Punta Colonet
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Punta Colonet south of San Quintín, Baja California is one of the most productive agricultural areas in Baja. It’s proximity to Hwy 1 and the US have spurred the growth of large commercial farming in the area. Having anchored in Punta Colonet, it is a beautiful, unspoiled area where orchards and farms run right to the oceans edge. There has been tremendous growth in the region over the last 5 years.
A Los Angeles firm, fronting for Chinese and Korean concerns, is lobbying the Mexican government to be granted permission to build a $1 billion dollar port in the agricultural area of Punta Colonet, 150 miles south of Tijuana.
Chinese and Korean firms have not been known for their environmental planning or concerns. One US environmentalist is quoted as saying, “This is just another case of exporting California’s dirty environmental problems to the pristine coastline of Baja California. This is one of the last places we can preserve the beauty that once was the entire west coast”