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- Psyber Psychological projection of ones psyche
- Psybernetics Psychological interfacing with technological communication mediums.
- Psyber-*Name* User-Name denoting of a human controlled on-line avatar
Psyber (Sī-ber)/Psybernetic: A technological culture term used in a high-tech culture associated with Cyberpunk and with online digital social culture studies.
The original term Cyber represented Cybernetics which in this reference, denoted a physical connection between machines, electronics, and electro-mechanical devices and physical living beings, human and animals. Examples would be; enhanced powered prosthetics for amputees, advanced military applications such as in classified development with DARPA such as mental control of equipment, High-Tech industry applications, and advancement of enhanced human to machine operational interfacing using AI Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic with physical connections to a persons body.
In 1984 Lionel Graham, A.k.a. Psyberwolf designated the word Psyber as a representative term for the psychological connection and interfacing with large user based digital environments and online communication mediums. (Quote) “The term to represent the projection of one’s self within the electronic communication media.”
The word itself, Psyber, was a constructed hybrid that arose from Cyber which was physical machine connection to the human body, and Psychology, to represent a word designating the psychological connection with networked machines. The meaning literally was defined as psychological connection/extension of ones own mind into the analog/digital network. (Psy-ber)
At the time there was no pre-designated terminology to describe the online interfacing and psychological impact of the newly born sociological phenomenon that came with the invention and integration of computers within the human society.
The Psybernetic interfacing phenomenon was recognized from theory to an actual term and study as home based computer systems became inexpensive enough and modems readily available that communities of online users started appearing in locally based dial-up Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's), prior to the explosion of the internet, to be a designated term used today.
Psybernetic studies or, online sociological group studies, became a valid and serious study of the human psyche as people projected themselves into text, ANSI graphics and later GUI interfaces of the BBS, online games and MMORPGs.
There is a vastly different experience in BBS’s and Virtual Worlds then is in real life. Primarily because people interfaced on a social level based solely on personality instead of trained physiological pre-determined assumptions, based on how people looked, dressed, education, and associations based on verbal accents. Race no longer became a base factor in “Psyber” based social interfacing where as race was still at the time, a large determining factor, when physically approaching strangers and making new social friends and networks.
This term also became a mainstay with the Cyberpunk following to mean slightly different meanings, just as cyber became a meaning for many different things then the originally structured word.