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[edit] Beginning
Rolphing is a comical style of speaking invented by Aaron Yonda, Brad Knight and Matt Sloan from Blamesocietyfilms
[edit] Rolphing
Rolphing involves 'Vomiting Words' and tricking your mind. To Rolph, one must clear their mind of thought and utter a random sound, from this sound they must make a word. Rolphing also emphasizes long and drawn-out words in a middle of a sentence. It can take time for someone to get used to Rolphing, but it usually results very comical sentences. Examples of Rolphing by Matt Sloan, Aaron Yonda, and Brad Knight:
Hey, get off my knoooob you taaaampooon. You make me feel like a g-, like a g-goat on-on a p-picnic. I'm gonna spackle you like a d-dreeeeamboat. I'd like a ba- a bone- a bologna s-salad. He is not a nine- a nine tailed le-lemur. My kitchen is a good place to buuummmmble a buuun.
[edit] Links
Youtube - Rolphing, why is it funny?
Rolphing can also be seen on the 'Fun Ranger' and 'Super Shooter' videos by Blamesocietyfilms at Youtube-Blamesocietyfilms