Robert A. Heinlein bibliography
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The science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) was productive during a writing career that spanned the last 49 years of his life and thus the Robert A. Heinlein bibliography includes 32 novels, 59 short stories and 16 collections published during his life. Four films, two TV series, several episodes of a radio series, and a board game derive more or less directly from his work. He wrote a screenplay for one of the films. Heinlein edited an anthology of other writers' SF short stories.
Three non-fiction books and two poems have been published posthumously. One novel has been published posthumously and another, an unusual collaboration, was published in 2006. Four collections have been published posthumously.
Jack Woodford's books on writing and getting published were important to Heinlein's early career.
Heinlein's fictional works can be found in the library under Library of Congress PS3515.E288, or under Dewey 813.54. Known pseudonyms include Anson MacDonald (4 times), Lyle Monroe (7), John Riverside (1), Caleb Saunders (1), and Simon York (1).
Contents |
[edit] Novels
Novels marked with an asterisk * are generally considered juvenile novels, although some works defy easy categorization.
[edit] Early Heinlein novels
- For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs, 1939, published posthumously 2003
- Beyond This Horizon, 1942
- Rocket Ship Galileo, 1947 *
- Space Cadet, 1948 *
- Red Planet, 1949 *
- Sixth Column, serialized 1941, book form 1949 (also published as The Day After Tomorrow)
- Farmer in the Sky, 1950 (Retro Hugo Award, 1951) *
- Between Planets, 1951 *
- The Puppet Masters, 1951, re-published posthumously with excisions restored, 1990
- The Rolling Stones aka Space Family Stone, 1952 *
- Starman Jones, 1953 *
- The Star Beast, 1954 *
- Tunnel in the Sky, 1955 *
- Variable Star, posthumously with Spider Robinson (1955, 2006)
- Double Star, 1956 (Hugo Award, 1956)
- Time for the Stars, 1956 *
- Citizen of the Galaxy, 1957 *
- The Door into Summer, 1957
- Have Space Suit—Will Travel, 1958 *
- Methuselah's Children, 1958 (originally a serialized short story in 1941)
- Starship Troopers, 1959 (Hugo Award, 1960) *
[edit] Mature Heinlein novels
- Stranger in a Strange Land, 1961 (Hugo Award, 1962), republished at the original greater length in 1991
- Podkayne of Mars, 1963 *
- Glory Road, 1963
- Farnham's Freehold, 1965
- The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, 1966 (Hugo Award, 1967)
- I Will Fear No Evil, 1970
- Time Enough for Love, 1973
[edit] Late Heinlein novels
- The Number of the Beast, 1980
- Friday, 1982
- Job: A Comedy of Justice, 1984
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, 1985
- To Sail Beyond the Sunset, 1987
[edit] Short fiction
[edit] "Future History" short fiction
- "Life-Line", 1939
- "Misfit", 1939
- "The Roads Must Roll", 1940
- "Requiem", 1940
- ""If This Goes On—"", 1940
- "Coventry", 1940
- "Blowups Happen", 1940
- "Universe", 1941
- ""—We Also Walk Dogs"", 1941
- "Common Sense", 1941
- "Methuselah's Children", 1941 (lengthened and published as a novel, 1958)
- "Logic of Empire", 1941
- "Space Jockey", 1947
- ""It's Great to Be Back!"", 1947
- "The Green Hills of Earth", 1947
- "Ordeal in Space", 1948
- "The Long Watch", 1948
- "Gentlemen, Be Seated!", 1948
- "The Black Pits of Luna", 1948
- "Delilah and the Space Rigger", 1949
- "The Man Who Sold the Moon", 1951, Retro Hugo Award
- "The Menace From Earth", 1957
- "Searchlight", 1962
[edit] Other short speculative fiction
- "Magic, Inc.", originally magazine title "The Devil Makes the Law" (changed by the editor because the lead story of the preceding issue had "magic" in the title), 1940
- "Solution Unsatisfactory", as Anson MacDonald, 1940
- "Let There Be Light", as Lyle Monroe, 1940
- "Successful Operation" ("Heil!", as Lyle Monroe), 1940
- "They", 1941
- ""—And He Built a Crooked House—"", 1941
- "By His Bootstraps", as Anson MacDonald, 1941
- "Lost Legacy" ("Lost Legion", as Lyle Monroe), 1941
- "Elsewhen", ("Elsewhere", as Caleb Saunders), 1941
- "Beyond Doubt", as Lyle Monroe, with Elma Wentz, 1941
- "The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag", 1942
- "Waldo", as Anson MacDonald, 1942
- ""My Object All Sublime"", as Lyle Monroe, 1942
- "Goldfish Bowl", as Anson MacDonald, 1942
- "Pied Piper", as Lyle Monroe, 1942
- "Free Men", written 1946, published 1966
- "Jerry Was a Man", 1947
- "Columbus Was a Dope", as Lyle Monroe, 1947
- "On the Slopes of Vesuvius", 1947
- "Our Fair City", 1948
- "Gulf", 1949
- "Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon", 1949
- "Destination Moon", 1950.
- "The Year of the Jackpot", 1952
- "Project Nightmare", 1953
- "Sky Lift", 1953
- "Tenderfoot in Space", 1956, serialized 1958
- "The Man Who Traveled in Elephants" (also as "The Elephant Circuit"), 1957
- ""—All You Zombies—"", 1959
[edit] Other short fiction
- "A Bathroom of Her Own", 1946
- "Dance Session", love poem, 1946
- "The Witch's Daughters", poem, 1946
- "Water is for Washing", 1947
- "They Do It with Mirrors (Heinlein)", as Simon York, 1947
- "Poor Daddy", 1949
- "Cliff and the Calories", 1950
- "The Bulletin Board", 1951
[edit] Collections
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, 1950
- Waldo & Magic, Inc., 1950
- The Green Hills of Earth, 1951
- Orphans of the Sky, 1951: Universe and Commonsense
- Assignment in Eternity, 1953
- Revolt in 2100, 1953
- The Robert Heinlein Omnibus, 1958
- The Menace From Earth, 1959
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag (also as 6 X H), 1959
- Three by Heinlein, 1965
- A Robert Heinlein Omnibus, 1966
- The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein, 1966
- The Past Through Tomorrow, 1967
- The Best of Robert A. Heinlein, 1973
- Expanded Universe, 1980
- A Heinlein Trio, (Doubleday), 1980: The Puppet Masters, Double Star, and The Door Into Summer
- The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein, 1999
- Infinite Possibilities, 2003: Tunnel in the Sky, Time for the Stars, and Citizen of the Galaxy
- To the Stars, 2004: Between Planets, The Rolling Stones, Starman Jones, and The Star Beast
- Off the Main Sequence, 2005: short stories including three never before collected.
- Four Frontiers, 2005: Rocket Ship Galileo, Space Cadet, Red Planet, and Farmer in the Sky
- Outward Bound, 2006: Have Space Suit—Will Travel, Starship Troopers, Podkayne of Mars
[edit] Foreword
- Tomorrow, the Stars, 1952, anthology of stories by 14 authors selected by Frederick Pohl and Judith Merril, foreword by Heinlein who got his name on the cover.
[edit] Nonfiction
- No Bands Playing, No Flags Flying, written 1947, published 1973
- Two articles for Encyclopædia Britannica on Paul Dirac and antimatter, and on blood chemistry.
- Grumbles from the Grave, 1989 (posthumously)
- Take Back Your Government: A Practical Handbook for the Private Citizen, 1992
- Tramp Royale, 1992
[edit] Filmography
- Destination Moon (story (from the book Rocket Ship Galileo), screenplay, technical advisor), 1950 IMDb (Retro Hugo Award, 1951)
- Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, 1950, (from the book Space Cadet) IMDb
- Project Moonbase, 1953 IMDb
- The Brain Eaters, 1959, (from the book The Puppet Masters, uncredited, sued by Heinlein) IMDb
- Uchu no Senshi (Japanese) (TV Series based on Starship Troopers) (1988) ANN
- Red Planet, TV mini-series (from the book), 1994 IMDb
- The Puppet Masters (film), film (from the book), 1994 IMDb
- Starship Troopers, film loosely based on the book, 1997 IMDb
- Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles, TV series (based on the movie, which was loosely based on the book Starship Troopers), 1999 IMDb
- (as yet untitled, from the book The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, in pre-production) [3]
[edit] Spinoffs
- The Notebooks of Lazarus Long, illuminated by D.F Vassallo, 1978
- New Destinies, Vol. VI/Winter 1988 — Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Issue, 1988
- Fate's Trick by Matt Costello, 1988, a "game book" inspired by Glory Road
- Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master, 1992
- Starship Troopers (board game), by Avalon Hill, 1976 and 1997
- Dimension X, science fiction radio programs in 1950-1951. Among other writers, episodes were based on Heinlein's Destination Moon (film) (ep. 12), The Green Hills of Earth (ep. 10), Requiem, The Roads Must Roll, and Universe.
- X Minus One, radio series in 1955-1958: Universe
- Language arts materials for teachers based on Heinlein's works, in support of World Space Week, 2005.
[edit] Notes
- ↑
- ↑ Encyclopædia Britannica articles: on Paul Dirac and antimatter, and on blood chemistry. A version of the former, titled "Paul Dirac, Antimatter, and You," was published in the anthology Expanded Universe, and demonstrates both Heinlein's skill as a popularizer and his lack of depth in physics; an afterword gives a normalization equation and presents it, incorrectly as being the Dirac equation.
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
- The Heinlein Society and their FAQ.
- Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award
- Robert A. Heinlein, Grandmaster of Science Fiction
- Internet Book Database of Fiction bibliography
- Good bibliography, essays, news, links, etc.
- Robert A. Heinlein at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Illustrated list of Heinlein fiction
- Heinlein Audiobook List
- Heinlein Concordance