From Wikipedia
- Bloh Barig (Blue Mountain, the most prominent topographic feature in SE Pennsylvania)
- Breet Barig (Broad Mountain)
- Eiweh (Iowa)
- Felsich Baryie (Rocky Mountains)
- Kallifaani (California)
- Kaloni (Kalona, IA)
- Kanedaa (Canada)
- Kanzelkopp (precipice west of the Pinnacle in the Blue Mountains, the western end of the break which formed the Blue Rocks. To most people, the dialect name for the Pinnacle is "der Schpitzebarig", but to many people in the Kutztown area it is known as "der Kanzelkopp")
- Nei Yarick (New York)
- Oschtsee (Baltic Sea)
- Palz (Palatinate)
- Pennsilfaani (Pennsylvania)
- Pittsbarig (Pittsburgh)
- (Die) Revier (the Delaware River; "Revier" originally meant "Ufergelaende". River(e) was used in old German for "Bach" and "Fluss". From these meanings it is evident how the name came to be applied to the Delaware, the eastern boundary of the land in which they might settle).
- Rode Haus (Red House. Place Name in Garret County, near Oakland, Maryland)
- Schenandoah-Daal (Shenandoah Valley, VA)
- Schikaago (Chicago, IL)
- Sahara Wieschdi (Sahara Desert)
- Amerigaa (United States of America)