Raimo Tuomainen
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Raimo Sakari Tuomainen (born 25 November 1957 in Nilsiä, Finland) is a Finnish health sociologist and one of the authorities in so called Kuopio discipline, which emphasizes the need to control the expansion of medicalization in Western countries. His publications deal also with religion, science, demography and health care administration. He works at Kuopio University Hospital.
Tuomainen has a political career, too. He belongs to the executive committee of Finnish Green League. His ideological interests are especially in social ethics and social fairness. He underlines the meaning of social climate in human being's welfare. Tuomainen has presented the term ”green feminism”, which means that people should get rid of strict male and female roles and the society should purposefully promote that.
Tuomainen has published some poetry and is a juryman of long standing in Finnish judicial system.
Tuomainen is married to Minna Tuomainen and has five children.
[edit] Sources
- http://www.raimotuomainen.net/
- http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raimo_Tuomainen
- http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/tsph/health/society/medicalisation.html Public site concerning medicalization (by Markku Myllykangas and Raimo Tuomainen, Kuopio, Finland)