Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Tamanho desta previsão: 800 × 398 pixel
Imagem numa resolução maior (1095 × 545 pixel, tamanho do ficheiro: 149 KB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)
[edit] Summary
- Beschreibung: Goldgulden: Mainz, Erzbischof Johann II. von Nassau (1397-1419), geprägt zwischen 1399-1402 in Frankfurt-Höchst; Avers: Johannes der Täufer mit Kreuzzepter, die Rechte zum Segen erhoben; zwischen den Füßen ein Johanniterkreuz. Umschrift: IOH(ann)IS AR(chi)EP(iscop)VSMAGV(n)T(inus) Revers: Vierpass; in der Mitte das nassauische Wappen, in den Bögen die Schilde von Kurmainz, Kurköln, Kurtrier, und von Bayern für Kurpfalz. Umschrift: MONETA OP(p)IDI IN HOIESTEN
- Quelle: German Wikipedia, original upload 01. Jan 2003 by Saharadesertfox (selfmade with Sony DSC-W1 in Feb 2005)
[edit] Licensing
This image has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain by its author, Saharadesertfox at the german Wikipedia project. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible:
Saharadesertfox grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
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