Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour
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Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour is a French musical based on William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, with music and lyrics by Gérard Presgurvic. Since its world premiere in Paris on January 19, 2001, the musical has been performed in Canada, Antwerp, London, Amsterdam, Budapest, Moscow, and Vienna. There are plans to stage it in Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
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[edit] Plot
The musical differs from Shakespeare's play: the original Elizabethan English text is hardly used, almost everyone is aware of the lovers' "secret" marriage, and the nature of the lovers' deaths is different, depending on the production. Lord Montague is only seen in the British production, and new characters such as Death (French, Belgian, Netherlands, and Moscow productions only) and the Poet (French production only) appear for dramatic effect. Lady Capulet has a greatly increased role, and is more often than not the voice of reason.
[edit] Songs
[edit] Act I
- Vérone/ Verona/ Verona/ Verona/ Verona/ Verona
- La Haine/ De Haat/ Born to Hate/ Gyülölet/ Vrazhda/ Der Hass
- Un Jour/ Ooit Komt/ All Days Are The Same Without Love/ Egy nap/ Predchustvie lubvi/ Einmal
- La Demande En Mariage/ Het Huwelijksaanzoek/ The Marriage Proposal/ Lánykérés/ Svatovstvo/ Der Heiratsantrag
- Tu Dois Te Marier/ Straks Ben Je Getrouwd/ You Must Marry/ Gondolj házasságra/ Ty dolzhna vyhti zamuzh/ Freu Dich auf die Hochzeit
- Les Rois du Monde/De Koningen/Kings of the World/Lehetsz király/Koroli nochnoj Verony/ Herrscher der Welt
- J’ai Peur/ 'K Ben Bang/ No English Version/ Mért fáj?/ Sud'ba/ Die Angst
- Bal Masqué 1/Het Bal 1/The Ball 1/A bál 1/Bal 1/ Ball 1
- L’amour Heureux/De Gelukkige Liefde/Born to Love/Vár reánk a mindenség/Ia i ty/ Liebesglück
- Bal Masqué 2/Het Bal 2/The Ball 2/A bál 2/Bal 2/ Ball 2
- C’est Pas Ma Faute/ Het Is Mijn Schuld Niet/ No English Version (replaced by "She Can't See Me") / Belém égett/ Maska mesti/ Ich bin schuldlos
- Le Poète
- Le Balcon/ Het Balkon/ Two Different Worlds/ Erkély duett/ Balkon/ Der Balkon
- Par Amour/ No Belgian Version/ All For Love/ Minden szerelem vak/ No Russian Version/ No Austrian Verion
- Les Beaux, Les Laids /Mooi Zijn of Lelijk Zijn/ Ugly or Beautiful/ Hahaha/ Krasavcy i urody/ Wir sind aus Fleisch und Blut
- Et Voila Qu’Elle Aime/Ze Houdt Zo Van Hem/And Now She's In Love/Szeme tüzben ég/Dva kryla lubvi/ Siehe da sie lebt
- Aimer/Liefde/These Are My Rivers/Szívböl szeretni/Blagoslovenie/ Liebe
[edit] Act II
- On Dit Dans la Rue/ Roddels In De Straat/ Word Is On The Street/ Azt beszélik itt/ Ty nas predal/ Habt ihr schön gehört
- C’est le Jour/ 'T Is De Dag/ It's Today/ Belém égett/ Probil chas/ Es wird Zeit
- Le Duel/ Het Duel/ Live/ Párbaj/ Duel/ Das Duell
- Mort de Mercutio/ Dood Van Mercutio/ Dying in the Dust/ Mercutio halála/ Smert' Mercutio/ Mercutio's Tod
- La Vengeance/ De Wraak/ Revenge/ A bosszú/ Kto vinovat?/ Die Rache
- Le Pouvoir/ No Belgian Version/ No British Version (Replaced by "Verona (Reprise)")/ No Hungarian Version/ Vlast'/ No Austrian Version
- Duo Du Désespoir/ Het Duo Van De Wanhoop/ Fools/ Oh, magas eg!/ Bog, pochemu?/ Die Verzweifelung
- Le Chant De L’Alouette/ Het Lied Van De Leeuwerik/ No Place Too Far/ Pacsirta/ Utro/ Der Gesang der Lerche
- Demain/ Je Hand/ He's Yours/ Holnap/ Projdiot lish noch odna/ Nicht lang
- Avoir Une Fille/ Dochter Van Mij/ She Came From Me/ No Hungarian Version/ Otec i doch/ Mein liebes Kind
- Sans Elle/ Voor Haar/ No British Version (replaced by "All Days are the Same Without Love (Reprise)")/ Angyal/ Angel v belom/ Ohne sie
- Le Poison/ Het Vergif/ No British Version/ A méreg/ Jad/ Das Gift
- Comment Lui Dire?/ Hoe Zeg Je Dan/ I Can't Do This/ Hogy mondjam el/ Kak mne skazat'/ Wie sag ich's ihm
- Mort de Roméo/ Dood Van Romeo/ God Knows Why/ Romeo búcsúja/ Smert' Romeo/ Romeos Tod
- La Mort de Juliette/ De Dood van Julia/ Where Rivers Keep Flowing/ Júlia búcsúja/ Smert' Djul'etty/ Julia's Tod
- J’Sais Plus/ Zo Moe/ Empty Sky/ Mit ér a hit?/ Gospod', prosti/ Warum
- Coupables/ Schuldig/ Guilty/ Bünösök/ Plachte/ Schuldig
[edit] Premier dates
- January 19th, 2001 (Paris, Palais des Congrès)
- June 18th, 2002 (Montreal, Théâtre St-Denis)
- September 22nd, 2002 (Antwerp, Stadsschouwburg Theatre)
- November 5th, 2002 (London, Piccadilly Theatre)
- January 27th, 2004 (Rotterdam, Nieuwe Luxor Theatre)
- January 23rd, 2004 (Budapest, Budapest Operetta Theatre)
- May 20th, 2004 (Moscow, Moscow Operetta Theatre)
- February 24th, 2005 (Vienna, Raimund Theatre)
- January 20th, 2007 (Seoul, Sejong Center)(till February 27th, 2007)
- March 10th, 2007 (Pusan, Civic Hall) (till March 21st, 2007)
- April 5th, 2007 (Taipei, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall)(up to April 21st, 2007)