Rudolf of Bruges
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Rudolf (Rudolph) of Bruges was a Flemish translator from Arabic active in the twelfth century[1]. He was a pupil of Hermann of Carinthia[2][3]. He is thought to have been a participant in the Toledo translation school[4]. He was an astronomer, and translated into Latin as Liber de compositione astrolabii a major work of Islamic science on the astrolabe, by Maslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti, [5], as well as a commentary on Ptolemy's Planisphaerium by the same author.[6]
[edit] Reference
- Richard Lorch, The Treatise on the Astrolabe by Rudolph of Bruges, in Between Demonstration and Imagination. Essays in the History of Science and Philosophy Presented to John D. North; edited by L. Nauta and A. Vanderjagt (1999)