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Sensor operated washroom fixtures.
A row of sensor operated washroom fixtures makes efficient use of space, and minimizes contamination, through automation with computer vision.
I captured this picture on return from giving the opening keynote address at CARPE (on the topic of sousveillance, and surveillance in computer vision, etc.) in New York City, as we stopped along one of the rest stops on the way back.
Nikon D2h, with SB800 indirectly aimed to fill in up to the far end of the row of fixtures.
License: eyetap.org/sel.txt.
Copyright (c) 2004, Steve Mann.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this experience
under the terms of the ePi Lab Shared Experience License, Version 1.0
or any later version published by the EyeTap Personal Imaging Laboratory.
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