From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unverified phobias
- Ataxophobia — Fear of untidiness, disorder or chaos
- Cibophobia — Fear of or aversion to food; also sitiophobia, sitophobia
- Deipnophobia — Fear of dining and dinner conversations?
- Demophobia — Fear of crowds or mobs; also enochlophobia
- Iophobia — Fear of poison? or rust? or fear of muscular incoordination?
- Koniophobia — Fear of dust; also amathophobia
- Lockiophobia — Fear of childbirth; also parturiphobia
- Mageirocophobia — Fear of cooking?
- Musophobia — Fear of mice; also suriphobia
- Mysophobia — Fear of contamination or uncleanliness; also misophobia
- Neopharmaphobia — Fear of new drugs?
- Pediculophobia — Fear of lice; also phthiriophobia
- Pellagrophobia — Fear of pellagra?
- Pocrescophobia — Fear of gaining weight; also obesophobia
- Scoptophobia — Fear of being looked at or stared at; also scopophobia
- Sitiophobia — Fear of or aversion to food; also sitophobia, cibophobia
- Tonitrophobia — Fear of thunder; also ceraunophobia
Phobias from List of diseases (English Wikipedia)
- Ablutophobia
- Acarophobia
- Acrophobia
- Agoraphobia
- Aichmophobia
- Allodoxaphobia — Fear of opinions
- Amathophobia — Fear of dust; also koniophobia
- Amaxophobia — Fear of riding in a vehicle
- Ambulophobia — Fear of walking
- Amychophobia — Fear of being scratched
- Anablephobia — Fear of looking up
- Anthophobia
- Antlophobia — Fear of floods, flooding
- Apiphobia
- Asthenophobia
- Ataxiophobia — Fear of muscular incoordination
- Atychiphobia
- Automysophobia
- Ballistophobia — Fear of being shot; fear of missiles or projectiles
- Bathophobia
- Batrachophobia
- Bibliophobia
- Bromidrosiphobia
- Cacophobia
- Carcinophobia
- Cardiophobia
- Carnophobia — Fear of meat
- Catagelophobia — Fear of being ridiculed
- Catapedaphobia — Fear of jumping
- Ceraunophobia — Fear of thunder; also tonitrophobia
- Chemophobia — Fear of chemicals
- Chionophobia
- Chiraptophobia — Fear of being touched
- Chirophobia — Fear of hands
- Cholerophobia — Fear of anger
- Chorophobia — Fear of dancing
- Chromophobia
- Chronomentrophobia — Fear of clocks
- Cleisiophobia — Fear of being locked in
- Climacophobia
- Clinophobia
- Coprastasophobia — Fear of constipation
- Coprophobia
- Cryophobia
- Crystallophobia
- Deipnophobia
- Dementophobia
- Demonophobia — Fear of demons
- Dendrophobia
- Dentophobia
- Dermatophobia — Fear of skin lesions; fear of getting a skin disease
- Dinophobia — Fear of dizziness
- Diplophobia — Fear of double vision
- Dipsophobia
- Doraphobia
- Dysmorphophobia
- Dystychiphobia — Fear of accidents
- Eisoptrophobia
- Electrophobia
- Emetophobia
- Enetophobia
- Enochlophobia — Fear of crowds or mobs; also demophobia
- Eosophobia
- Epistaxiophobia
- Equinophobia
- Ereuthrophobia — Fear of blushing
- Ergophobia
- Euphobia
- Frigophobia — Fear of cold or cold things
- Geliphobia — Fear of laughter
- Geniophobia — Fear of chins
- Genuphobia — Fear of knees or kneeling
- Glossophobia
- Gymnophobia
- Harpaxophobia
- Heliophobia
- Hemophobia
- Herpetophobia
- Heterophobia
- Hodophobia
- Hydrophobia
- Ichthyophobia
- Illyngophobia — Fear of vertigo
- Iophobia
- Kathisophobia — Fear of sitting down
- Lachanophobia — Fear of vegetables
- Leprophobia
- Leukophobia — Fear of the color white
- Ligyrophobia
- Limnophobia
- Linonophobia
- Liticaphobia
- Luiphobia — Fear of syphilis
- Lygophobia
- Mageirocophobia
- Mastigophobia
- Melophobia
- Menophobia — Fear of menstruation
- Metathesiophobia — Fear of changes
- Microphobia
- Misophobia — Fear of contamination or uncleanliness; also mysophobia
- Mycophobia
- Necrophobia
- Neopharmaphobia
- Neophobia
- Nosocomephobia — Fear of hospitals
- Nosophobia
- Nyctophobia
- Obesophobia — Fear of gaining weight; also pocrescophobia
- Odontophobia
- Odynophobia
- Oikophobia
- Olfactophobia
- Ombrophobia — Fear of rain
- Oneirophobia — Fear of dreams
- Ophthalmophobia — Fear of being stared at
- Panophobia
- Panthophobia
- Parasitophobia
- Parturiphobia — Fear of childbirth; also lockiophobia
- Pathophobia
- Pellagrophobia
- Phalacrophobia — Fear of becoming bald
- Pharmacophobia
- Photoaugliaphobia — Fear of glaring lights
- Phthiriophobia — Fear of lice; also pediculophobia
- Poliosophobia — Fear of contracting poliomyelitis
- Potophobia
- Psellismophobia — Fear of stuttering
- Pteromerhanophobia — Fear of flying
- Pupaphobia — Fear of puppets
- Pyrexiophobia
- Pyrophobia
- Radiophobia
- Rectophobia — Fear of rectum or rectal diseases
- Rhypophobia — Fear of dirt; also rupophobia
- Rhytiphobia — Fear of defecation
- Rupophobia — Fear of dirt; also rhypophobia
- Scabiophobia
- Sciophobia
- Scoleciphobia — Fear of worms
- Scopophobia — Fear of being looked at or stared at; also scoptophobia
- Scotomaphobia — Fear of blindness in visual field
- Selachophobia
- Selenophobia — Fear of the moon
- Seplophobia
- Sinistrophobia
- Sitophobia — Fear of or aversion to food; also sitiophobia, cibophobia
- Sociophobia
- Somniphobia
- Sophophobia — Fear of learning
- Stenophobia — Fear of narrow things or places
- Suriphobia — Fear of mice; also musophobia
- Teratophobia
- Tetanophobia — Fear of tetanus
- Thaasophobia — Fear of sitting or being idle
- Thalassophobia
- Thanatophobia
- Topophobia
- Traumatophobia
- Tremophobia — Fear of trembling
- Trichopathophobia — Fear of diseases affecting the hair; also trichophobia, hypertrichophobia
- Tropophobia
- Trypanophobia
- Tuberculophobia — Fear of tuberculosis
- Vaccinophobia
- Verminiphobia — Fear of germs
- Xanthophobia
- Xenoglossophobia — Fear of foreign languages
- Xenophobia
- Xerophobia — Fear of dryness
- Xylophobia