Robert Eyres Landor
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Robert Eyres Landor (1781 – 1869) was an English writer, dramatist, poet, and Anglican clergyman. He was the brother of Walter Savage Landor, and somewhat reticent about claiming credit for his own work (the drama The Count Arezzi of 1824 was at the time attributed to Byron and the story The Fawn of Sertorius (1846) to Walter). Landor is also said to have tried to destroy copies of the dramas The Earl of Brecon, Faiths Fraud and The Ferryman from 1841.
Other works were Guy's Porridge Pot (1808), The Impious Feast. A Poem in ten books (1828), and The Fountain of Arethusa (1848).
[edit] Reference
Robert Eyres Landor: Selections from his poetry and prose with an introduction biographical & critical by Eric Partridge, The Fanfrolico Press, 1927, and later reprints.