Talk:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
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[edit] Endowment
We should look for data on that, all leading universities on wikipedia have financial information, it's one of the few things missing on the page to make it standard quality. By the way, this page is much superior to that of UFRJ.--native_earthian 22:03, 5/14/2006 (UTC)
[edit] Famous Alumni
I added this section inspired on many wikipedia university articles. Please help by adding the information you have.--native_earthian 23:46, 5/20/2006 (UTC)
About endowment of PUC-Rio Unfortunately, like all the Brazilian Universities, we have no endowment. The brazilian legislation does not favour donations to non profit organizations. Therefore, we receive only occasionally very tiny contributions from private sector. As you may suppose, we are always struggling to survive as a leading research University. Sometimes, we lunched specific campaigns, for building some facilities. In the last years, for example, we collected donations for a new church, which was inaugureted on 1st. November 2005. Fr. Jesús Hortal Sánchez, S.J. Rector (Presidente) of PUC-Rio.
- But sir, doesn't the former PUC-Rio economics alumni association donate money regularly to the institution?--native_earthian
- What about the land donations?
[edit] Name
All other Brazilian PUCs at wikipedia are referred to as "Pontifical Catholic University" and not the not the portuguese alternative "Pontifícia Universidade Católica". Perhaps we should change it here.--El Chemaniaco 18:10, 6 July 2006 (UTC)