RDI en direct
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Mondays through Fridays, RDI en direct consists of 12 hours of continuous news, directly from the site of the developing story, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET. On weekdays, Michel Viens is at the helm in the morning (until 11:00 a.m.), followed by Simon Durivage. Michel Viens will also present a new edition of the Téléjournal / Matin from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. ET. Both anchors will be assisted by a solid team of co-anchors throughout the country, all working in accordance with the various time zones or as headlines demand coverage: Daniel Poirier for Atlantic Canada, France Beaudoin for Québec and the regions, Marie-Josée Bouchard for the greater Montreal region, Daniel Bouchard for Ontario and Marc-André Masson for Western Canada and the Territories. Furthermore, a daily report from Parliament Hill in Ottawa and the Parliament buildings in Quebec City will air in the last hours of RDI en direct. From Friday to Sunday, Louis Lemieux takes the desk over each morning, while afternoon news are anchored by Christine Fournier.