Riffle-pool sequence
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In a flowing stream a riffle-pool sequence develops as an area of alternating areas of relatively shallow and deeper water. Riffles describe shallow water where the flow is rippling over gravel deposits whereas pools are deeper and calmer areas. Riffle-pool sequences develop in a stream carrying gravel or coaser sediments. Streams with only sand or silt laden beds do not develop the feature. The sequence within a streambed commonly occurs at intervals of from 5 to 7 stream widths. Meandering streams with relatively coarse bed load tend to develop a riffle-pool sequence with pools in the outsides of the bends and riffles in the crossovers between one meander to the next on the opposite margin of the stream. The pools are areas of active erosion and the material eroded tends to be deposited in the riffle area between.
[edit] References
- Flow in Natural Streams, Federal Highway Administration
- Channel types in Ritter, Michael E. (2006) The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography