From Wikipedia
- Alt Zion (Old Zionsville)
- Bareschwamm (Bear Swamp, PA)
- Barewald (Bear's Woods, PA)
- Yaegersbarig (Hunter's Hill)
- Barigesie (Perkasie, PA - in alde Zeite Birkensee)
- Barigeomewill (Perkiomenville, PA)
- Barigschtrooss (Ridge Road, as vun Sumneytown naach Perkasie geht)
- Beintschwamm (a lowland swamp in which evergreen trees flourish; name used for land beyond the Blue Mountain)
- Betzischtettel (Elizabethtown)
- Bittnersdaal (Bittner's Valley)
- Blummebarig (Bloomsburg, PA)
- Botschdaal (Budge Valley, PA)
- Breenschwill (Bergey, PA - in former times called "Branchville")
- Budderdaal (Bally to Hereford, PA)
- Buddermillich Falls (buttermilk falls)
- Bulleschtrooss (Bull Street in Franconia Twp.)
- Bullfrackeschteddel (bullfrog town)
- Buxloch (Laurel Hole, may be also in West Cocalico Twp., Lanc. County)
- Deitsch Eck (German Corner, area SW of Baltic, OH, which was originally settled by Germans)
- Eileschteddel ("Owl Town")
- Eisebrick (Ironbridge, PA)
- Feierschtee Ritsch (Firestone Ridge)
- Feierschtee Daal (Flint Valley)
- Fimf Meil Schwamm (five mile swamp)
- Gaepbarig (Gap Mountain)
- Galyebarig (Gallow's Hill)
- Die Gass (name of road from Sumneytown to Hoppenville, PA)
- Geierdaal (Vulture Ravine)
- Genseboddem ("Goose Bottom", the east-west valley immediately north of Walnut Creek, OH; many geese were raised here by the farmers and the creek, Goose Bottom Creek, afforded many fine feeding places and lots of water for the geese)
- Gensehiwwel ("Goose Hill")
- Glappboard Gmeehaus (The Groffdale Team Mennonite Church)
- Gleeschippach or Gleebreensch (little branche of the Skippack Creek)
- Gleehimmel (Hatfield Meetinghouse of Mennonite Brethren in Christ)
- Glee Kaft (Little Gap)
- Glee Lechaa (Little Lehigh Creek)
- Glee Michelbarig (Zionsville, Rt. 1, PA)
- Grooss Miehlbarig (Palm, PA)
- Haasedaal (Rabbit Valley)
- Hammeschteddel (Hametown)
- Heedelbarig (Heidelberg, PA)
- Helfrichs Schpring (Helfrich's Spring)
- Henkischteddel ("Henki Town")
- Hessischi Schtrooss ("Hessian Road")
- Hessedaal (Hessian Valley, NY)
- Igelgraawe ("Igel Hollow", OH - a small ravine)
- Kaschehiwwelweg (Cherry Hill Road)
- Kolwelehn (Kulp's Lane)
- Kunkelsbaerig (Kunkel's Hill)
- Laayer-Barig (Lawyer's Hill)
- La Booberty (gorge or hollow known as Doughty Glens, Doughty Hollow, Troyer's Hollow, OH; from 1840 to 1860 known as Altman's Hollow)
- Lange Rann (Long Run Creek)
- Leddebarig
- Leddebrick
- Leddedaal
- Moyer Hiwwel (Meyer's Hill, near Kalona, IA)
- Nuddeltaun (Noodletown)
- Oswaldsgawwel (Oswald's Fork)
- Peders Karich (St. Peter's Church)
- Hellerschteddel (Perrysburg)
- Putschtown (Name given formerly to Charm, OH. It was first called Stevenson, and changed to Charm when the post office was established. After a few houses had been build, a visitor passing through remarked in PG, "Es is yo yuscht en gleener Putsche.")
- Rausch Grick (Rausch Creek)
- Rexebarig (Rex Hill)
- Ridge Kopp (Ridge Head)
- Rockmeind Barig (Rock Ore Hill)
- Rot Hiwwel (the large hill immediately south of Dover, OH; there is much red soil on top of the hill)
- Sackne
- Salzbarig Taunschip
- Salzrewwer ("Salt River")
- Schannschteefelse (Chimney Rock)
- Schmidde-Kaft (Smith's Gap)
- Schmoktaun (Smoketown)
- Schneckeschulhaus (Schneck's School)
- Schnoke Loch ("mosquito hole")
- Schoherie (no English and no location given)
- Schpring Waelli (Spring Valley)
- Schteebarig (a small ridge immediately north of the Blue Mountain)
- Alt Zion (Old Zionsville)