Talk:Principles of Intelligent Urbanism
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This page called Principles of Intelligent Urbanism is a recognised topic found in the Encyclopedia of the City (Cave, Roger. 2004) published by Routledge in London. There is an issue of the authoritive international journal on urbanism containing a lengthy scholarly paper onthe topic in Ekistics, Volumn 69, Number 412, pp. 39-65, Athens in 2001, Amongst others. Word2line 20:38, 21 October 2006 (UTC)
- Hello, and thanks for contributing to Wikipedia. Judging from your sources, this topic may just be notable, but the article needs heavy cleanup, as it's written in a rather confusing style and not properly formatted, so it's hard to follow. Please refer to the links in the cleanup tags I've applied. Sandstein 22:16, 21 October 2006 (UTC)
Dear Sandstein: Thanks a lot for your constructive help! this is my first article and I've downloaded the Guide to Layout, Cleanup and other things which I am now studying! I am Ramprasad in Pune, India and I have written a book called Psychology for Beginners, which is the first Indian basic text on psychology. I am an anthropologist also, and am working. Really appreciate your guidance. Seems like an ausome task ahead! Will try. Ram 11:27, 22 October 2006 (UTC)Word2line 14:41, 22 October 2006 (UTC)
Ramprasad is presumably Mr. Akkisetti Ramprasad Naidu, Managing Director of Christopher Charles Benninger Architects [1]. According to the firm's website, the Principles of Intelligent Urbanism are a set of ten axioms that "emerged from several decades of urban planning practice by Christopher Benninger in the Asian context (Benninger, 2001). It was the basis for the new capital plan for Bhutan." [2].
The Benninger firm's planning axioms may be of interest to Wikipedia, but this PIU article appears to be just a wordy statement of the company's principles. -- Mukrkrgsj 23:30, 8 March 2007 (UTC)