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Qrack is a Quake engine released as of December 2005. This engine combines the likes of JoeQuake, FuhQuake, and ProQuake to provide a unique Quake client. This engine stays very close to the original Quake engine, but improves many aspects with regard to eye candy.
Some of the new features include support for new textures, Quake III Arena style particle effects (explosions & weapon effects & blood), built in name maker, advanced demo playback capabilities, server browser, colored lighting, ProQuake features, and much more. Unlike other Quake engines released, Qrack is specifically built to improve the overall appearance and use of the game, but maintain the ability to play competitvely in multiplayer games. Coupled with new models, the Quake Retexturing Project textures, and woods' Threewave CTF Retexture Pak, Quake looks very up to date with the advanced multiplayer games released as of 2005.
[edit] External links
- Homepage
- QuakeOne.com: Quake 1 Resurrection Quake online player community