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Psy-Geo-conflux is an annual festival, first presented in June 2003, that is dedicated to the artistic exploration of psychogeography.
Visual, performance, and new media artists, along with writers, urban adventurers and the general public united to explore the physical and psychological landscape of urban space. People Interested in Participatory Societies hosted Provflux in Providence RI. An action oriented urban experiment that included performances, interventions, games, discussions, and any other events that could be presented in the urban sphere. Along with Provflux 2003 in Providence, RI, an event was held in New York where psychogeographers gathered for Psy-Geo-conflux, an annual event, from within the gallery.
In 2004 Joseph Hart wrote that "psychogeography" was "a slightly stuffy term that's been applied to a whole toy box full of playful, inventive strategies for exploring cities. Psychogeography includes just about anything that takes pedestrians off their predictable paths and jolts them into a new awareness of the urban landscape."[1]