Talk:Plaster veneer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] You are invited to contribute.
Hi, I'm Loqi, in Berkeley, California, USA. I started this article rolling, and it was fun. Thanks for taking an interest in it. You are explicitly invited to contribute your talents to this article. But this is Wikipedia, you didn't need to be told that!
I'm only a moderate expert on the subject of plaster veneer. There are others out there who are much more knowledgeable than I. Maybe you're one of them. And sometimes my spelling is atrocious. I'll be monitoring this article for the first few weeks of its life. Please join in if you care to.
It could use some photos. I'll try to dig some up that I made myself. If you contribute a photo, please ensure that you're not violating anyone's intellectual property rights. Personally, I think the whole notion of intellectual property is flawed at its core, but that's the world we live in. Don't get Wikipedia into hot water with the Man. One way to do this is to use photos that you snapped with your own camera! It's fun. You can release your own photography into the public domain, and then it becomes a living part of our world, instead of mere "property". Your pictures can roam free, uncaged and unleashed. You might be proud of what they do when they grow up!
The article is particularly weak in citing sources for its facts, and writing from a world perspective. If you live outside of North America, or if you get building trade publications, you could be a great help with this article. Drop me a personal note if you need guidance in how to properly source facts, contribute photos or otherwise help this article to thrive.
Happy editing! --Loqi T. 21:21, 29 October 2006 (UTC)