Rod Morgan
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Professor Rod Morgan was the chair of the Youth Justice Board in England and Wales from April 2004 until his resignation in January 2007. He succeeded Sir Charles Pollard.
He was formerly HM Chief Inspector of Probation for England and Wales, a post he took up in August 2001. Before that he was Professor of Criminal Justice in the faculty of law at the University of Bristol, where he remains Professor Emeritus.
Morgan is the author of many books and articles on aspects of policing, criminal justice and penal policy and, during his academic career, he led many empirical research studies on these topics. For over twenty years, he was a lay magistrate, chairman of a youth court and a member of an independent monitoring board for a remand centre. He has been a member of a police authority and the Parole Board. He has chaired a district council crime and disorder partnership and Bristol's Race Equality Council Criminal Justice Committee. He has also served on many working parties and committees, official and unofficial, on aspects of criminal justice, and he acts as advisor to several grant-giving and voluntary bodies working in the same field.
He has long served as an expert advisor to the Council of Europe and Amnesty International on custodial conditions and process, and the prevention of torture – a topic on which he has written several books, including the Council of Europe's own guide to the Work of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture.
He is the co-editor of the principal text in the field of criminology in the UK, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (3rd Ed, OUP, 2002), and is currently preparing a similar text on probation policy, research and practice.
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