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Are you talkin' to me? Well, there's no one else here...
Artem Laborem Esse Ne Liceat Formam Veram Ne Relinquamus (Do not allow art to become a labour; lets not forget the beauty of reality)
[edit] General Stuff
Hi I'm PJB,
I dont know if you're interested but I was born in 1988 on a Leap Year (February 29th) in the small, but nice, English town of Colchester (although I live in the crappy parts of town). I was born in Essex but my family is of Irish and Yorkshire origins. I like Rock music (Esp the Foo Fighters, Sunny Day Real Estate, Kings of Leon, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Rage Against the Machine, The Fire Theft, Tygers of Pan Tang, Refused, and Queens of the Stone Age). Viva la EZLN!!! I love archaeology.
If you type PJB into Wikipedia search you come up with some crap on Jukeboxes (Not why I chose PJB-its my initials).
I'm back and now I'm at York University!
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever ( Written by Anonymous)
[edit] Good Articles
[edit] User Contributions
I love wikipedia (except when I cant find an article)!
I've edited/discussed the following articles since Feb 8th (2006):
[edit] Major Involvement
[edit] Minor Involvement
[edit] To-do List
[edit] My Politics
Warning: I will NEVER give up my beliefs, so don't try!
The Userboxes say it all really.
My political compass results were:
Economics -10
Authoritarian/Libertarian -6.77
Thats so left its amazing!!! Apparently it means THIS
I wouldn't trust the European Union as far as I could throw it.
I like the EZNL's ideas, methods and cause. Does that make me know what? Well, just take a look at those political compass results!!!
A good friend of mine, who is a fierce advocate of the Free Market and liberal economics, recently pointed out to me how my Political compass results are further left than his are right, to both of our amazement!
I think capitalists are sad for believing that humans are motivated only by greed and fear. Oh well...
See below for my favourite websites.
Woo Hoo!
A critical analogy of the 'trickle down theory' = "When the horse shits, the sparrow eats".
Growth for growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell!
"The only "race" on this planet is the Human race."
If you tremble with indignation at every injustice…then you are a comrade of mine. Che Guevara
We have 50 per cent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 per cent of its population. In this situation, our real job in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which permit us to maintain this position of disparity. To do so, we have to dispense with all sentimentality . . . we should cease thinking about human rights, the raising of living standards and democratisation. George Kennan Tut tut tut..
[edit] Positive Features of Communist Sects
What I believe are good features of the following sects:
Anarcho-syndicalism and Marxism
- Brilliant in every way!
- Equality of all people
- No social classes
- Communes
- Equal redistribution of resources
- State (elected government) ownership of resources
- No national divides
- Autarky
- Free health service, education and welfare system
- No private businesses (no greed, profiteering or corruption)
- Work for all
- No greed or worker alienation
- Opposition to Stalinism/oligarchy
- Continuous revolution in society
- Establishment of rural development
- Critical of Communist Party
- Devoelopment through the people
- Autarky
Council Communism
- Devolution of state powers to elected, accountable local government
- Local governance
- Plebiscites
- Small role of Communist Party (agitation and promotion, not government)
- Workers run the state, NOT the party ('State' control of resources will therefore mean citizen control of resources)
- Direct democracy and consultation with the people
- Accountability and fair law
- No party interferance/reactionary policies
- Pacifist-only defend their territory
Democratic Kampuchea (some of its more palatable features)
- No money
- Communism in one step
- Rural development (in a crude sense)- focus on food production
- No 'parasitic' cities
My Beliefs (Eurocommunist?)
- Elected representatives
- Accountability of all institutions
- Constitutional government (that's a codified constitution)
- Fair judicial system
- Free press and media
- Checks and balances on institutions and organisations
- Human rights
- Protection of environment
- No racism, sexism, states, nations or divisions
- Trade Unions
- No religion!!!
- Making it work for the people
- No political parties in government
- Election of individuals on ideas, NOT by party or populist charisma
- Consensus and co-operation
- Small role of Party (see Council Communism)
- Dont laugh, but...Ancient Greece's electoral are government system (The Athenaion Politeia)! With the exception of Strategos and the Areopagus, all members of government were selected from the people. A good system of governance (the role and power of the Ecclesia, Boule, Demes, etc).
- This on the economy/incentives
- This on individualism. I DON'T BELIEVE IN TOTALITARIANISM!
One last thing...
- Ethnographical studies show people will work togeather in a communal society (in so called 'primitive' societies, such as tribal people of Borneo, in Papua New Guinea, etc)
- World War II Britain...state control of resources
- The Zapatistas have made this work, but NOT through force or violence against the people
[edit] False Communist Sects
The following are, in my view, bad features of the following sects:
Stalinism, Hoxhaism and Brezhnev (Neo-Stalinism)
- Not Communist at all--its monarchy and facism in Red form
- Doesn't help the people (who, after all, Communism is meant to aid)
- It polluted world view of Communism: seen as oligarchical collectivism
- Gulags, executions and poor conditions
- Corruption, nepotism, hierarchy and nationalism
- Alienation of the people
- One party rule means nomenklatura class (which is un-Marxist)
- Perpetuates a Degenerated workers state
- Influence of party in politics not only prevents popular participation (and therefore the view of the people), but also creates a new elite
- Immune to change
- Centralised government
- Far too much military spending, not enough on society
- Far too Bureaucratic
- Unelected leaders
- The USSR's non-official (yet obvious) policy of Russia-comes-first
- Marxist history will not come into place due to:
- Role of west ( Examples: Chile, Cuba, Bolivia, Vietnam, Greece, etc) will prevent it
- 'Bright lights syndrome'
- Conditions in Marxist-Leninist and Stalinist states created fear/hatred of Communism
Democratic Kampuchea
- Executions/harsh laws, oligarchy, lack of development and racism
- Failure to establish Direct Democracy and public services
- Stalinist style government
Social Democracy
- Governments trying to establish good social conditions through 'Tax and Spend' and controlling capitalism won't work due to nature of capitalism
[edit] Conclusion
My beliefs are a mix of the Positive Communist Sect Features. I hate the False Communist Sects, even more so than anything else on earth...they've betrayed, and possibly destroyed any hope of future Communism.
[edit] PJB's Gremlin
Dont laugh, but I think there is some sort of phenomenon (like a Gremlin) that follows me around EVERYWHERE and just randomly wrecks all my stuff.
- Hides my important stuff so I can't find it when I need it.
- Redeposits that stuff somewhere easy to find when I no longer need it, so I get annoyed.
- Makes those things easy for other people to find, especially if I've ranted and raved to those people about how I can't find the stuff in question, and tell them it will never turn up.
- Removes things just before I need to show someone, so I cant find it and look (even more) of an idiot.
- If I drop something It will take it, so that I cant find it, even if I dropped it somewhere where it should be easy to find.
- It crumples up and rips stuff of mine, even if that stuff is somewhere where it shouldn't get destroyed.
- It randomly breaks stuff of mine, again even if that stuff is somewhere where it should be OK.
- It makes my internet connection not connect for various dubious and numerous reasons, that are not only hard to solve but occur for no reason at all, other than the whimsy of 'It'.
- It does not effect anyone I know except me, making me look (even more) of an idiot.
- Even if I do something exactly the same as someone else I will inevitably mess it up or the results will be totally wrong, due to this phenomenon's actions.
- When I make fun of someone It runs off and gets them, so that as I make the punchline they walk in.
- It holds a sign above my head that reads "Sad Loser: Treat As Such", which, although invisible to me, seems to be heeded by nearly anyone I meet (or is that due to my hair-cut? No, no... it's the 'It's fualt...)
- It takes delight when I get angry and swear and shout about It's actions, and is spurred on by my hilarious reaction to It's activities.
- It corrupts Communist revolutions everywhere, so that the leaders of those revolutions turn into Stalin-like totalitarian dictators, making everyone think "Ha! So that's communism! No thanks!".
- It cannot be stopped, no matter how many offerings are made to placate It (like the sacrificing of a virgin on Hallowe'en).
Whilst this may seem amusing to you, it is highly annoying for me, as it is not only a constant irratation, but is also impossible to get rid of. What did I do...break a mirror somewhere?