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Oops, guess I didn't really have to worry about making room for the discussion page to be moved, too. Oh well, it has one now. -- John Owens 05:56 Apr 17, 2003 (UTC)
Instead of an (ageist) article about what raving means to ravers, I think it would make sense if this article were written more objectively and broken down into History, Philosophy, Subcultures, Music, Drugs, etc... subsections. The current article lacks structure, imo -- Tlotoxl 08:09, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)
- Agreed, it probably does need a rewrite, but I'm going to start by de-bolding all except the main terms in the article. --Lexor 19:29, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)
this article was added in 2003 and looks as though it was written by a "pure raver" as they call it. I have been in the scene for 13 years and never heard "pure raver" or having a thing be "rave" or have "raviness". this article along with others definately need cleaning up.
Someone has posted "This article should be merged with raver." ... I do feel that both have elements of one another but much of wikipedia is like that - please specifiy. "Raver" is an individual and a memeber of a culture while "Rave Party" is, in my view, separate. Especially in areas where Raves no longer occur and a raver is most certainly not merely an attendee of Raves. The topics should no more be integrated than Hippie with Greatful Dead. Forkbat