Talk:Rocko's Modern Life
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[edit] Some uncategorized talk
I think the section about refrences to sponebeb should be cleaned up as some of the info has nothing to do ith spongebob. (i would do it myslef but i dont consider myself informed enough about either cartoon to make clear distinctions that may not be obvious to an unfamillliar person)
I'd rather you told us who it was made by (and is there any connnection with Ren and Stimpy, than obsessively list all the episodes and minor characters! -- Tarquin 20:36, 10 Apr 2004 (UTC)
- I think you were trying to say Ren and Stimpy? And besides, someone who doesn't know much more than the name "Rocko's Modern Life" would likely want to know who the characters were. --Sparky the Seventh Chaos 06:57, Jun 21, 2004 (UTC)
I'd like to know where Spunky's breed was ever mentioned. --Sparky the Seventh Chaos 06:53, Jun 21, 2004 (UTC)
- Nowhere. Spunky just looks like a whippet.—Boarder8925 00:58, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)
- Disclaimer: I did not put in anything about Spunky's being or looking like a whippet.—Boarder8925 20:54, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)
err About the whole whippet mess, in 'Who gives a buck?', the owner of the dog bowl shop said 'What a cute little mutt... Is that a whippet?' but Rocko never really replied.. he just said that his name was spunky. So i guess it's too vague to really tell.--Wallaby 05:26, 17 July 2005 (UTC)
Spunky is more likely an Australian Cattle Dog than a whippet. It would make more sense, given Rocko's history. 00:01, 11 September 2006 (UTC)
What the hell is with that gratuitous crap about hutchinson having sex? I'm removing it...
Good idea. This is rated G, not R.
- Yah! It was Heffer egg-sitting. Besides, Filb is Hutch's man, y'know. Kay? WizardDuck 00:44, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
Just a quick question: I always thought Rocko was from New Zealand - or is my memory just playing tricks on me again? Le Hibou 00:47, 3 September 2005 (UTC)
No, Rocko's a wallaby. Wallabies are found mostly in Australia, hence the light accent.
It says on his site that Rocko's birthday was in January 20, 1988. If this was true (which I doubt it is, considering this is a cartoon), then Rocko would be 5 years old in the season premiere. I think a more reasonable birthday would be January 20, 1968, making him 25 years old in Season 1. Of course, this is just a cartoon.
- Wallabies mature pretty quickly, don't they? Filburt's a turtle, so he'd follow more or less human aging, but the others would presumably grow up fast. Not sure, though. Again, just a cartoon.
[edit] I See London, I See France
Has anyone else noticed, in this episode, that the drivers are on the left side, and they drive on the right side, like in AMERICA?
[edit] Philbert Robert Norbert Wilbert Turtle III
Re:'s 01:03, 1 October 2005 edit
There are no google results for "Rocko James Wallabee". Also none for "Philbert Robert Norbert Wilbert Turtle III", or even "Robert Norbert Wilbert Turtle", unlike the many for "Filburt Shellbach". Which episodes do they come from? --TransUtopian 07:16, 3 October 2005 (UTC)
- I also would like to know where the full character names have come from. I've been a long time fan of the show and never heard of these names. --Rocko823 04:53, 17 October 2005 (UTC)
- I agree, never have I heard these names and iv seen every aired episode. --Azslande 23:03, 3 December 2005 (UTC)
- I believe Rocko is just known as Rocko. I dont have any clue on Filburt's full name, but I'm sure it wouldnt be P.R.N.W.T.III. I haven't seen ALL of Rocko(but I did see most), only the ones that aired on Nicktoons TV, and I still would think the fancy names would be just lies. --RandomOrca2 16:40, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
- I've never seen those names mentioned either, including by Nickelodeon itself. They just refer to Rocko as "Rocko" and Filbert/Filburt(depending on the source) as "Filbert Shellbach/Filburt Shellbach". TJ Spyke 17:31, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
- - Hot Topic seems to reveal the full name. WhisperToMe 05:53, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Human Character
At the end of "A Short Story," there is a human character. He says to Rocko something along the lines of, "you're off character, kangaroo boy." Who was this?
the creator, Joe Murray. --Wallaby 06:22, 26 October 2005 (UTC)
Maybe we could add that as a peice of trivia. -- 13:04, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Favorite Theme Song
I liked the first season's theme song MUCH better than the current one. The first one sounded like something you might hear on a sitcom of that era. What do you think?
- I like the themesong as well. However, it is not mentioned who sings it. I am fairly sure it is the B-52's, but im not 100%. I'll leave this open for discussion before I do anything. Godlord2 02:04, 18 November 2005 (UTC)
I'm talking about the first season's theme song, not the one from the 2nd season. The 2nd theme was sung by the B-52's.
- Yeah, I've been wondering about who performed the first season's theme song myself. I liked that one much better...just so "fresh" sounding. If anyone finds it, it will solve one of the unsolved mysteries of my life. :)
[edit] Sexual Content Section
I don't believe this section belongs in the article, it depicts the show in a very negative light that could be considered borderline vandalism. It is noted earlier that the show was notrious for it's double entardes. Perhaps if a few examples from that section are moved to that part of the article, and the rest of the section be deleted. Sorry, I just don't think this section belongs in the article. Protozoic Waste
Don't worry. The page has just been protected, blocking anyone from adding the "Sexual Content" Section again!
[edit] I reattached the sexual content section
Because it was interesting. And I didn't see anything trollish about it.
If it is false then remove it but I didn't see anyone call it false.--Capsela 16:55, 29 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Given a Warning
I have just been recently accused of vandalism because I deleted the Sexual content section. Could someone just get rid of it and NEVER return IT???!!!
No, the sexual innuendos were one of the biggest parts of the show.--Ecwnet 04:14, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
I agree with Ecwnet, the innuendos existed, you can't just pretend they didn't. ReverendG 06:05, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Cultural References section
If that section is a list of subtle sexual references in "Rocko", how come it is called "Cutural References"? Also, I agree with Waste that sections in this article, carrying a list of sexual innuendos from Rocko, are effecting those who haven't seen the show negatively! The sexual innuendos should either be moved to their own page (in case users want to add adult content on THIS article) or deleted entirely! -- 14:58, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
- Apparently, Wikipedians ARE idiots because they don't get rid of certain sections in articles like this! 19:55, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Wikipedia is not censored also, please be civil--Jersey Devil 07:57, 25 February 2006 (UTC)
I don't think it should be deleted, but I think it's been blown WAY out of proportion- it takes up almost half the article.
Maybe we should give it it's own page. 21:20, 26 March 2006 (UTC)
Don't worry. I gave it it's own page. Anybody who wants to add any innuendos to the list must put it on the relevant page. --Mikejacoby13 11:28, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] michigan and canada?
it says o-town is located between michigan and canada? i've never heard this on any episode and i've seen them all a million times each. --Phil 09:42, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
I'd like to know where this info came from too, I don't remember them ever saying it was located between Michigan and Canada. TJ Spyke 17:17, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
It can be seen in the first part of "I Have No Son", when the bus goes to Holl-o-wood. Look carefully at the map.
[edit] The Shining
In one episode in which Heffer becomes a security guard, there are many references to "The Shining", perhaps somone should add this in?
[edit] Heffer's Jobs
In one episode, the one where Bighead plays golf vs. Dupett, dosen't Heffer work for the golf course?
Teed Off Rlk89 01:42, 12 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Some thoughts on the article
First, let me shed some light on the comments made earlier on the talk page about the list of sexual references made on the show: First of all, Rocko's Modern Life was never intended as a kids' show. It was put on a kids' network. There's a difference. The fact that this aired on Nickelodeon was the only reason that it (and Ren & Stimpy) were considered to be childrens' programming. But that doesn't make it so.
As for the current state of the article: no citations or references are given. This article needs some footnotes giving the sources of certain bits of information. Sources that should be used include valid websites featuring content related to the program, and any books about modern animation. Try to clean this article up as much as you can in order to make it look encyclopedic. This is Wikipedia, not a fan site. (Ibaranoff24 00:58, 25 April 2006 (UTC))
[edit] Heffer's Jobs
In the episode where Ed Bighead is playing golf against Mr. Dupett, isn't Heffer one of the workers at the golf course? I seem to remember him throwing the golf ball into the 18th hole for Bighead.
[edit] PCP's
The correct abbreviation used by the customer is PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyl), referring to an organic pollutant sometimes found in high quantities in fish. The reference is thus innocuous and, unfortunately, not in the same subversive vein as the previous references. Aren't some critics/fans just desperate to find some hidden meaning that would elevate this...rather odd cartoon to a cultural icon/cult favourite? Just a thought. I would love a reply to this. And isn't there a fitting place for "corrections" on some of these alluded-to references? H, June 2006
This show is already a "cult favorite", I guess some people are simply bad at deciphering words. (pcb sounds alot like pcp when said quickly) I understand your argument, some do get carried away with the sexual/sadistic references. (though the majority of them are undeniably valid). But hey, that's what makes this show truly unique, there's no shame in looking for them! 17:31, 29 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Acording to Nick and Other Offical Sorces
Thare names are Rocko and FilburtRlk89 18:27, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] spunky
Shouldn't the name of rocko's dog be in the innuendo section? spunk - sperm
- Actually, his dog's name was "Spunky", which is not an innuendo. TJ Spyke 21:28, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] irony and innuendo...
this is just a note because of a reversion i made. It was in refernce to whether Heffer correcting people that he wasn't a cow, but a steer was irony or innuendo. Carefully reading a dictionary or even the wikipedia entries, it's easy to determine that since no allusions are made this is not innuendo, and since Heffer is meaning to say he's male (b/c he's not a cow) but what we are actually understanding is that he's not "really" all that male is why it's ironic. okie.... that was a fun lesson wasn't it? -Zappernapper 05:10, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] What do these have to do with anything?
From the Cultural references and innuendo section... ▪ In Skid Marks, an eye doctor cups Rocko's eyeballs and asks, "cough, please." What does this have to do with anything? It seems to be a reference neither to Culture nor innuendo, but, if it is, please elaborate. -- 05:16, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
- It is a reference to a Inguinal_hernia test: The doctor inspects the groin (including holding the testes) while having the man cough.
- --Jaberwockynmt 19:01, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Controversy
Should the article really be called "Controversy"? While some of the innuendos were controversial, many of them were kept and left unedited.- Lord Lonic
[edit] Integration of Trivia
It's a fine idea, but you can't just integrate less than half of them; at least not until everyone comes to a consensus as to what is most important. SousaFan88 03:07, 25 September 2006 (UTC)
- Are you referring to the integration that occurred two weeks ago, and only left one trivia item? If so, I'm not sure I'm seeing your point. -Shannernanner 07:03, 25 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Playslug
Why Did Joe Make a parody of Playboy?
Comedy. He believed it would make it funny. There is a problem with it? --esanchez, Camp Lazlo fan! 01:46, 24 October 2006 (UTC)
Well it's Wrong.He showed a slug with big breast
Well one, in many cartoons, female characters have breasts. So, through logic means. Second, it's for comedy means. Either way, the cartoon showed various characters with explicit content like the nudist party (censorship on the naked woman) and also, a scene wehere Rocko fell on a woman's breasts. So, comedy! It's a genius idea! --esanchez, Camp Lazlo fan! 23:05, 26 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] O-Town
I think O-Town should have it's own article. does anyone agree with me?
--JP 21:28, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Trivia
- This should be incorporated into the article per WP:TRIV John Reaves 00:44, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Trivia
- In 1994, the UK's Channel 4 picked up Rocko's Modern Life and showed it in an early evening slot, as opposed to putting it with other children's programmes. This wasn't a wholly new Idea, as BBC2 had already been broadcasting Ren & Stimpy in such a slot.
- The show's theme song was later performed by the B-52's during season 2 and beyond.
[edit] Heffer has an accent?
I'm watching an episode on youtube and Heff seems to have a slight Canadian accent. Am I just imagining this?Breezy hwesta 19:30, 31 December 2006 (UTC)
Which episode?
[edit] Trivia
I don't think I've ever posted on a talk page, so I'm pretty sure I'm doing this wrong :( . Anyway, I only wanted to say, PLEASE, bring the "Controversy" part back. That had a lot of great information for the fans, and anyone who wanted to know more about the series. If you don't want to put it in the same article, do one article only for that or something, but having that great information you should put it somewhere. Ikary.
[edit] pot ash
in one episode heffer mentions pot ash in a list of ingredeints. crazy. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 22:09, 18 February 2007 (UTC).
[edit] I get why the sexual innuendo section is gone
Ok, not really. Kinda seems pointless to me, but I seem to remember a Pop culture reference section what happened to that? That made sence....just like the sexual innudeno section made sence. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 11:55, 4 March 2007 (UTC).
[edit] You can't pretend the innuendo didn't happen
Like someone said above, it was a huge part of the show and it added alot to the humor. Why is this section gone? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Lordbob70 (talk • contribs) 17:17, 6 March 2007 (UTC).
You really can't and it was (to me) a stupid idea trying to ignore them. So I remade the Cultural References and Innudendo page. It may need a little work, but at least the article is now somewhat complete again. TheUltimate3
[edit] List of Rocko's Modern Life characters
I made a new page: List of Rocko's Modern Life characters to list the characters. It was taking up almost 3/4 of the article and looked like a single long paragraph. I made some changes to the list as well, most notably more space between the paragraphs. Head on over and check it out. Jynx980 12:58, 14 March 2007 (UTC)