for great penetration into the earth or for perforation of hardened targets are known as bunker busters.