Principal officials of Hong Kong
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Principals officials (Traditional Chinese: 主要官員), as according to the Basic Law, are government officials that are nominated by the Chief Executive and appointed by the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. They include secretaries of departments and secretaries of policy bureaux. Five other officials are also principal officials because of the importance of their positions (although three of them report to the secretaries and permanent secretaries of policy bureaux).
They are required to be citizens of the People's Republic of China who are permanent residents of Hong Kong with no right of abode in any foreign country and have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than 15 years.
When assuming office, they must, in accordance with law, swear to uphold the Basic Law and swear their allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
[edit] List
- Secretaries of departments
- Chief Secretary for Administration (Administrative Secretary)
- Financial Secretary
- Secretary for Justice
- Deputy secretaries of departments
- None
- Secretaries of Bureaux (Directors of Bureaux)
- Secretary for the Civil Service
- Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology
- Secretary for Constitutional Affairs
- Secretary for Economic Development and Labour
- Secretary for Education and Manpower
- Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works
- Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
- Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
- Secretary for Home Affairs
- Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands
- Secretary for Security
- Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption (Commissioner Against Corruption)
- Director of Audit
- Commissioner of Police (reporting to the Secretary for Security)
- Director of Immigration (reporting to the Secretary for Security)
- Commissioner of Customs and Excise (reporting to the Secretary for Security, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Industry, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, and Secretary for Economic Development and Labour)
[edit] External links
Secretaries of departments: Chief Secretary | Financial Secretary | Secretary for Justice | |||
Secretaries of bureaux: Civil Service | Commerce, Industry and Technology | Constitutional Affairs | Economic Development and Labour | Education and Manpower | Environment, Transport and Works | Financial Services and the Treasury | Health, Welfare and Food | Home Affairs | Housing, Planning and Lands | Security | |||
Other principal officials: Audit | Police | ICAC | Customs and Excise | Immigration | |||
Past secretaries of bureaux (after 1997): Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau | Commerce and Industry | Economic Services | Environment and Food | Health and Welfare | Housing | Information Technology and Broadcasting | Planning and Lands | Trade and Industry | Transport | Treasury | Works |