Talk:Protector of the Small
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I have read the whole Tortallan series besides Trickster's Chioce, and I have to say, besides Alanna, that this is the best series in the saga. She doesn't fool around, she had morals, she cares about animals. Protector of the Small. While she thinks it is a stupid name, I think it fits.From griffins to horses,from dogs to sparrows, this lady is a saviur to the people. I like how Tamora kinda of uses Kel as an opposte of Alanna. While Alanna is short, loud, married, and has a really bad temper, Keladry is very tall, quiet, single. and has no temper to be seen. Not that she doesn't. When she does get mad, people pay big time for their mistakes. Like when some(I won't tell who, it will reck the story) people took Lalasa, she got really mad when justice wasn't served. She got the king to change a law! After some debating, ofcourse. I really recommend that you read it in order. If you don't, it will reck the other ones. Read the in order. The series in order, too. Startinf ith Alanna then Diane, then Kel, then Alianne. I agree. But don't you think the trivia isn't that helpful? I mean, anyone who reads the series knows about the whole Yamani thing. 17:40, 7 January 2007 (UTC)eddisford