Dyskusja:Autostrady i drogi ekspresowe w Słowenii
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Wszystko pięknie, tylko dlaczego na Słowenii, a nie w Słowenii? Z tego, co wiem, to składnia jest właśnie taka. P 21:06, 17 lis 2006 (CET)
Masz rację, W. Trzeba będzie zamienić.--Ed88 09:08, 18 lis 2006 (CET)
done ~malarz pl PISZ 09:29, 18 lis 2006 (CET)
[edytuj] H6 and more
There are no official nor unofficial designations for additional slovenian motorways (avtocesta) and expressways (hitra cesta), that will be build beyond 2013. Designations as H6, H7 and H8 are purely speculative, because H6 and H7 could easily be A6 and A7 or any other numbers, and H8, as described in your article, was never planned and never will be. --sl:Uporabnik:Keber 21:40, 23 lis 2006 (CET)
I removed the note about H8 expressway. The track of H6 and H7 is marked on DARS map [1] so I decided to keep the articles having added information about uncertain future status of these roads. I hope this makes my note more accurate.--Ed88 14:53, 24 lis 2006 (CET)