User talk:Political Lefty
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[edit] Preamble spelling
You are right!! (which is to say, correct) See my notes I've put on the page: Preamble to the United States Constitution --Mark Adler 17:50, 20 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit] House, Senate Totals
I included the FEC totals because they are indeed more accurate. I have meticulously over the months compiled the US House data from state election data (the absolutely offical data) and the FEC data checks out. The Clerk of the House data has several promlems:
1. Counts undervotes in New York as cast votes leading to equal votes cast in total House and Senate races. 2. Uses run-offs for Louisiana. 3. Forgets write-ins for Maryland and Pennsylvania (granted they are on sperate sections on the websites, but the FEC has them. 4. Oregan senate race doubles the vote cast for the Democratic canidate (!) 5. Probably other bizzare mistakes that I once noticed but forgot since I compiled the data.
- Okay, I haven't checked that since the Clerk's website claims to be the official. Are you saying the data is incorrect or the recapitulation tables are incorrect? (Btw, I used this and this rather than the PDF for the template) However, I don't believe the FEC totals are entirely accurate either. But that's not my main problem. I'd like to keep the party breakdown as it was with the several minor parties, since I don't feel it does it justice by grouping it all into "Other". Or, if we could determine where the Clerk went wrong, this table could be made even more accurate and informative.
- Political Lefty 07:22, 17 May 2006 (UTC)