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[edit] Main Title Thingy
Blarg, says I. This is the beginning of an actual Thing. This be only a test.
[edit] Main Introductory Point
Ten years ago, Chrono Trigger was released. MST3K was in it's shortened 7th season. The Internet was discovered.
By now many things have changed. There's an entire psychedelic experience all jammed into a billion or so neurons, some of which I hope gets imparted into this electronic thinking box in the not-to-distant future.
"What was shall be, what is shall be no more. Now is the season of evil."
Warning! The master wouldn't approve!
This page may contain strong opinions and is brought to you by the letter H.
"As the most recent Sonic games are assumed to be taking place on Earth, as per traditional Japanese canon, Mobius has, in recent years, begun to adopt a slightly different and more abstract meaning for many Sonic fans, as despite whatever world Sonic may officially reside, Mobius is sometimes used to refer to the aesthetically-bound and all-encompassing universe of Sonic the Hedgehog, understood by some to be a purely emotional construct of each individual fan. Even many who adamantly adhere to the idea that Sonic the Hedgehog can be tied only to Earth have begun to accept Mobius as a term denoting "the special feeling we got when we first played the games in the early 1990's," as first quoted from an online exchange on the subject."