User:Ryanasaurus007/Days of Our Lives alternate episodes
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Transcripts for Week 1, Season 40
Will: You're telling me mom is there? She's at the Halloween party at Alice's?
Lucas: Yeah, Grandma Kate talked her into going. Didn't you see her there?
Will: I must have already left. But we have to get back to that party.
Lucas: Why, buddy? What's wrong?
Will: [ Thinking ] what is he doing back in Salem? Aww, man, my mom can't know he's here. He can't see me. It will ruin everything between my mom and dad. Just trust me, Dad. Unless if you wanna blow our one chance of being a family, we have to get back to that party.
Man: The world is full of heartache full of trouble and despair i feel so much better knowing you are there
Kate: Eugenia, are you sure that that man that Sami’s dancing with is Brandon?
Eugenia: I'm positive. I picked the mask out myself. Aren't they perfect?
Kate: Oh, this whole thing is perfect. Now all we have to do is wait until Sami realizes that the man she's dancing with is Brandon, and it's only a matter of time before Lucas is free of that witch once and for all.
Man: I will save
a dance for you
for the rest of my life
I will save
a dance for you...
Sami: So, what are you doing here tonight?
Bonnie: Mickey! Oh, there you are! Oh, I was so worried you weren't gonna come.
Julie: This is a very, very difficult day for my uncle. I thought you would know that, Bonnie.
Mickey: See, Maggie died one year ago tonight.
Bonnie: Of course, sweetheart, I know that. In fact, I -- I lit a candle for her at St. Luke's earlier.
Mickey: Thank you.
Bonnie: I just thought the last place you should be tonight would be in that house alone -- where it happened.
Mickey: You couldn't be more right. It's very good for me to be out.
Bonnie: Besides, tonight's bash is for charity. I think we're gonna blow the roof off this place.
Mickey: Speaking of explosions, did you hear the news about that big volcano that's all set to go off and destroy an entire island in the Caribbean?
Bonnie: Yes, I did. Everybody's talking about that. It's terrible.
Julie: Thank God the island's uninhabited.
Mickey: Thank God is right, or everyone on it would've been killed.
Roman: All right, we gotta get the hell outta here.
Patrick: Let's go. We're running out time.
Roman: Come on, let's go.
Marlena: You're alive.
John: Of course. Should've known.
Tony: What, you're leaving my party so soon?
John: Why don't you give it up, pal? It's over.
Tony: Oh, I can’t. Not now. Not after I've come this far.
Bo: You guys get down to the rafts. Make sure the others get away as far as they can, okay?
John: Pretty sick man, Tony. I mean, all this for revenge -- some personal vendetta against what? Against me, the Brady’s, the Horton’s?
Tony: Revenge is only the icing on the cake. My real objective was far more ambitious -- a plan so heinous few would ever dream of it, let alone make it a reality. Isn't that right?
Bart: Absolutely, boss. You are the man. No doubt about it.
Bo: If we can keep this lunatic distracted, we can get the others away from the island. I don't know if we'll make it, though.
John: So, what's the master plan, Tony? And what do you hope to accomplish in the end?
Tony: I thought you'd never ask.
Roman: Well, tell us, Tony. We're just dying to know.
Tony: Well, that's an appropriate choice of words. And I'll be very glad to tell you. Then you can all go to your graves knowing what fate you avoided, and what still awaits the rest of the world.
Ash: Hey, that’s not so damn fair!
Brock: You’re watching the news again, Ash?
Ash: You’re fucking right I am!
May: I should’ve gotten a useful tool...
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.
Lucas: I just think you're overreacting, all right? I mean, yeah, it would be nice for all three of us to go to the party and hang out if it worked out that way. But, kid, I got a really, really important job interview tomorrow. And it's just more important to our future as a family than going out for Halloween. I'm sorry. Okay? I really am. I'm sorry you just missed your mom. But soon as she realizes that you're not there, she's gonna come home. Don't worry about it.
Will: I'm not so sure.
Lucas: What was that?
Will: Nothing.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Will: Mom!
Both: Trick or treat!
Woman: I will save
a dance for you
for the rest of my life
I will save a dance for you
save a dance for you
Kate: Ooh, I can't wait till Sami realizes that the man in her arms is Brandon Walker.
Eugenia: What if Brandon walks out and never comes back?
Kate: Oh, it doesn't matter how Brandon feels about Sami. It's all about Sami’s feelings for Brandon. Once she looks into Brandon’s eyes, she's going to fall in love with him all over again.
Eugenia: And once Lucas sees that she's still hung up on her ex...
Kate: Ooh, then it's goodbye to Sami... forever.
Sami: So, prince charming, are you gonna answer my question?
Brandon: Why, yes. I'm here for the party. It's for a good cause.
Sami: Are you here alone?
Brandon: I am. Are you?
Sami: Why, yes, as a matter of fact, I am. So, prince charming, what is your name?
Bonnie: Ever since I heard about that volcano in the Caribbean, I just, uh, keep thinking about that -- that's where Patrick was when his plane went down.
Mickey: Aww, Bonnie. Bonnie.
Bonnie: Between that and poor Maggie, it's all I can do to get through this night.
Patrick: I'm telling you, you're in danger if you stay here. You and Hope need to get out with the others, back to Salem.
John: I want you out of here now. Get to the rafts, go.
Marlena: I'm not going anywhere without you. I'm not doing it.
Tony: None of you are going anywhere. Not until you're blasted to oblivion by the mother of all volcanoes.
John: You're the one that should have been blown to hell back in the compound when you set that bomb off. What the hell was up with that anyway?
Roman: Yeah, that's what I'd like to know. How in the hell did you survive, Tony?
Tony: So, would you care to do me the honors, father, and help me say goodbye to our enemies?
Hope: No!
Tony: It was a bit of a miracle, wasn't it? Obviously, it was meant to kill me. Is it possible that a new Phoenix has risen from the ashes?
Roman: What are you talking about, Tony? You set that bomb to kill us all.
Tony: Quite right. It was meant to do that. Except we had a detonator malfunction. It had been tampered with by somebody in my organization,
somebody who I entrusted my life with.
Bart: Boss, you got it wrong. It wasn't me. I can barely program my V.C.R., let alone do what you're saying that I'm gonna do.
Tony: Of course, it wasn't you. You don't have the brains.
Bart: And I'm loyal. I'm loyal.
Tony: Certainly. Unlike somebody else, who turned traitor, and who will pay dearly.
Bart: Damn straight.
Tony: Bart, I want you to shoot and kill Patrick Lockhart now.
Bart: Hey, boss, you know I think you're the greatest, and I -- I would do anything for you. I mean, anything in the world. But shooting a man in cold blood? I mean, sir, that's -- well, damn it, it gives me the willies. I mean, what do you say we, I don't know, give him a sporting chance --
Tony: Why should I? Did my would-be assassin give me a second chance?
Patrick: My only regret is that that bomb didn't kill you.
Tony: Oh, then you do admit that you rigged it?
Patrick: I couldn't stand by and let you kill all these people.
Bo: But you could program a volcano to blow up this island and us along with it?
Patrick: What I really did was delay the eruption -- give you all time to escape.
Tony: So clever. Pity it didn't all work.
Patrick: Oh, really? Then I guess you haven't noticed that half of the prisoners are already gone.
John: Patrick's right. The generator's shut down, Tony. You don't control the tides anymore, and your buddy Bart here, I don't think he can shoot us all.
Bo: Even if he could, he wouldn't want to. Now would you, Bart?
Bart: Not particularly. But on the other hand, the Count signs my paychecks, same as his old man. He who wears the ring wears the ring.
Tony: Oh, quiet, will you? The truth is you're all going to die, everyone on this island, including the idiots that went out on the boats. But in this case, I have the answer to your previous question, John, "how and why I did all this? What was I going to accomplish in the end?"
Bo: You guys gotta get the hell off this island.
Patrick: So, you finally believe I'm on your side?
Bo: Well, DiMera does. So, your life is in danger.
Patrick: Yeah, he made that pretty clear.
Bo: Billie, you gotta get that file you downloaded from Tony’s mainframe to I.S.A. Who knows what this lunatic is up to, but whatever's on that disk may help us stop him. Watch for my signal. We'll make our move then.
Tony: So, I have your attention, have I? And soon I'll have the attention of the whole world. And like the rest of you, it'll be in awe, shock, of the DiMera wrath.
John: Oh, stuff it, Tony. We're outta here. We don't have any time to listen to the ravings of a madman anymore.
Marlena: Well, you know what, I'd like to hear what he has to say.
John: Doc -- no, no, I'm kinda curious why you went through all of this.
Tony: Oh, Marlena, ever so curious. Father always admired your indomitable spirit and your great beauty as well. As did I, once upon a time.
Roman: Well, Tony, come on. We're wasting time. Cut the crap, tell us what's in the briefcase.
Tony: Power.
Roman: What kind of power? What the hell are you talking about?
Tony: Heh heh heh heh. Power to control the world.
Max: Aww damn! This really is not working out.
May: I hope that Cout DiMera doesn’t blow up the island.
Pikachu: [I know.]
Ash: Let’s get the hell over to Lilycove so that we don’t have to go through this f[beep]ing hell!
May: Whew. I pushed the button right on time.
[May screams bloody murder and faints, nearly killing herself ramming her head on the concrete.]
Ash: Damned concrete...
Both: Thank you!
Will: I wish mom would hurry up and get home.
Lucas: Aww, come on, it's getting late.
Will: Dad?
Lucas: I'm sorry, buddy. You got school in the morning. You gotta get to bed.
Will: I can’t. I won't be able to sleep until she gets back.
Lucas: That'll be any minute, all right?
Will: What if it's not?
Lucas: What?
Will: What if it's not any minute? What if she's still at Alice’s?
Lucas: William, come on.
Will: Dad, I know you said you have to get up early, but I'm telling you. If we
don't get back to that party, you could lose mom forever.
Bonnie: I'm sorry if I'm falling apart on the two of you. I just -- I promised myself I wouldn't do this.
Julie: Well, Bonnie, I am sorry if I was out of line. I didn't realize that this might hurt you with that painful reminder of a volcano. I'm sorry.
Bonnie: I'm still holding out hope that my son is alive. But I appreciate your sympathy, Julie. It's very kind.
Julie: I know how you feel. Remember, I lost my darling Doug and my grandmother, Hope, my cousin Jennifer, and Jack, and just this night last year, my beautiful aunt Maggie -- uncle Mickey’s one true love. Well, she was.
Bonnie: Ahem. Excuse me, I'm mistress of ceremonies. I've got a job to do.
Mickey: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Be sure and save a dance for me.
Bonnie: Baby, I'm saving 'em all for you.
Mickey: Ha ha ha.
I will save a dance
for you
Kate: When is that nitwit going to realize that the man in her arms is her ex-husband?
Eugenia: Brandon's not getting the clue, either. And Sami’s barely in disguise. I mean, she's always a witch.
Kate: You can say that again.
Sami: So, prince charming, you're awfully quiet tonight.
Brandon: It's kind of hard to talk over the music.
Sami: Ha ha ha. Are you gonna tell me your name?
Brandon: Sure. Why not?
Bonnie: Hey, everybody! Hello, how are we all doing?
Bonnie: Okay, now. Ha ha ha ha! We're gonna take a little break from the dancing for... you guessed it! Alice's first annual costume contest!
Bonnie: Very nice, very nice. Now, if we can have all the contestants line up right over here. There they are. Aren't they adorable?
Kate: Okay. It should be a long night. I'm going to go get a drink.
Kate: Oh...great. This could be trouble. Lexie.
Lexie: Hi.
Kate: Come on down. I didn't think you'd make it here tonight. I thought you'd be spending the evening with little Theo.
Lexie: Oh, yeah, I was. Uh...we celebrated Halloween with Zack. My mom's watching the boys. I just had to get out of the house.
Kate: Hey, you sound upset. What's wrong?
Lexie: Well, I was watching the news coverage on that erupting volcano --
Kate: I know, I know. That's terrible. It's a terrible thing, but, you know, the island's uninhabited, so no one's in danger.
Lexie: Well, that is just it.
Kate: Just what?
Lexie: My mother had A...vibe that Abe and, well, all the victims of the Salem
Stalker are alive and on that island as we speak.
Tony: I know you're all anxious to hear what I say. Uh, just persevere with me. First thing's first. Lockhart, time for your execution. Bart, take care of it.
Marlena: Oh! Aah!
Bart: Nobody move! Do not make a move. You stay right there.
Roman: Bart... just take it easy.
Bart: You want me to take it easy, mister? You stay back. And I mean now! Enough. You're making me very nervous. And when I get nervous, I start firing this thing, and when I start firing this thing, who knows who's gonna get hurt?
Marlena: Tony. I can't believe you are capable of cold-blooded murder.
Tony: Isn't that what they said about you?
Marlena: This isn't you. Something has happened. You are not this heartless.
Tony: Aren't I? Bart... shoot Patrick Lockhart. Now!
Tony: Shoot them, will you?
Hope: Well, you'll have to shoot me, too. All of us.
Marlena: I don't think he'll do it.
Billie: Of course he won’t. He'd never hurt a woman.
Bart: She's right, boss. I-I-I can't do it, I'm sorry.
Tony: Well, I can.
John: Over my cold, dead body.
Bo: You'll have to kill us all, Tony.
Tony: Ha ha ha. This is so ridiculous. You're all going to die, anyway. Oh, why don't I just tell you why first? It's more than just revenge. What a formidable opponent you've been all these years. Father never bested you. Well, not for long. But I have, at last. And I've accomplished what he couldn’t. Now on to bigger and better things. First Salem, then the world.
Bo: Oh, yeah, right. The ruler of the world.
Roman: There he is. Delusions of grandeur, Tony. It's a little ridiculous.
Tony: Yeah? We'll see who has the last laugh.
Bo: I think it'll be the guys in the white coats, hauling you off to the loony bin. You've lost it, man.
Tony: You're such fools, all of you, for underestimating what I'm capable of. I made your lives and the lives of your loved ones intolerable. I pulled off the scam of the century. And those repercussions will be felt long after you're gone. And that's just the beginning.
John: You know, I missed something here. You're gonna go from controlling Salem to the entire world. How's that again?
Tony: By harnessing the world's natural energy, of course.
Bo: What?
Tony: Yeah. The tides, the weather, the volcanoes -- as I controlled from the island. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I have technology that's gonna wreak such havoc, and that technology's here in this case.
Roman: Well, all right, Tony, why don't you tell us what kind of technology it is?
Patrick: Computer programs. Like the one he used to activate the volcano.
Tony: And several deadly viruses that will cripple entire nations. So, you see, I see my goal within reach.
John: And where is Batman when you need him?
Tony: Yes... if only I'd used the technology for good instead of evil.
John: You said it.
Tony: Ha ha ha ha! I'm so glad you haven't lost your sense of humor, John!
John: Mm, that's a fact. Is that it? Are you finished?
Tony: Not quite. But soon. And you'll be gone. But what a shame, dear brother John, that you can't share in this glory. If you'd only remained faithful to Stefano, you could've shared in all this glory. And you, too, Marlena. If only you'd opened your heart to him, to show him your love and mine. But we make choices. And you two can share eternity together. I have bigger fish to fry.
Bo: Why don't you quit while you're ahead? I mean, you've accomplished what you wanted to. You made your daddy proud. Why take more innocent lives?
Tony: No one is innocent when they cross me. Speaking of which, you've stalled enough. Patrick Lockhart, time to die.
Patrick: Do it, Tony. Kill me. But let the others go.
Tony: Aren't you noble? Well, it's impossible. So here we go.
Maggie: Good heavens! What's going on here?
Patrick: Tony, wait!
Bo: Hey, Tony!
Bart: Hey!
Bo: All right, you even twitch, your case goes in the lava. Come on, it's your choice. From the face off...
May: OH GOD! I must’ve pressed the wrong frigging button---what am I to do with this goddamn contraption? [She sobs a while.] Damn Cambodians must’ve done it, I guess. DAMN THEM FOR GOD’S FRIGGING SAKE!
Ash: Uh, Brock, we’ve spotted Team Magma.
James: Fuck. They’ve entered when WE were supposed to be in there, damnit!
Meowth: Cheer up, Doc. We’ll see exactly WHAT THE FUCK TONY OF TEAM MAGMA IS UP TO!
Meowth: Confound it, Jessie, why did you frigging do that?
Lucas: Come here, sit down, all right? Now, what is it? Is there something going on that I should know about?
Will: Uh, I guess I just still worry about you and mom.
Lucas: You worry?
Will: Sometimes, it just seems too good to be true, especially when I think about last year at this time. You and mom were at each other's throats.
Lucas: I know, I know.
Will: People thought she was the serial killer. She was so freaked out when she went to my Halloween party at school, she ended up chasing all the other moms around with a carving knife, and they were calling her names. Remember that, dad?
[ Children screaming ]
Mrs. Bryce: That's it! I'm calling the police!
Woman: Oh, my God.
Lucas: That's it. We're outta here. Let's go.
Sami: No, no, I am not leaving will with those --
Lucas: We're leaving right now! Yeah, yeah, I remember it. It was a cake knife, though.
Will: Whatever. That was one of the worst days of my life.
Lucas: I know, I know, but that's all over now, okay?
Will: And it was all downhill after that. The salem stalker kept killing, practically wiped out our whole family. And then, when it turned out to be grandma Marlena...
Lucas: I know, but, will, listen to me. Marlena is gone now. All that is over with. It's all behind us.
Will: Exactly my point.
Lucas: So, what do you mean?
Will: So much has changed, and this Halloween -- it's like a new start for us. I thought we could spend it together. Our first as a family. I know it sounds lame.
Lucas: No, no, buddy, it's not lame. It isn't, all right? You're right. You're 100% right. This Halloween, we have nothing but good things to look forward to, and we gotta keep it that way. So we should all celebrate together.
Will: So we can go to the party.
Lucas: Yeah, we can go to the party. We're gonna find your mom, but that's it. Then we're coming home, all right? Deal?
Will: Deal!
Lucas: All right, come on. Got your stuff?
Will: Come on.
[ Ray parker Jr.‘s ]
[ "Ghostbusters" playing ]
Kate: It's impossible. There is no way that Abe or Roman or any of them are still alive.
Lexie: Kate, believe me, I'm a doctor. I realize that, but you were there. Our husbands' bodies weren't in their graves.
Kate: I don't want to think about it, especially tonight.
Lexie: Uh... listen, um, my mother has been insisting for a while now that, uh... well, she doesn't feel Abe’s presence among the dead.
Kate: I don't know why she would want to give you false hope like that, Lexie.
Lexie: Well, it's what she truly believes, Kate. She's not saying it to upset me. She's just -- I don't know, she just wants me to think twice before moving on with my life.
Kate: Look, Abe is gone, and so is Roman, and we both have to accept that.
Lexie: Um... have you honestly accepted that Roman is gone? Have you tried to move on with your life without him?
Kate: [ Panting ]
Bo: John? Hey, you'll never believe th-- what the hell is going on here?
John: Take it easy, Bo.
Bo: Take it easy?
Kate: Bo, you have to understand that they're -- they're dead.
Bo: What? They're not dead. That's what I am here to tell you. Your husband -- my brother -- is still alive. So is your wife.
Mickey: You know something, Julie? Bonnie has finally made me feel that my life is worth living, and by God, I am going to live it.
Julie: When you say Maggie’s name --
Mickey: No, listen, listen! Maggie is gone. She died a year ago tonight, and for this entire past year I have loved her and I have missed her and I've mourned her, and I'll continue to do so until the day I die, but none of that's going to bring her back. You know, I -- I never thought I would be as happy again as I was the day that Bonnie asked me to marry her. And I am going to marry her, Julie, whether you like it or not.
Bo: You know I'm serious, don't you, Tony? One false move, and your power is history.
Tony: Damn you, Maggie Horton.
Marlena: What are you doing here, Maggie? Why aren't you on the raft?
Maggie: Well, I realized I left my wedding band. I can't go home to Mickey without it.
Bo: Patrick, Billie, take Maggie down to the rafts.
Patrick: Not till this is over.
Billie: No, Patrick, do as he says. The others are going to need our help.
Bo: Thank you.
Billie: Don't thank me, Bo.
John: I want you in the raft with them right now. Go.
Marlena: I'm not going anywhere without you. I'm not going anywhere without you.
John: Patrick, move out. Get 'em on the raft now.
Patrick: Right.
Bo: Take care of yourselves.
Billie: You too. All of you.
Maggie: Hope, aren't you coming?
Hope: I'll be along. I promise. Go.
Patrick: We'll wait for you just off shore.
Tony: You know the end is near. None of you are going to get off this island
Roman: Well, there's one thing we can take care of, though, Tony. Your little plot to take over the world is as washed up as you are.
Bo: And we'll all see just how powerful you are when all your technology is floating away in a sea of molten lava.
Tony: Let's talk about this, shall we? Listen, why don't you just give me the case, and I'll let you all go?
Bo: You'll let us go? How generous. Hope, drop the case.
Hope: Aah!
Tony: No!
Ash: Aww, frig that. We just want to have a word with your stupid field commander.
[From this part on, May speaks with a British accent in every DoOL episode.]
May: You do know that I’ve been ready to shoot any dissident who gets in my fecking way.
Team Magma Grunt #1: Aww shit. We’ve been threatened.
Team Magma Grunt #2: We’re not going to submit to your fucking whi---
Team Magma Grunt #1: AWW FUCK!
Brock: That’s 1 down, and 8 to go.
Bonnie: Let's have a hand for all of our kids, ladies and gentlemen. Aren't they something?
[ Cheers and applause ]
Bonnie: And not one single Jason. Thank the Lord for that. Now, let's get back to our dance contest. We're gonna kick it off with something a little slow and kind of mellow.
[ Slow song playing ]
Sami: Um, well, prince charming, it looks like we're still partners. Would you care to dance?
I see your shadow
on the wall
Sami: [ Thinking ] I do not understand this. I am in love with Lucas. Why am I feeling this way, like there's something about this guy?
Lexie: Kate, do you ever wonder if somehow Roman could be alive?
Kate: Yes, yes, I do. Of course I do. But if you don't mind, I would just rather not talk about it tonight. And besides, I need to focus on this event. It's sponsored by Basic Black.
Lexie: Yeah, I understand. Brandon said he'd be here, but I don't see him.
Kate: Brandon? He's returned to Salem?
Lexie: Yeah, he came to visit me and Theo. But something tells me you already know that.
Kate: Excuse me?
Lexie: Brandon told me about this generous offer of yours. Hmm, I'm guessing you're using Brandon to break up Sami and Lucas.
Kate: Oh, lexie, come on. Don't be ridiculous. How could I manipulate something like that?
Lexie: Ha ha. Yeah, he must be here somewhere.
Kate: I don't know how you're going to recognize him if he's wearing a mask.
Lexie: I know what clothes he had on. There he is, dancing with that witch.
That witch is Sami Brady!
Kate: How do you know it's Sami?
Lexie: Are you kidding me? She's the only one who came here as herself. I can't believe he's dancing with her.
Kate: They're both wearing masks, Lexie. Maybe he doesn't know he's dancing with Sami.
Lexie: You set this up, didn't you?
Kate: You have to stop being so paranoid. How the hell could I have arranged for the two of them to be here dancing wearing masks, Lexie?
Lexie: Yeah, you're right. You couldn't have.
Kate: Well, thank you.
Lexie: Well, this has Sami written all over it. I'll get Brandon away from her before it's too late.
Kate: Damn it! She could ruin everything.
Lexie: Um, excuse me. There is a call for you in the office. It's very important.
Sami: Lexie, how did you know it was me?
Lexie: What, are you kidding? I'd recognize you anywhere. You better hurry and take that call.
Sami: Well, prince charming, it was nice dancing with you.
Lexie: Are you out of your mind, Brandon? What do you think you're doing dancing with Sami Brady?
Lucas: Mom!
Will: Mom!
Kate: What are you doing here? I thought you had an interview.
Lucas: I do, I do. We just came here to get Sami. Have you seen her?
Will: We have to find mom and get her out of here.
I wish you could see me
so I can feel
that feeling
standing in the shadow...
Bonnie: I'm really surprised to see you here, Julie. You don't get out much lately.
Julie: I'm here to support uncle Mickey, and it's a worthy cause.
Bonnie: It sure is. It's also kind of a pre-celebration for Mickey and me, too.
Julie: Pre-celebration?
Mickey: Oh, I, uh... I have something to tell you, Julie. And I'm afraid you aren't going to like it.
Tony: You shouldn't have done that, Hope. Now you'll just have to see your husband die.
[ All screaming ]
Bo: That flare is to indicate the rafts are safely away. Would you mind putting your hands on your head?
John: I think we've got enough to put my half-brother away for the rest of his life. Did you hear that one? It's over, Tony. It's finally over. You just lost.
Tony: It's never over, John. The DiMeras never lose.
Ash: I will steamroll any asshole who stands in my way!
May: One...two...three...
Harland: Fuck this shit! We’ve been punk’d by a group of hellfire cocksuckers!
Julie: So? What's the big news?
Bonnie: Hang on to your hat, Jules. Your uncle Mickey and I are flying off to Vegas tomorrow to get married!
Lexie: Okay, Brandon, listen to me. You need to get away from her as fast as you can.
Brandon: Lexie, come on. I am not going to get involved with Sami again. I don't really see any harm in just talking to her.
Lexie: Well, I do, so just go, okay? Just get out of here before she sees you again. Just put it on.
Brandon: All right.
Lexie: Now, did you hear me? Go!
Sami: Oh. Lucas. Lexie just told me that I had a phone call, and I assumed it was you, but it wasn't, 'cause there was no one on the phone, and here you are. That's really weird.
Lucas: Well, who else would be calling you here, Sami?
Sami: I have no idea. That's why it didn't make any sense.
Will: Dad, aren't you gonna ask mom to dance?
Lucas: Will, come on, man, remember what I told you, okay?
Sami: Why would she do that, unless she just wanted to get me away from that guy? Who was that masked man? Oh, my God.
[ Mouths word ] Brandon.
Will: No!
Sami: Um, I'll be right back. I have to find someone.
Will: Mom, wait!
Lucas: Well, wait a minute, wait a minute. Where is she going? What the hell's going on?
Kate: I haven't a clue.
Sami: Hey! Wait up. Brandon, why didn't you tell me that you were back in town?
Tony: Just in case you have any ideas for a last-ditch escape.
Roman: What the hell is that?
Tony: Just another handy gadget I have that will turn a simmering volcano into a full-blown explosion. And trust me, this one has not been tampered with.
John: That's a pretty weak bluff.
Bo: Press that button, you kill yourself.
Tony: Oh, I'm very well aware of that.
Hope: Don't you care that you're going to die?
Tony: Why should I care?! Everything I worked hard for, all my plans destroyed -- except for one. This is my last chance. Out in a blaze of glory, and I'll take the rest of you with me straight to hell.
Marlena: Tony, it's not too late. We can take you home. We'll get you help.
Tony: I don't want any help, Marlena! It's over! For all of us! You just have enough time to say goodbye to your loved one.
[ Laughing ] Only you can't figure that one out, can you? Is it John, or is it Roman? Pity you don't have enough time to work that one out.
Marlena: Aah!
Hope: Bo!
Tony: Ha ha ha ha ha. Ah, I made it, pop. Top of the world.
Tabitha: Too late now, cocksucker! Tony’s dead and the submarine had gone!
Brock: You. Bastard.
Tabitha: Aww shit! We’ve been surrounded!
Sami: I know that it was Brandon that I was dancing with. But if it was him, where did he go?
Lucas: Where did who go?
Victor: I'll tell Brady that you had Jan Spears try to kill me.
Brady: Someone wanna tell me what the hell's going on here?
Roman: Doc! John's telling us not to go in there.
Marlena: He is in danger.
John: What is this place?
Tony: This is the place where I murder you in combat.
Ash: Time to jump into that molten magma.
Brock: Bullfuck. We’ve been cornered by the cremating lava Pokemon!
May: They just want to cremate us before we could fucking stop Team Magma!
Days of Our Lives is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.
Rafts were made possible by The Krupp Company, makers of fine boats and rafts since 1917.
Mechanics were made possible by Norton Anti-Virus, Inc.
Cels were provided by SoftX, makers of the anime productions since 1995.
Corday Productions (c) 2004
MIRAMAX Television
FRANCES REID as Alice Horton
CHRISTOPHER GERSE as Will Roberts BRYAN DATTILO as Lucas Roberts
VERONICA TAYLOR as Ash, May ERIC STUART as Brock, James, Tabitha AMY BIRNBAUM as Max IKUE OTANI as Pikachu ADAM BLAUSTEIN as Meowth, Team Magma Grunt DAN GREEN as Team Magma Grunt WAYNE NORTHOP as Team Magma Grunt, Harland CHRISTOPHER LEE as Maxie
Introducing MATT CEDENO as Brandon
Mimi: We'll see how in love Shawn is with you once he finds out that you're trying to keep him and Belle apart, and that you want him to be blamed for shredding Philip's marine uniform.
Jan: Hey. Think about what you're doing. Just think about it. You are alienating the one person who can bring your pathetic little fairy tale crashing down around your sneakers. Oh, yeah -- that. If you say anything, anything at all to Shawn, you can kiss your sexy Rexy goodbye, because I will tell him about your abortion.
Mimi: [ Thinking ] I can't lose you, Rex. I can't. There has to be someone who can help me figure out what to do. Wait a minute. I'm afraid she's my only hope.
Bonnie: [ Humming "the wedding march" ]
Bonnie: Hey, Max! Oh. Look, look. Ain't life grand, Max?
[ Max barks ]
Bonnie: I know, I know, and tomorrow you're gonna have a new daddy.
[ Max barking ]
Bonnie: I promised myself. I said, "Bon, no crying." I just am so happy, Max. I mean, aside from the fact that I'm finally gonna be able to pay my bills. I am marrying a decent, loving, and kind man who's completely changed my life. Am I a lucky girl or what? Oh... Mickey Horton is not only an exquisite lover, he's there for me emotionally. Which is more than I can say for the father of my children -- or any other man I've been with, for that matter.
[ Max yelps ]
Bonnie: I know. You want Mickey around, too. So do I. But right now he's with his bitch of a niece Julie.
[ Max whimpering ]
Bonnie: Believe you me, Max, if I could sic you on her, I would in a heartbeat. You know, Mickey’s calling his daughters in Nashville right now to give them the good news. But I know that Julie. She's gonna get on the horn and talk his daughters into talking him out of it. But it won't work. Ha ha. Mrs. Mickey Horton. Ha ha. How do you like them apples?
[ Max barks ]
Lexie: Brandon, listen to me. You have to get away from Sami as fast as you can.
Brandon: Lexie, come on. I'm not gonna get involved with Sami again, but I really don't see the harm in just talking to her.
Lexie: Well, I do. Just put this back on. Put it back on. Go. Get out of here before she sees you. Did you hear me? Go.
Sami: Lucas, you're -- Lexie told me that there was a phone call waiting for me in the office, and I assumed it was you, but then I got there and there was no one on the phone, and here you are. So I guess it was just weird.
Lucas: Who else would you be expecting a phone call from, Sami?
Sami: I don't know. That's why it doesn't make any sense.
Will: Dad, aren't you gonna ask mom to dance?
Lucas: Will, come on, I told you.
Sami: [ Thinking ] Unless Lexie wanted to get me away from that guy. Who was that masked man?
Brandon: Well, yes. I'm here for the party. It's for a good cause.
Will: No.
Lucas: What?
Sami: I'll be right back.
Will: Mom, wait.
Lucas: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Now what's going on? Where's she going?
Kate: I don't have a clue.
Sami: Excuse me! Hold on. Sorry. Stop. You.
Man: Captain Chavez. We've been picking up seismic activity from these coordinates all night. If there's anyone anywhere near that volcano when it erupts, they're as good as dead.
Brady: Hang in there, granddad.
Caroline: Victor, you're going to be safe with Alice on Tec’s boat. Victor, can you hear me? You're going to be with Alice and Tek.
Victor: I have to speak with Brady.
Brady: You were trying to tell me something before. What was it?
Nicole: [ Thinking ] There's no way I'm gonna let you talk to Brady. You're not pinning me for attempted murder, Victor. You have to murder me first. Wouldn't it be a shame if your body happened to fall off the raft? Such a tragic accident.
[ Rumbling ]
Brady: Whoa, that didn't sound too good. The pressure's building up. I think the main eruption's on its way. I just hope we can put as much distance between us and this island as we can.
Caroline: What do you think you're doing?
Marlena: John! John! Roman!
Roman: All right, Bo and Hope went around the pier. They're looking for a way down the shaft.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh, I can't see them. What could have happened?
Roman: What the hell is that?
Tony: Just another handy gadget I have that will turn a simmering volcano into a full-blown explosion. And trust me, this one has not been tampered with.
John: That's a pretty weak bluff.
Bo: Press that button, you kill yourself.
Tony: Oh, I'm very well aware of that.
Hope: Don't you care that you're going to die?
Tony: Why should I care?! Everything I worked hard for, all my plans destroyed -- except for one. This is my last chance. Out in a blaze of glory, and I'll take the rest of you with me straight to hell.
Marlena: Tony, it's not too late. We can take you home. We'll get you help.
Tony: I don't want any help, Marlena! It's over! For all of us! You just have enough time to say goodbye to your loved one.
[ Laughing ] Only you can't figure that one out, can you? Is it John, or is it Roman? Pity you don't have enough time to work that one out.
Marlena: Aah!
Hope: Bo!
Tony: Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, I made it, pop. Top of the world.
Hope: John! John!
Bo: John!
John: No, you don't, there, brother!
[ All screaming ]
Roman: Doc? Doc, listen to me. Don't worry. We'll find John.
John: [ Groaning ]
John: Ahh!
Ash: Get the hell outta here!
Tabitha: How the hell can I?
May: One...T-T-T-Two...Th-Th-Th-Three...
Tabitha: Auuuuuuuuuuuugh! [He hits the lava and before he dies, he says] Go...[cough, cough, cough]...fuck...yourself...bastards...eeeeeeeehhhhhh...
May: [in a hushed Clint Eastwood-ish voice] Bullseye!
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.
Lucas: Why would she do that? Mom, why would she run off like that?
Kate: You don't see it?
Lucas: See what? Please.
Kate: Lucas, clearly she has a wandering eye. I mean, come on, do you remember that guy she was flirting with at the blue note?
Lucas: Yeah, I do. I don't want to talk about him, thanks.
Kate: Well, then don't be so naive.
Lucas: I thought you were trying to get along with Sami. What happened with that?
Kate: I am trying. She's the one who's not.
Lucas: Just cool it then. Chill with the conspiracy theory.
Kate: Look, for months I have been telling you that she's gonna break your heart. When are you just gonna wake up to that fact?
Lucas: I am standing right here. You really think she's gonna hook up with some random guy and have me not notice or not care?
Kate: Why don't you follow her? Why don't you go after her and find out for yourself?
Lucas: Well, that's a good idea. I just might do that.
Kate: Great, go.
Lucas: I will.
Kate: That's wonderful. Just prove me wrong.
Lucas: Fine. All right, I will.
Will: Oh, mom. You're really gonna screw this up, aren't you?
Sami: I --
Sami: I'm sorry. I thought you were -- never mind. God, I really could have sworn that that was Brandon. But if I was dancing with him, then where did he go?
Lexie: Brandon, what are you still doing here? I thought you'd left.
Brandon: I'm trying. The valet staff can't find my car keys.
Lexie: Okay, here. Take my car.
Brandon: Lexie --
Lexie: Brandon, I'm serious. Do it. I don't want Sami finding you here.
Brandon: Look, I appreciate your concern --
Lexie: It is more than just concern. I really --
Brandon: I want you to stop it. I am not running away from Salem -- or Samantha.
Marlena: Roman, I'm so scared. I'm so scared for John.
Roman: Doc, we're gonna find him. It's gonna be okay.
Marlena: What if he got hurt in the fall? Oh, dear God, what if he was killed?
Tony: As my father always said, brother, an eye for an eye.
[ Both grunting ]
John: Go ahead, give me one good reason why I shouldn't run you through right now.
Tony: Because you can't kill me.
John: Aah!
John: [ Groaning ]
John: What the hell is this place?
[ Rumbling ]
Tony: This... is the place... where I murder you in cold blood.
Ash: Time to jump into that molten magma.
Brock: Bullfuck. We’ve been cornered by the cremating lava Pokemon!
May: They just want to cremate us before we could fucking stop Team Magma!
Ash: No time to piss me off, May! Let’s get rid of those crematoriums! Thundershock!
Pikachu: PiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
[Boom. Everyone catches fire the moment the Slugma faint.]
Ash: Fuck it, they used Destiny Bond!
Rex: Mimi? "Rex, didn't want to wake you. Needed some air. Went to see my mom. Love, Meems." Went to see her mother? Great. Something must really be wrong.
Bonnie: Witchy-poo needs one. Witchy-poo needs one.
[ Laughter ]
Bonnie: Now, come on now, you. Did bo peep get one? Courtesy of the rejuvenating properties of l-o-v-e and the generosity it inspires, salute!
All: Salute!
Mimi: How you doing, Max? Okay.
Bonnie: There is my beautiful daughter. Have a Jell-O shooter. It's on the house.
Mimi: I'll pass. Thanks.
Mimi: Oh, come on, sweetheart, it's a celebration.
Mimi: What are you celebrating?
Bonnie: Well, for one, as of tomorrow, you know that big house on 1313 Mockingbird Lane? It's gonna belong to me.
Mimi: Oh, my gosh. Mr. Horton asked you to move in before the wedding?
Bonnie: Even better. Mickey and I are getting married tomorrow -- in Vegas.
Mimi: What?
Bonnie: Yes. I'm really gonna be a Horton. From trailer park to top of the hill, baby. Your mama has finally arrived! Listen, I know you haven't always approved --
Mimi: No, it's great, mom. I can see how happy you are, and I'm happy for you.
Bonnie: Oh, thank you, sweetheart. Come here, baby. Mimi, I love you. When I think back to just last year -- barely able to make ends meet. Now... I wouldn't have believed it, would you?
Mimi: It's a miracle.
Bonnie: Bankrupt -- financially and emotionally -- to this. Is this really happening? Because it's too damn good to be true.
Mimi: You really do care about him, right? It's not just about his money.
Bonnie: Mimi, I love him. He's the most amazing man.
Mimi: He seems like it.
Bonnie: After the string of losers I hooked up with, including -- no offense -- your father, I just didn't think that finding my one true love was in the cards. But it was. If Dr. Phil's son is right and we only get one true shot at love, then we got to do everything in our power to make sure we don't screw it up.
Mimi: Well, if that's true, then I found my one true love, and I've blown it.
Bonnie: Oh... oh, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Caroline: I can't believe you two.
Brady: It's not what you think, Caroline.
Caroline: How could you show such disrespect? Everybody knows -- it's not a secret you're close, but don't flaunt it in front of Victor. It's just -- it's too inappropriate. He could have had a stroke.
Brady: There was a tremor, okay? We were shaking. We fell into each other.
Nicole: We don't have to apologize to you.
Brady: Nicole, please.
Nicole: No, I am sick of always having to defend myself.
Brady: Caroline, it was inappropriate. We apologize, and it won't happen again. All right, look, I'm gonna go get some more food and supplies. I'll be back.
Caroline: All right.
Nicole: Unbelievable. You're a bloody hypocrite, you know that?
Caroline: I beg your pardon?
Nicole: You heard me. How dare you pass judgment on what I do or don't do with Brady, when you're doing the same exact thing with Victor? For a supposedly fine, upstanding, church-going married woman such as yourself, you're nothing but a low-rent, bottom-feeding whore.
Kate: [ Humming ]
Eugenia: What's that for?
Kate: We have reason to celebrate, because if we have played our cards right, right now Lucas is catching Sami with Brandon.
Eugenia: Ah, I always liked Brandon. I kind of hate using him to break up Sami and Lucas' relationship. But I know he's too damn smart to get back with that bitch.
Kate: Well, when Sami is finished throwing herself at Brandon, and Lucas has jilted her, she's gonna be all by herself.
[ Laughs ] And she won't have anyone to blame but herself.
Lexie: Okay, sounds to me like you're thinking about letting Sami know that you're back in Salem.
Brandon: No, all I said was that I'm not running away from Salem or Samantha. I'm not gonna play these games.
Lexie: You mean the preserve-your-sanity game?
Brandon: I'm not planning on asking her to marry me again.
Lexie: Brandon, it's not you I'm worried about. It's her. I wouldn't put anything past that lunatic.
Brandon: Lexie, would you -- shh!
Lexie: Knowing her, she will find a way to drug you and drag you down the aisle. Brandon, if she finds out you're back in Salem, she won't be able to think about anything else.
Sami: Look, I know that it was Brandon I was dancing with. But if it was him, where did he go?
Lucas: Where did who go? Who are you chasing after, huh?
Chavez: The volcano beneath this uninhabited island will almost certainly cause the entire island to implode and break apart into the ocean. When that happens, we're looking at a catastrophe of epic proportions.
Marlena: Oh...
Roman: It's a staircase.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh.
Roman: Let's go. Ahh!
Marlena: Help me.
Roman: Yeah.
Tony: So, John, this is where we finish our age-old rivalry once and for all.
John: Well, let's do it then.
Tony: You know only one of us will come out of this chamber alive.
John: You gonna talk all night?
Tony: Well, then get your weapon. But does my father's killing machine need a weapon? Of course he does. He's fighting me.
John: Well, we'll see, won't we?
[ Beeping ]
Tony: Ahh.
Tony: Seems we have visitors here.
John: No, Doc. Stay away.
Tony: You know, in order to save her, you'll have to kill me.
John: Ahh!
Tony: You're good. Ha ha ha. But I'm better.
John: No! Don't do it, Doc.
John: Don't do it, Doc!
Marlena: It's John! He's behind the door.
Tony: The door's booby-trapped. If Marlena tries to open it, she and Roman are dead.
Max: Aww helle. My seat’s beene burnt to rubbele!
May: Shit. That’s what you get when you kill a Slugma with Destiny Fecking Bond.
Max: Finally.
James: There they are!
[Team Rocket “Double Trouble” theme plays]
Jessie: It’s time for trouble!
James: Look at the mayhem that we’re about to cause.
Meowth: Watch the tail, watch the tail, I only have one, confound it!
Bonnie: Come here, baby. Listen to me, Meems -- Rex doesn't ever have to find out about you ending your pregnancy.
Mimi: It's not Rex I'm worried about.
Bonnie: What are you talking about?
Mimi: Jan Spears knows I had an abortion, so now she's blackmailing me into helping her keep Shawn and Belle apart. Otherwise, she's going to tell Rex.
Bonnie: I'll kill her.
Mimi: It wouldn't help. She'd still find a way to screw me.
Bonnie: That witch. It wasn't enough that she got you into trouble with the law in high school by posting nudie pictures of Chloe Lane on the internet --
Mimi: Mom, I'm the one who made the wrong choice, then and now. And sooner or later, I'm going to have to pay for it.
Bonnie: Not if I can help it.
Mimi: There's nothing you can do, mom. What are you doing?
Bonnie: How much does the bitch want? After tomorrow, I'm going to be a Horton, which means I'll have Horton money. You just think of this as a repayment of the money I borrowed from your bank account.
Mimi: Mom, Jan doesn't want money. She has plenty. All she wants is Shawn Brady.
Bonnie: What are you talking about? I thought she already has him.
Mimi: Well, she doesn't know how long she can keep him. I don't know how she's done it so far. She's crazy, mom. She actually shredded Philip’s marine uniform so Belle would think Shawn did it and get angry at him.
Bonnie: You caught her doing this?
Mimi: Not exactly, but I found proof. But I couldn't tell anyone, because... Jan is making me choose my own happiness over Shawn and Belle’s.
Bonnie: Well, maybe Jan is right.
Mimi: What?
Bonnie: I hate to say this, baby, but... maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
Nicole: Well, ladies and gentlemen, I finally hit a nerve. The Matriarch of The Brady Clan is officially pissed. I assume you're feeling guilty for throwing yourself at your old lover while grandpa Shawn is all alone back in Salem. Well, this isn't the kind of behavior that I would expect from a god-fearing woman like yourself. I don't know, but I think father Jansen might call this adultery. What do you think?
Caroline: Vic-- Victor and I -- we share a past. We share a son.
Nicole: You share a son and two daughters with Shawn. Oh, you know, Vegas should be taking bets on this one.
Caroline: You're heartless.
Nicole: Hardly. So what's it going to be, Caroline, hmm? Which silver fox are you going to pick when you get home -- Victor... or the rosy leprechaun?
Victor: Stop it, Nicole. You'll be sorry. Where are your manners? Don't talk to Caroline that way. You understand me?
Nicole: Don't overdo it, Victor, huh?
Victor: You underestimate me. I'm stronger than you think, regardless of my setback.
Nicole: You're hurting me.
Victor: Once I tell Brady you had Jan Spears try to kill me, you'll be hurting a lot worse.
Brady: Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on here?
Ash: Time to set up the old drag jackpot.
[He jumps and falls into a seemingly bottomless lava pit. He reemerges as the blonde Ashley. She whispers something to May in a high, but quiet, British voice.]
May: What?
Ashley: I could easily fool the males.
Brock: Ashley, let’s go!
Harland: He might be able to fool me, boss!
Maxie: We shouldn’t blow his drag disguise; it might not fool me.
Lucas: Come on. Tell me. Come on. Who were you chasing after?
Will: [ Thinking ] Don't tell him you were going after Brandon, mom. He'll never marry you, and our family will be ruined forever.
Sami: Well, I-I just wanted to explain. It was someone I recognized from high school, that's all. What is that look for? You don't trust me?
Lucas: That's not it.
Sami: Well, then, what is it, then?
Lucas: I'm worried about you.
Sami: You don't have to be.
Lucas: Well, clearly, you were chasing after somebody who had your attention, so who was it?
Sami: Lucas, you are the only man who could ever hold my attention.
Will: Can we go home, please?
Lucas: Uh, yeah, yeah. Sure, buddy. What's wrong?
Will: Nothing. Just -- can we leave, please? You have your big job interview tomorrow, dad, remember?
Lucas: Right, right.
Sami: Hey, it's okay. We can leave if you want to.
Will: Good, 'cause I'm unbelievably bored.
Sami: Ha ha ha ha. It's not that bad.
Lucas: Look, why don't you guys go ahead, and I'll -- I'll catch up with you, okay? I'm going to say goodbye to mom.
Sami: Oh, yeah. Say goodbye for us.
Lucas: I will.
Will: See ya, dad.
Lucas: Bye. Watch your mom.
Kate: Where are they going?
Lucas: They're going home.
Kate: Oh. Well, that's convenient.
Lucas: What do you mean?
Kate: So who was the Casanova that Sami was chasing after earlier?
Lucas: I don't know, all right? Some friend from high school or something.
Kate: Oh, yeah, right. High school. Mm-hmm.
Lucas: Anyway, I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, so goodbye.
Kate: Goodbye. Damn it. What happened to Brandon?
Brandon: Things are different now, Lexie. Sami's in love with Lucas.
Lexie: Yeah, for now. Brandon, we both know she's going to come after you, and when she does, I guarantee, you are going to rue the day that you got into bed with Kate Roberts and came back to Salem.
John: Don't come in, Doc! It's a trap!
Roman: Doc, no.
Marlena: What?
Roman: John's telling us not to go in there.
Marlena: He is in danger.
Tony: I'm going to take such pleasure in killing you, John, and then to watch the woman you love die.
Tony: Well, it appears that father's killing machine has been reborn. Time for a destruction.
John: No, no, no, no!
Marlena: [ Gasps ] John!
Roman: Are you all right? Duck!
Marlena: Oh, God!
Roman: No!
Marlena: Aah! Aah! Aah!
Roman: John, are you all right?
Marlena: Oh! John! Oh, my -- can you hear me?
Roman: John, talk to me!
John: My -- my back's all busted up. I can't move it.
Marlena: Tony! Tony!
Roman: Tony, no!
Ashley: Coming through!
[She passes over to the basement, where Maxie awaits.]
[She jumps into the lava pit and reemerges as Ash.]
Ash: Maxie, you imbecilic bastard!
Maxie: Now, don’t get too fucking cocky, Ash, for LET THE CARNAGE BEGIN!
Mimi: I knew coming to Alice’s was a bad idea.
Bonnie: No, Mimi, wait, wait, wait.
Mimi: It figures, doesn't it, that my own mother would think that Jan Spears actually did something right.
Bonnie: No, Mimi, that's not it.
Mimi: Oh, then what is it? Enlighten me.
Bonnie: All I'm saying is that maybe Rex should know about the abortion. That way you'll know what kind of guy he really is.
Mimi: I know what kind of guy he really is. He's loving, he's kind, he's everything Mickey Horton is to you. I should have just told him about the pregnancy in the first place. You're the one who talked me into thinking that he wouldn't stay with me. He would have, mother, but now he won't if he ever finds out that I had an abortion without even telling him I was pregnant. Now it's too late for the truth. You're the reason I didn't tell him. And now you can't breathe a word to him now.
Bonnie: Sweetheart, it was always your decision.
Mimi: Yeah, well, I'm afraid it's Jan’s decision now.
Bonnie: You know what? You got to stop worrying about Shawn and Belle.
Mimi: Belle's my best friend. I don't like seeing her miserable.
Bonnie: Well, I hate seeing my baby miserable. Now, just -- just think of it like this. It's -- it's fate. Now Shawn is fair game.
Mimi: Shawn is with Jan, mother. And, God, before you say another word, I'm with Rex.
Bonnie: You and Shawn would be so good together. Let's get another shot.
Mimi: Mother, for the zillionth time, mother, no, okay? I do not love Shawn. Didn't you just hear what you said?
Bonnie: About -- about you and Shawn?
Mimi: No. About finding your one great love. Well, that's Rex for me, and I am petrified of losing him.
Rex: Mimi. Why would you be afraid to lose me?
Lucas: There you go. Safe and sound. I got a couple things I have to take care of, check my messages. I'll be back, okay?
Sami: Okay.
Will: Okay. Bye, dad.
Sami: Take your time. Hey, so, you got to finish your homework, huh? And then it is off to bed. Will, what is it?
Will: You just lied to dad.
Sami: What are you talking about?
Will: I know you were dancing with Brandon tonight. It was him you ran after.
Sami: Will, that was just a friend.
Will: You're not going to lie to me, too, are you? I know you were hoping to see Brandon.
Sami: Will, I --
Will: I hope you think long and hard about this before you ruin our last chance of happiness with my dad.
Brady: Like I said, what the hell is going on here?
Roman: All right, all right, we got to get the hell out of here right now.
Caroline: What is it?
Roman: We found John in a chamber. He's hurt, but we got him.
Caroline: But what -- what about Tony?
Roman: Tony is dead. Tony's dead, but he flipped a switch before he went, so that means any second, this island could blow, so we got to push off right now. All right, here we go. Come on now. Go. All right. You all have to push. Like that, mom. Go! Now!
Marlena: Roman, thank you for bringing john to the raft. I'm sure it saved his life.
Roman: How's he doing?
Marlena: He's unconscious. I gave him some painkillers, but I'm afraid he hurt his back. We're not safe yet, are we?
May: Confound this!
Max: What?
May: This f[beep]ing concrete is so---AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Brock: Fuck this concrete.
Rex: Why are you afraid you're going to lose me?
Mimi: Uh...
Rex: Why are you here, Mimi? What's wrong?
Bonnie: Excuse us just one moment. Tell him.
Mimi: I can’t.
Bonnie: You have to. Get the truth out there. If he's angry with you, then you have your answer -- he's not the man that you should be spending the rest of your life with.
Mimi: He should be angry with me. I'm angry with me.
Bonnie: Look, do you really want to have a kid that you can't provide for with a boyfriend that you might break up with? What is your next boyfriend going to say about some bratty little kid? Oh, there must be some reason that Shawn did that whole virginity thing with Belle, you know?
Mimi: Mom, stop it.
Bonnie: No, Mimi, I'm just saying.
Mimi: I don't love Shawn. I don't want to be with Shawn. I love Rex.
Bonnie: Then tell him about the abortion.
Mimi: Shh!
Bonnie: Take it from me -- you don't want him hearing something like that from someone like Jan Spears.
Mimi: I can't do it.
Bonnie: Then I'll do it.
Mimi: No, mom, you promised me.
Bonnie: I promised to take care of my baby. Look.
Mimi: Ooh.
Bonnie: Rex... there's something you should know.
Brandon: Look, I didn't come back here for work or Samantha. I came back here for my family. This is where I belong.
Eugenia: So, so, so, did we get what we want? What did Sami say to Brandon?
Kate: Oh, no. We are back to square one.
Eugenia: You're kidding.
Kate: No. But don't worry, because I am absolutely determined to get my son away from that monster before it's too late. So she better enjoy Lucas while she can, because once he discovers that she's in love with Brandon, it's going to be all over.
Will: You still love dad, don't you?
Sami: Of course I do. With all my heart.
Will: Then why were you dancing with Brandon tonight? Why are you going after him?
Sami: I wasn’t. It --
Will: Your family is here, mom. If dad finds out that you went after Brandon, he's through with you. I know my dad. He'll never forgive you.
Lucas: Forgive you for what?
Chavez: Pike.
Pike: Sir.
Chavez: Is that what I think it is?
Marlena: Aah! Aah!
Roman: Hang on!
Marlena: Aah!
Chavez: I don't believe it. The volcano exploding has generated a massive wave. It's forming off the coast of the uninhabited island at the 32nd parallel.
Pike: I'll issue an all-area marine warning immediately, sir.
Victor: I have to tell Brady about Nicole.
[ Thinking ] Enjoy your last few moments with Brady, Nicole. When we get home, your life is over.
Roman: Well, it looks like we're out of reach of the volcano. The water's gotten calmer.
Marlena: Do you think we're safe now?
Roman: We're going home, Doc. I'm going to get us home. Everything's going to be okay.
Ash: Now, don’t be so screwy this time, Pikachu. You know what happened with Harrison. He smoked me to fucking death.
Maxie: Camerupt, Flamethrower!
Ash: Pikachu, summon Thunder to this chamber, now!
Pikachu: PiiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Swimmer: Bullcrap. Why did thunder come down again?
Brandon: I'm not going to let Kate or Samantha or anyone else jerk me around. I think it's about time she and I had a little talk.
Lucas: Maybe it's because you're not over him in the way you think you are. You and I will never get married.
John: I just want you to be happy, Doc, and I know Roman would be there for you.
Marlena: You're going to be all right. We're going home.
Hope: My God. What's that?
Billie: Oh, my God!
Misty: Dammit, this connection never gets any easier!
Lily: Patience, Misty.
Ash: Evening, women. The volcano had just erupted!
Lily: I feel like I’ve drunken piss.
Violet: Damn right, Lily. I’ll see you in hell, for fuck’s sake.
Days of Our Lives is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.
Rafts were made possible by The Krupp Company, makers of fine boats and rafts since 1917.
Mechanics were made possible by Norton Anti-Virus, Inc.
Cels were provided by SoftX, makers of the anime productions since 1995.
Put your 3-D glasses on for the next episode.
Corday Productions (c) 2004
MIRAMAX Television
MATT CEDENO as Brandon
Bonnie: Baby, listen to me. You have to tell Rex about the abortion. The last thing you want is him finding out the truth from Jan Spears.
Mimi: But I can't tell him.
Bonnie: Fine, then I'll do it for you. Rex, there's something you should know.
Rex: Is something wrong? Mimi, what is it?
Bonnie: Rex, I'm going to tell you what's going on. What's going on is my daughter is terrified of losing you, and I'm going to tell you why.
Eugenia: Oh, this really bites. I mean, we go through all this trouble. Now Sami's flown the coop before she and Brandon can even hook up.
Kate: Look, Sami leaving was a setback, but we have to look on the bright side -- the way she took after him, or whoever that guy was, clearly means that she has feelings for him, and when Lucas realizes that --
Eugenia: He'll dump that old lying bitch.
Kate: Oh, you're right, but this time, forever.
Lexie: Uh-huh. Just look at her. Kate's thrilled about what happened here tonight.
Brandon: And what happened, Lexie? Samantha and I danced together and didn't know it. We were both wearing masks. What's the big deal?
Lexie: Are you kidding me? Do you really think it was a coincidence that Sami wound up in your arms your first night back here in Salem?
Sami: Will, you have to listen to me, honey. Everything is going to be okay.
Will: Yeah, right. If Dad finds out you went looking after Brandon, that's it. He's outta here.
Lucas: [ Whispers ] Brandon? That's who that guy was.
Will: You know, too, mom. You know this time, he'll never forgive you.
Sami: Will, I --
Lucas: Forgive you for what?
Sami: Lucas.
Will: Dad, you're back. Um, I-I know it's late, but I still haven't finished my homework. Um, maybe you can help. It's just some math.
Lucas: Nice try, buddy. What I really want to know is what would I never forgive your mother for? Wouldn't have anything to do with that guy you were chasing tonight at Alice's, would it, Sami?
Man: Any sign of that wave?
Man #2: No. Fog's too heavy, and with all the smoke and ash from the volcano...
Man: I still can't get over the size of that eruption.
Man #2: It was big enough to trigger an underwater earthquake.
Man: Yeah, and that earthquake's probably what's causing this swell we're picking up on radar.
[ Beeping ]
man: What the Hell?
Man #2: Aah, what now?
Man: I'm picking up some blips. It looks like a number of small craft between us and what's left of that island.
Man #2: I don't believe it. They'll never make it -- not in seas like this.
Man: Sure as Hell not when that wave hits. That monster's building, and it's heading straight for them.
Man #2: If we don't get to those people fast, they're all dead.
[Lava crashes offscreen and smothers everything an inch away.]
May: How the fuck does this cowshit work?
Max: Beats me, sis.
May: Hey, Ash how’s it going?
Ash: It’s going fine, I guess. I’m all covered in magma from that last bleep censor.
Brady: How's he doing?
Caroline: Very weak. Thirsty. He's in a lot of pain.
Victor: Don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere. I've got too much unfinished business.
Bo: Damn this fog. I can't see the stars, so I can't get my bearings. Can't see the other rafts, either.
Billie: Yeah, but we know they're out there. We all managed to get off the island, thank God.
Bo: Yeah, hope and I managed to get off the island because of you. You stayed behind and secured this last raft.
Billie: Aah, it's nothing.
Bo: What are you talking about? You risked your life.
Hope: Aah!
Bo: Hold on. Hang on.
Hope: Hold on. Hold it.
Bo: It's all right.
Hope: You got it?
Bo: It's okay.
Jack: So, what do you think of this old boat, huh?
Jennifer: You know, Bo and Hope, they sailed around the world with Shawn-Douglas when he was just a few days old.
Jack: Well, we're hardly the sailor types. We were on a cruise, though, once. Did you ever hear that?
Jennifer: Yeah, we said we'd never do that again, huh?
Jack: The Cruise of Deception.
Jennifer: Well, actually, Jack, except for the shipwreck, it was one of the best times of my life. I have had so many best times of my life, you know that? And now -- now we're going home. I can't believe, after everything that we have been through -- Grandma and Abe and Doug and everyone here, we're all going home.
Misty: Dammit, this connection never gets any easier!
Lily: Patience, Misty.
Ash: Evening, women. The volcano had just erupted!
Lily: I feel like I’ve drunken piss.
Violet: Damn right, Lily. I’ll see you in hell, for fuck’s sake.
May: Ash has pissed Maxie! He’s trying to summon thunder!
Max: B-B-B-Blast it all...
Misty: Oh God. The s-s-s-static w-w-w-went out.
Marlena: Roman, I'm worried about the others, especially Alice, Jen, and the baby.
Roman: Well, I'm going to head over to the speedboat. I'm going to check on everybody. I just wanted to make sure everybody's all right. Cassie was scared to death. Colin was in bad shape. I don't even know how he got down to the docks to get on board.
Marlena: I'll help you row.
Roman: No! No. It'll be faster if I swim.
Marlena: You can't. It's too dangerous, and there are four men over there. They can watch that boat.
Roman: Doc, it's not that far away. I just want to check on them, make sure everybody's all right, see if they need anything.
Marlena: Tony is out of our lives. He can't hurt us anymore.
Roman: Yeah, well, I still got to wonder if he really is out of our lives, if that's the last we see of him.
John: Trust me, that bastard's dead.
Roman: Hey, man. How you doing, buddy? Hey, you saved the day. I wish to hell we could make your ride smoother.
John: It's okay. Actually, I'm not in much pain anymore. Lovely feeling, huh, Doc?
Ash: Oh hell. Pikachu, how’s it going?
[Thunder seems to land on a wall offscreen---way off-screen enough to startle the audience into thinking that they got hit by thunder.]
Pikachu: [God damn, I’m working on it!]
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Marlena: John, try to get some rest. We're in for a very long night.
John: We're going home, baby. We're going home.
Marlena: Yes, we're going home. We're going home.
Marlena: We've got to get him to a hospital.
Roman: How bad is it?
Marlena: I'm afraid he may have a spinal cord injury.
Roman: Oh, my god.
Marlena: The sooner we get to a hospital, the better off he's going to be.
Roman: Well, I'll tell you what, Doc, a volcano that size can't blow without somebody somewhere knowing it, so I'm sure there's a rescue craft on its way to the island as we speak.
John: I doubt it, Roman.
Marlena: John?
John: This island's supposed to be uninhabited. With that volcano in full eruption, nobody in their right mind's coming anywhere near this place.
James: What’s that twerp doing without us?
Meowth: Leave it to me! [Meowth jumps into the audience watching this episode.] Scratch!
[Meowth scratches away.]
Jennifer: Oh, just wait until Abby sees you. And you, Jack. I don't -- I don't even know who's been -- who's been taking care of Abby. She's been home from camp, and she thinks that -- that she has lost everything, Jack.
Jack: But she hasn't. And she won't, and she never will.
Jennifer: You know, it wasn't until right now that I even thought we were going to make it home.
Jack: I know, I know.
Jennifer: I-I was even feeling superstitious about naming the baby.
Jack: I know. I'm telling you something -- Abigail's going to want to know her little brother's name.
Jennifer: You got any ideas?
Jack: Well, uh... As a matter of fact... I do.
Hope: Oh, god, I can't believe we're really going home. I can't wait to see our boys. I've missed them so much.
Billie: [ Sobbing ] oh, oh. Oh, God, our baby's gone. Why did God let this happen?
Hope: Billie. What are you thinking about?
Billie: Nothing. Just getting back to my life -- my job with the I.S.A. I still have the disk from Tony's computer. God only knows what else is on it, what else the Dimeras had planned for us. So in other words, I won't be hanging around Salem when we get back. I'm going to see my mom and Will, Philip, and Lucas, and then I'm heading back to Europe.
Bo: What are you talking about? You got to spend some time with your friends and family.
Brady: Granddad, I really don't know why you're angry at Nicole. None of this is her fault.
Victor: Maybe not, but there are a lot of other things that are.
Brady: Listen, I'm sorry, I can't have this discussion with you right now. I need to get to the other boat, get some fresh water, and check on the others.
Nicole: No, Brady, I don't want you to go.
Caroline: It's too rough out there.
Brady: No, it's not that bad. I'll be fine.
Caroline: Be careful.
Brady: I will.
Nicole: Brady, be really careful. Brady!
Brady: Don't worry. I'll be right back.
Nicole: Victor.
Victor: Nicole.
Nicole: I need you to listen to me, Victor, please. I know you think I'm a terrible person, but I'm going to beg for your mercy anyway. I'm in love with Brady, and I love him with my heart and soul, and if you care about your grandson at all, you won't stand in our way, and you'll let us be happy.
Victor: Are you serious? You're an adulteress and a murderer.
Caroline: Oh, victor, please, your blood pressure.
Nicole: How many times do I have to tell you? Colin is alive. I didn't murder him. He's on that cigarette boat with the others headed back to Salem. Victor... I didn't try to kill you.
Victor: You liar.
Nicole: No, I'm telling you, I'm innocent.
Victor: Innocent, you? Ha.
Nicole: All right. All right. I admit I've made some mistakes -- big mistakes, and I'm truly sorry. But that's all in the past. Okay, I-I'm different. I-I'm a better person now, and I owe it all to Brady. He changed my life, victor. He changed me. And I don't ever want to be that person I once was again, and I'm so scared that if I lose him... Victor... You cared for me once. We cared for each other. Please... I'm begging you, don't take that away from me. This is my one chance to turn my life around. Don't take it away.
Rex: Losing you? What?
Mimi: Rex, my mom thinks she's gonna tell you how upset I still am over what's going on with Shawn and belle, and how badly I want them to work through their problems and get back together.
Rex: Shawn and belle? That's what this is about... Again?
Mimi: I know it's crazy, and I should just get over it, but --
Rex: No, look, that's not -- that's not what I'm saying. It's just that we've talked about this. Why do I get the feeling that your mom is talking about us?
Mimi: Well, she was, in a way. Maybe I'm just being stupid and totally insecure, but... If I ever lost you like Belle lost Shawn, I don't know what I would do.
Kate: I'll have to hand it to you, Eugenia. I don't think I could have pulled this off without you. And once Lucas breaks off his engagement to Sami, you are going to be amply rewarded.
Eugenia: Well, if you're talking a cash gratuity, I'd be happy to accept.
Lexie: The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Kate's behind what happened here tonight.
Brandon: Lexie...
Lexie: Brandon, it makes sense. When I was a cop, our first suspect in any crime was whoever had motive. Who has more motive to get Sami back with you and away from Lucas but Kate?
Brandon: Well, I'm not gonna let Kate or Samantha or anyone else jerk me around. I think it's about time she and I had a little talk.
Will: Dad, what happened at the party tonight isn't important. Mom's home now. And all that matters is that you guys are getting married. We're finally gonna be a family, and nothing's gonna go wrong. You won't let anyone or anything come between you guys again, will you, Mom?
Sami: Of course not, honey.
Lucas: Will, you knew? You knew Brandon was there tonight?
Will: How'd you find out about Brandon?
Lucas: Because I overheard you guys talking just now.
Will: You heard?
Lucas: That's right. That's why you were so desperate, right, to get me to Alice's tonight? That's why you had all those reasons for me to go and bring your mom home, right? It's all right. That's who you were dancing with, right, Sami? Brandon? That's who you went chasing after?
Sami: Yeah. Yeah, it was Brandon. But, Lucas, I didn't catch up with him. It's not like we --
Lucas: That's not the point. The point is you went after him. And I wanna know why. I mean, maybe it's because you're not over him in the way you think you are. Is that it? 'Cause if that's it, I mean, if that's the truth, it's like I told you -- you and I will never get married.
Rex: Look, why don't I get you a nice glass of wine, all right? Maybe it'll help make you feel better. Okay?
Mimi: Yeah, thanks.
Mimi: If you even think about opening your mouth again, telling Rex I had an abortion, so help me, I will never speak to you again.
Bonnie: You really are your mama's daughter, aren't you?
Mimi: What are you talking about?
Bonnie: You've learned to lie to your man with the best of them.
Eugenia: Girl, uh-oh, here comes trouble. I'm outta here.
Kate: Brandon.
Brandon: You did this, didn't you? You set this whole thing up. Now I finally get why you were so damn anxious to get me back in Salem. I know exactly what you're up to, Kate, but it's not gonna work.
Will: Dad, you -- you have to marry mom. You -- you both promised to be a family.
Lucas: Yeah, I know, buddy. I-I-I want that more than anything, but --
Sami: So do I. Listen to me, I am not still in love with Brandon, okay? I didn't know that he was in town, I didn't know that he was at that party, and I certainly didn't know that I was dancing with him. If you'll both remember, I didn't even wanna go to that party. The only reason I did was because -- oh, my god. This was all your mother.
Lucas: What?
Sami: Kate set me up, Lucas. This is proof that she wants to break us up. And there is no way that I'm gonna let her get away with it.
Jennifer: "Jack." That is -- that is the perfect name.
Jack: You think so? I'm kinda partial myself. I mean, I know you got another list out there somewhere from when Abigail was coming along. And if you think another one's better...
Jennifer: No, I don't think it's better because if it was a girl, it was gonna be Jacqueline.
Jack: Jacqueline?
Jennifer: Yeah. I just can't believe how -- how many things have changed, and that we're just sitting here right now actually having an everyday ordinary conversation.
Jack: Whoa, no, no, no, no. A new baby is hardly everyday or ordinary.
Jennifer: You're right. I mean, how many -- how many miracles can I ask for in my life, Jack, huh? I feel like I have taken so many things for granted in my life, and I'm never gonna do it again. I'm never gonna take anything for granted anymore. I love you so much.
Jack: I love you.
Billie: I really don't think my staying in Salem would be such a good idea.
Hope: Oh, Brady! My God, are you all right? Come on.
Bo: What are you doing?
Brady: My -- I needed to get some fresh water. And I'm headed to the cig-- the cigarette boat to check on the others.
Bo: How's Victor doing?
Brady: He needs to be hospitalized.
Bo: All right, I'm gonna come with you to the boat. I wanna talk to Abe and Tek. We gotta figure out some kind of course.
Hope: Bo --
Bo: It's okay, I'll be fine.
Hope: Be careful. Promise me you'll be careful.
Bo: I promise I'll be careful. I love you.
Hope: I love you.
Bo: Let's go!
Hope: Oh, careful!
Billie: You really don't need to worry about him, Hope.
Hope: I know. He'll be okay.
Billie: Yes, he will, but that's not what I meant. What he said earlier, he was just being nice. It wasn't anything more than that. He loves you. He loves your kids. He can't wait to get back to Salem and reunite with his family.
Hope: I know that. And I'm not worried. Billie, Salem’s your home, too. There's no reason you shouldn't feel you can stay as long as you want. I mean it.
Billie: Really?
Hope: Yeah.
Billie: You wouldn't mind? It wouldn't bother you?
Hope: No.
Billie: You're lying, Hope... to me, and to yourself.
Victor: How do you dare ask for my blessing?
Nicole: Because of your love for Caroline. I know long ago you two shared something very special. And some of what you once shared was rekindled back on that island. And I also know, because of circumstances, you can never allow yourselves to act on those feelings. Victor, surely, if you look inside yourself, inside your heart, you can understand what Brady means to me... and maybe give our love the chance that your and Caroline’s never had.
Caroline: You really mean what you're saying? You really -- you really wanna turn your life around?
Nicole: Yes.
Caroline: Well, you may not have killed Colin, but Brady deserves to know the truth about everything.
Nicole: You can’t. Because if he does, he won't want anything to do with me.
Caroline: Not if he really loves you. There's things Victor did in the past I don't approve of.
Nicole: And you still love him? But, Caroline, Brady’s just learning to trust me. And if Victor tells him all those horrible things... Victor, you can’t. That's all. You can’t. Okay, promise me. Promise -- promise that you won't make Brady hate me. I could handle almost anything but that. Please.
Roman: John, I know what you're talking about, but I gotta think somebody picked us up on radar or satellite photos after the eruption.
Marlena: Of course. You're right about that.
Roman: But just in case, we gotta keep moving. When I get to the cigarette boat, I'll see what Abe and Tek and I can do as far as coming up with a plan of action. Whoa! Hang on. Hang on. Oh, okay.
Marlena: Roman, you can't go in that water. It's too dangerous.
Roman: Doc, I said it's not that far. I'll be fine. You just take care of John.
Marlena: Roman.
Roman: I'll be back.
Marlena: Be careful.
Roman: In fact, I'll be back before you know it. All right?
John: [ Groans ] Now that we're alone, tell me the truth. It's bad, isn't it? There's a chance I'm gonna be paralyzed, isn't it?
Marlena: John --
John: No, no, you -- don't hold out on me, Doc. You never have before. You've always been straight with me. Come on.
Marlena: John, the truth is I don't know. I just don't know yet. In a country like ours, the future is full of possibilities.
Meowth: AAAAAAAAAAH! I’m getting tired along with my fucking ha---OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH!
Ash: Careful with your language, you idiot!
Kate: You are giving me way too much credit. How could I be responsible for all this? I didn't even know you were in town.
Brandon: But you knew I was thinking of coming, that I wanted to see my family.
Kate: So?
Brandon: So... that's why you're all fired up on Basic Black funding my outreach program. You wanted to have me back in Salem so that I could get Sami away from your son.
Kate: Now you're giving yourself way too much credit. Because why would I pay you over a million dollars to break up Sami and Lucas when I can hire a hit man for a fraction of that to get rid of her permanently?
Sami: I cannot believe your mother did this to me. I mean, I can't believe -- even for her, it's an all-time low.
Lucas: How? How is it possible, huh?
Sami: I don't know. I don't put anything past that -- will, honey, I think it's past
your bedtime. Why don't you go to sleep? And in the morning, we'll do your homework, okay?
Will: Okay.
Lucas: Good night, buddy. Get some rest.
Will: Good night.
Lucas: I will not have you blame my mother just because you found yourself in Brandon’s arms again tonight.
Sami: Lucas, listen to me, your mother knew he was there. Why else would she have been so nice to me? She offered to drive me to Alice’s? And then when I got there, there was this, like, dance thing with a mask and numbers, and they were partnering people up. Well, Eugenia was in charge of that. So, obviously, she was in on it. The two of them were scheming to get me. I know that they were. And God, when -- when I fainted earlier, it's because I thought I saw Brandon at the front door. But obviously, that was Kate, too.
Lucas: That is just crazy. Are -- are you telling me you mistook my mother for your ex-husband, huh?
Sami: Look, Brandon was there, okay? And when I woke up, Kate was in the apartment. So she must have come up with some sort of Brandon mask or something, you know? And it's part of her ridiculous plot to keep us apart.
Lucas: Ridiculous? Listen to yourself, huh? You've completely lost it.
Sami: No, I haven't, Lucas.
Lucas: Yeah, you have. She wouldn't go through all that trouble, Sami. She wouldn’t.
Sami: Are you kidding? Of course she would. Why? Because she hates me and she wants to break us up. Oh, God, when I get my hands on her, I swear --
Lucas: You know what? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if she did or didn't do this. That's not the point. The point is how you reacted, how you responded when you knew Brandon was there.
Sami: Are you kidding? Lucas, I had no idea that he was the one I was dancing with.
Lucas: As soon as you found out, you ran after him like a bat outta hell. Now, I wanna know why. Are you gonna tell me, or what?
Man: The satellite got a partial shot. Looks like a speedboat and a handful of homemade wooden rafts.
Man #2: Who are these people, and what the hell are they doing out there?
Man: They must have gotten lucky, escaped from that island before the volcano blew.
Man #2: Yeah. Well, with the speed that wave's coming at them, I think their luck may have just run out.
Flint: Running this gym is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY!
Flint: Huh?
Brock: This is your son.
Flint: I feel like I’ve eaten cowshit!
Brock: No need for that, the victor is Ash Ketchum!
Billie: Hope, it's okay. I know you really don't want me back in Salem. I understand. I'm obviously not a threat to your marriage anymore, but that's okay. I am and always will be a part of your husband's past, and, you know, if things had turned out differently, and Bo and I had stayed together, I don't think I'd want you around, either.
Hope: Well, since you put it like that, I hope your stay in Salem is short and sweet.
Billie: I love that we can be honest with each other. Don't you?
Bo: Hey.
Hope: Oh, Bo, you all right?
Bo: Yeah. It's getting very rough out there. We're going to have to get these rafts over to the boat, tie them all together.
Billie: That's a good idea.
Bo: All right, pick up that paddle. Let's go. Let's move.
Nicole: Well, Victor, what's your answer? Do you believe that I am truly sorry for everything? Will you find it in your heart to forgive me and give me and Brady a chance?
Victor: You really love him, don't you?
Nicole: Yes.
Victor: Well, my dear, I always believed that everyone deserves a second chance -- a chance to find happiness wherever they can.
Nicole: Oh, Victor.
Victor: Everyone but you. You're a ruthless, murdering moneygrubber. You don't know the meaning of love, and you never will.
Nicole: No.
Victor: Oh, save your breath. The minute we get back, Brady’s going to know the truth about you, and he's going to be finished with you, and by the time I am, you'll wish you were never born.
Caroline: Oh. Brady. Thank God you're back, Brady.
Brady: Got some fresh water. How's granddad doing?
Caroline: He's okay.
Brady: Good. We got a plan. We have to round up all the rafts. We're going to tie them all together, and then tie them to the speedboat. It's getting really rough out there.
Caroline: Okay.
Brady: Everything's going to be fine.
Victor: Yes, I guarantee you it will.
Marlena: John, listen to me. I can't evaluate your situation right now, but I think we should not get ahead of ourselves.
John: I'm not taking a lot of confidence in your voice, baby. Come on.
Marlena: John, I've been thinking about something. Listen... all that's happened, out here and in Salem -- I want you to know that if you hadn't come here to rescue me, or if Roman and I had died, I'd want you to move on. I'd want you to find happiness, and if that means happiness with Kate, that would be all right with me.
John: Oh, baby, come on. Come on, stop, stop. Stop.
Marlena: Listen to me. I know that you and Kate found comfort in each other. John, she's a wonderful woman. She's a fabulous frie--
John: I love you, Doc. Only you, Doc. Only you. But I got to be honest with you. I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I feel the same way about -- about you and Roman. God forbid if we never found you and you lived the rest of your life on this damn island -- I could understand how you two could get together. I mean, you -- you have a history. You have children.
Marlena: No, no, I --
John: No, listen --
Marlena: I explained all that to you.
John: You don't need to explain. I'm telling you how I feel. I just want you to be happy, Doc, and I know Roman would be there for you. I want you to be happy.
Marlena: Don't say this. You're going to be all right. We're going home, and it's going to be all right. Oh, Roman.
Roman: How's he doing?
John: Did you find them?
Roman: Yeah, they're doing fine, but we all agreed we got to get the rafts over to the cigarette boat, tie them all together.
John: Hey, at least I can help you row.
Marlena: John, take it easy. John. What is it? What's wrong?
John: I can't feel my legs. I can't move them at all.
May: Blimey, I might vomit!
[May vomits towards the audience.]
Viewer: Yuck.
Bonnie: Don't cry, baby. And don't listen to me. You're a good girl. Don't you ever doubt that. Just sometimes life forces us to make hard choices. If Rex means that much to you, then... well, hell, hang on to him, whatever it takes.
Mimi: But you just said --
Bonnie: I was wrong, okay? I was wrong. You love this guy. He may not be Mr. Moneybags like Shawn-d, but --
Mimi: Hello? That is what I've been trying to tell you. I don't care about Shawn and his money. All I want is for him to be with Belle, and I want to be with Rex. But then nothing ever works out the way I want it to. Jan is going to ruin everything. I know it. I'm going to end up losing Rex and my best friends.
Brandon: Save it, Kate. I'm not falling for your innocent act. I came here to see my mother and Lexie and my little brother. I did that, and now I'm leaving.
Kate: You're leaving? You're leaving town?
Brandon: That's right.
Kate: Are you running away from Sami?
Brandon: Well, I am not running away from anybody. As far as I'm concerned, your son and future daughter-in-law deserve each other.
Kate: I think that you protest too much. I think that you are so angry because you're afraid that you still have feelings for Sami.
Brandon: That's ridiculous.
Kate: Is it?
Brandon: That is never going to happen.
Kate: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. I think you do have feelings for Sami, and it scares the hell out of you.
Lucas: Answer me, Sami. Why did you go chasing after Brandon like that?
Sami: I don't know.
Lucas: All right.
Sami: Lucas, I'm just being honest with you, okay? I -- I don't know why I did it. It was an impulse, you know? A gut feeling, and I --
Lucas: Yeah, well, maybe your gut was trying to tell you that you still have feelings for him, huh? Is that it?
Sami: No. Lucas, I love you. I love you more than anything in the whole world, and I know that you are the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life.
Lucas: I hope that's true. 'Cause if not, I mean, even if you have the slightest doubt whether Brandon is out of your system --
Sami: No. I don't, okay? I don't have any doubts.
Lucas: I got to go. I have an important job interview tomorrow. I need to get to bed.
Sami: Lucas, um, wait a second. Is everything -- is everything okay between us?
Lucas: I don't know, Sami. That's up to you.
Sami: [ Sobbing ]
Rex: Are you feeling any better?
Mimi: A little.
Rex: Is there anything else I can do?
Mimi: You could ask me to dance.
Rex: I'd love to. May I?
Mimi: Mm-hmm.
Bonnie: Damn that Jan Spears. Thinks she can mess with my little girl? Well, she's got another think coming.
Rex: This was such a great idea. I love holding you in my arms.
Mimi: I never want to leave them -- ever.
Rex: You'll never have to.
Lexie: Kate. Just one thing, in case you didn't get the message from Brandon -- stop meddling in his life.
Kate: Oh, I got the message. I just don't know what either of you are talking about.
Lexie: Ha ha. Deny it all you like, but you're the only other person in Salem who hates Sami as much as I do. You'd do anything to keep her away from your son, just as I'd do anything to keep her away from Brandon. Consider yourself warned.
Kate: [ Thinking ] Sorry, Lexie, but as soon as Sami and Brandon admit what they still feel for each other, the rest will be inevitable. Lucas will be free, and Sami will go back to being a plague on your family, not mine.
Man: Damn it. There it is. We're not going to make it.
Man #2: The wave's almost on those guys. It's the size of a building.
Man: God help whoever's on those rafts.
May: Just...go on...guys...[dies.]
Max: She died from vomiting!
Brock: Aww damn! Let’s see what we’ve got here...[Brock screams.]
[Max screams.]
May: Watch it, or I’ll shoot you.
Jack: It's getting kind of rough. I think I'll check on your grandmother.
Jennifer: Jack, be careful. I love you. I love you so much.
Jack: I love you, too, more than I can say. I'll be right back. Whoa.
Jennifer: Aah! Whoo. Oh, God. Jack? Jack?! No! Jack!
Brady: Whoa, whoa. What the hell is that?
Nicole: What's wrong?
Brady: I don't know. It feels like the ocean's being pulled out from underneath us or something.
Victor: What's that? Aah!
Hope: Oh, my God. What's happening? Look at that! Bo!
Billie: Oh, my God!
Bo: Hold onto the raft! Hang onto the raft, and don't let go!
Hope and Billie: Aah!
John: What in the hell is that?
Roman: My God, that's a massive wave. Hold on!
Yoshi: Aww crap, Dani. We need to see something at Alice’s.
Dani: OK, Yosh, if you say so.
Bonnie: We are going to Vegas tomorrow to get hitched, and that's what Mickey wants. Right, Mickey?
Mickey: I've made a decision.
Sami: I am with Lucas now, and we are happy, and I am not going to let Brandon break us up, so I guess I should just go talk to him and make sure the guy is perfectly clear.
Rex: You have to promise me no secrets between us.
Celeste: Now there is a new danger.
Julie: What?
Celeste: Water. Tony. Dead. Problem.
Ash: Thunder, don’t fail me now.
Maxie: Damn that li---oh, it’s just the red orb.
[Groudon jumps away.]
Maxie: AWW SHIT!
Days of Our Lives is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.
Rafts were made possible by The Krupp Company, makers of fine boats and rafts since 1917.
Mechanics were made possible by Norton Anti-Virus, Inc.
Cels were provided by SoftX, makers of the anime productions since 1995.
3-D Glasses were provided by Playworks and the Miramax Film Corporation.
Corday Productions (c) 2004
MIRAMAX Television
MATT CEDENO as Brandon
Guest Star CANDI MILO as Yoshi, Dani
Rex: Hey, you're so tense. Are you still upset? What's wrong?
Mimi: I love you so much.
Rex: I love you, too.
Mimi: I want to -- I need to be honest with you. I don't ever wanna lie to you.
Rex: Why would you say that unless you've lied to me about something?
Bonnie: Boy, if Rex ever finds out that Mimi lied to him about getting pregnant and having an abortion, their relationship's gonna be in deep guano. Poor Meems, I just want her to be happy. But maybe she's not lucky like me. Dang it if I didn't hit triple sevens with Mickey. And after tomorrow, when we get hitched in Vegas, they'll be calling me Mrs. Mickey Horton.
Julie: Oh, I wouldn't count my lucky stars yet, if I were you. I do have a different kind of future in mind for Uncle Mickey. There you are!
Bonnie: What the hell does that uppity snot think she's gonna do?
Julie: Good evening, Celeste.
Celeste: Oh, good evening, Julie, Mickey.
Mickey: Hello, Celeste.
Julie: I was wondering if you'd do us a great favor. Would you please tell my Uncle Mickey’s fortune?
Celeste: Um, I don't know.
Julie: Celeste, it could be very important. Please.
Celeste: Very well. But before I begin, I must warn you, I feel that the future, it may change forever tonight. Lovers will be estranged, living and the dead may exchange places.
Julie: I don't understand. How is that possible?
Celeste: Ah. First by fire, and then...
[ Gasps ]
Julie: What?
Bonnie: What's wrong?
Celeste: There will be many tears shed tonight... so many tears.
Sami: Brandon. Lucas and Will are both asleep, and they'll never know that I'm gone.
Brandon: She must have gone to bed. Well, I won't bug her.
Woman: Stop! Stop!
Brandon: Samantha?
Lexie: Oh, I sure hope Brandon didn't go see Sami. He knows she's nothing but trouble. Abe. Could it be possible that you're still alive?
Celeste: My visions were accurate, darling. Now that Caribbean island that everyone thinks is uninhabited, that's the location of our lost loved ones. They're all there -- Abraham is there, Tek is there, John, Marlena, Brady, and Roman. Oh, my God, Bo, Hope, Jack, Jennifer -- they are all there on that island. And they're about to be killed by an active volcano. Now we have got to do something!
Lexie: Please, no.
Man on TV: In the Caribbean, there are reports of a tremendous volcanic eruption on a small island. Coast guard officials have stated that, fortunately, there appears to be no loss of life. But the eruption has triggered a colossal tidal wave capable of killing anyone in its path.
Man: Radio down to the crew to make sure we haven't lost anybody.
Pike: Right. Is everyone accounted for down there? Right. Okay, you guys might wanna hunker down. In case you hadn't noticed, it's gonna get a little rough.
Man: That's a bit of an understatement.
Pike: Everyone's accounted for. They've all moved down to aft quarters.
Man: Good, that damned thing nearly hit us broadside. I don't think I've ever taken a swell that big.
Pike: Nice job, Captain.
Man: We're not out of it yet.
Pike: Well, at least that one didn't get us.
Man: I think God might have been smiling down on us. And it doesn't hurt to have a sizable boat underneath. Anything smaller isn't gonna stand a chance in hell in these seas.
Brock: Oh, hell. May’s acting psycho.
Max: My sister? NO! SHE CAN’T BE!
John: Hold on, Doc. No, doc. No! No! No!
Ash: Thunder, don’t fail me now.
Maxie: Damn that li---oh, it’s just the red orb.
[Groudon jumps away.]
Maxie: AWW SHIT!
Meowth: Damn. I knew that Archie would settle the score with Team Magma sooner or later.
Bo: Hope! Hope!
Brady: Nicole! Nicole, can you hear me? Aah!
Nicole: Brady! Help! Save me!
Jennifer: Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! No! No, no!
Pike: I'm not picking up a thing. They've all dropped off screen.
Man: That would have been the speedboat and the rafts. No way they could have made it through that monster.
Archie: Now what the hell is this, stupid psycho?
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.
Celeste: The dishes.
[ Gasps ] Did you see that?
Mickey: See what?
Celeste: It was another premonition.
Julie: But of what?
Celeste: First there was fire, and -- and -- and then...
Celeste: Now there is a new danger.
Julie: What?
Celeste: Water. Tony.
Celeste: Death.
Bonnie: You know, Celeste, not for nothing, but this whole water thing is kinda turning you into a wet blanket. You see, the fire thing I can get into 'cause I want people in this joint burning up the dance floor, but you're kinda starting to rain on the pay-rade, you know what I mean? Could you lighten it up just a little bit?
Rex: Come on, Mimi, what is it?
Mimi: I haven't lied to you, really. It's -- it's, you know, I've always wanted to be honest with you, and...
Bonnie: Uh-oh.
Mimi: I can't let anything ruin our future together.
Rex: Mimi, look, I know how upset you are about what happened between Shawn and Belle. Okay, we saw what Belle's lie did to their relationship, and I know you will never do that to me. I have no doubt about that.
Bonnie: Oh, Mimi, come on. I want Celeste to see what's in your future.
Mimi: I'd really rather not.
Bonnie: Nonsense. Let's see what kind of hot romance you have to look forward to. What do you say, Celeste? What's Mimi got in store for herself?
Celeste: There's a secret that could destroy your life, Mimi.
Mimi: Thanks a lot, mom.
Man on TV: The tidal surge is expected to reach heights of over 40 feet. Several small craft have been spotted in the area, but according to a coast guard spokesman, everyone aboard is feared lost. A coast guard ship has been dispatched in the area for a search and recovery mission.
Lexie: I've gotta stop listening to my mother's crazy vibes and visions and premonitions. Abe and the others can't be out there.
Man: This is gonna be rough, so hang on.
Pike: All right, we're closing in on the coordinates where that wave seemed to crest.
Man: You see anything?
Pike: Not a thing. This is just about the location of that boat and those rafts.
Man: I don't think there's a chance in hell anyone could have made it through that wave.
Pike: No, they had to have gone under. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I think I see something.
Man: What?
Pike: Some wreckage. It looks like some bodies.
Man: Do you see any of them still alive?
Lexie: Dear Lord, if Abe is alive, please bring him home safely, along with the others and Tek.
[ Car door opens ]
Lexie: Abe!
Woman: Stop! Please stop!
[ Bus pulls off ]
Woman: Damn.
Lexie: Oh, Brandon. I was hoping -- I-I mean, I thought -- come in, come in.
Brandon: You thought I was someone else?
Lexie: Uh, uh...
Brandon: Who?
Lexie: Uh, you, you. I thought it was you, of course. I just expected you'd be home earlier. So, did you go somewhere after you left the party at Alice’s?
Brandon: Yeah, I did.
Lexie: Where?
Brandon: To Samantha’s.
Sami: All right. I know I saw Brandon. I know he saw me. What would he be doing here unless he wanted to talk to me? I mean, what could he possibly want with me? I guess maybe he still has feelings for me. I mean, maybe that's it. I know I felt some of our old chemistry when we were dancing together at that party. He must have, too. But there is no way that we are getting back together. I can't do it. I don't wanna do it. I am with Lucas now, and we are happy, and I am not gonna let Brandon break us up. So I guess I should just go talk to him and make sure that that is perfectly clear.
Celeste: This secret could destroy your happiness, Mimi.
Mimi: I've gotta go.
Rex: No, no, no. Wait a minute, wait a minute. I wanna hear more about this secret.
Bonnie: Maybe this isn't such a good time. You know, maybe another time would be better.
Rex: No, no. Wait, okay? I don't believe much in this fortune-telling thing, but Mimi has been tense about something lately. And I don't know, if she won't tell me, maybe the cards will.
Celeste: We must listen to what the cards say. Ah, there is a great love in Mimi’s life.
Mimi: It's Rex. It always has been, and always will be.
Celeste: No, I am not so sure, darling. There is... mixed signs here. There is another.
Mimi: No, there can't be.
Celeste: Yes. It is an old love, someone with whom you've had a long history.
Bonnie: Shawn! It's probably Shawn!
Mimi: Stick a cork in it, mother. Shawn is with Jan. You know that. And as soon as their little fling is over, he's gonna go back to Belle -- who he belongs with.
Rex: You know, hold the phone for a sec. I wanna hear more about this old love.
Mimi: It is no one! The only other person I ever dated was Kevin from high school, and it wasn't even serious. I swear, Rex, you are the only man I have ever loved and ever will love.
Bonnie: I'm thinking that Mimi can see her future as well as anyone here. We don't need a psychic.
Celeste: I'm feeling something.
Bonnie: I think we're all done here, Celeste.
Celeste: No. This has nothing to do with Mimi.
Rex: Why am I still worried?
Mimi: Rex, you have no reason to be.
Rex: I don't know. I can't help wondering if there is another man in your life.
Julie: Uncle Mickey, you are making a colossal mistake going to Las Vegas and marrying that woman.
Mickey: Julie, please, we have been over this.
Julie: Yes, I know we've been over it. And I thought when you called Sarah and Melissa, the girls would be able to talk some sense into their father.
Mickey: Listen, the girls were very supportive. They know how much I loved Maggie and how much I still miss her. But they didn't like to see me just alone and miserable. They just want me to be happy.
Julie: You think I don't want you to be happy, Mickey?
Celeste: I have just had a powerful sensation about a woman.
Julie: Who?
Celeste: Maggie. I'm sorry, Mickey, but I'm afraid you may lose your beloved Maggie all over again.
Pike: This is the first one we fished out. If there are others, they're in even worse shape than this one.
Pete: I sure do. 24 hours later he was dead. He passed away.
Vanessa: You guys have huge !
Ash: Back to Lilycove, guys.
May: Huh? [Her red eyes revert back to their normal color.]
Mickey: How can I be expected to lose Maggie again? She died a year ago, we all know that.
Celeste: That's not true. Wait! My vision of Maggie, it's -- it's fading. I-I don't know what's happening, but -- but I can feel it. Yes! Yes, I sense her. Her will -- oh, she is trying, she is fighting to come back to you.
Bonnie: From the dead?
Celeste: Maggie's not dead.
Bonnie: Celeste, why are you doing this to poor Mickey? He already lost his wife once. Why are you forcing him to go through the whole thing again? You are doing nothing but giving him false hope. Maggie is dead, Celeste, d-e-a-D.
Celeste: Mickey and Maggie have a very powerful love, a love that is capable of miraculous things, Bonnie.
Bonnie: Listen, shove a sock in it, all right? Stop doing this to my man. Maggie is not coming back. Sweetie, you are not buying into all this hooey, now, are you?
Rex: Who is this old love? And why is he showing up in Celeste’s cards?
Mimi: Rex, you're a genius, a man of science. Don't tell me you believe in Celeste’s tarot cards. I don't care what she saw, okay? You are the only man that I want. You're the only man I will ever want. And you're the only man I could ever possibly love.
Rex: I love you, too. But Celeste was right about one thing. Secrets can kill a relationship. You have to promise me -- no secrets between us.
Sami: Hey, Celeste. Celeste, I have to talk to you. Come here, sit down.
Celeste: What is it, Samantha?
Sami: Look, I just heard that Brandon is back in town, okay? So I need your help. You have to tell me what's going on with him. Why is he here? Can you tell me?
Celeste: You are engaged to Lucas. Why do you even care about Brandon?
Sami: I'm just curious.
Celeste: Yes, and I'm skeptical.
Sami: Okay, look, everyone knows that I used to be in love with Brandon, okay? It's no secret. But I just wanna know now if Brandon is gonna come between me and Lucas.
Celeste: And you're really over Brandon?
Sami: I swear it. Maybe I think about him from time to time, but that is completely natural. We were married... for a nanosecond. Look, I'm telling you, it's all in the past for me. I am not living my life in the rearview mirror.
Celeste: Very well. Come with me, Samantha.
Sami: I'm serious, Celeste. I am ready to move forward in my future with Lucas.
Celeste: [ Gasps ]
Sami: What? What do you see? What is it?
Celeste: This is not a good sign.
Sami: What's not a good sign?
Celeste: You're not going to want to hear this.
Lexie: You went to see Sami?
Brandon: Don't worry, I didn't actually talk to her. I just -- I went to her apartment, I saw her through the window. Then I thought better of it and left.
Lexie: Well, it's a good thing you didn't see her. It would have been a huge mistake, you know.
Brandon: I've been doing a lot of thinking. Kate asked me about my feelings towards Samantha.
Lexie: And?
Brandon: Well, I realized I have to let go of my anger toward her. I have to forgive her.
Lexie: Why? I mean, what does it matter, unless you wanna get back together with Sami?
Maggie: Oh, thank God you're all right.
Hope: What about the others?
Maggie: Well, Tek rescued me and Alice, and she's below deck getting some warm clothes on. But then Tek went out to try to look for Abe. But they're both still missing. Okay, okay, now. Come on now. Where's Bo? Where's Bo?
Hope: The last I saw, he was diving back under...
Maggie: Okay.
Hope: Searching for Billie and Roman and anyone else he could find.
Maggie: Okay.
Hope: I don't know where daddy is, or Jennifer, Jack, the baby.
Patrick: It's okay. It's okay.
Maggie: Jennifer!
Hope: Patrick, you saved them. Jen, what happened?
Jennifer: Jack. Listen, we have to find Jack. I saw him -- I saw him go under. He went to help the others. But I can't lose him. I can't lose him.
Patrick: I'm going back out to find Jack.
Pike: The Navy S.E.A.L.S are in the water. We've got other ships out there combing the area. You're not going anywhere. We have to make sure you're okay.
Brady: Where's my dad? Where's my dad and my grandfather, and Caroline?
Hope: They're still out there.
Brady: I gotta go, then.
Nicole: No, no, no, no. Brady, don't leave me.
Brady: Nicole, I can't just leave him there to die.
Nicole: I won't let you go. I won't let you risk your life. I can't lose you.
Brady: Dad?
Maggie: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. John?
Brady: Dad?
John: Son.
Brady: Thank God.
John: Marlena... have you seen her? Have you seen her?
Brady: No, no, dad, we haven’t.
John: She saved my life, kid. She saved my life.
John: What are you doing?
Marlena: I'm strapping you in. There's no way this raft can support both of us.
John: What are you talking about, Doc? Come on.
Marlena: John, you can't swim.
John: Yes, I can. Just let me go. I can.
Marlena: John, no, you can’t. You can't move your legs.
John: Forget about my legs. Just worry about saving yourself, Doc.
Marlena: John, I love you. I love you.
John: I can't let you do that. Just stay in my arms.
Marlena: No, no. John, please remember... just remember that I love you. I love you.
John: Doc!
John: Doc. Doc! [ Sobbing ] Doc! It's just not right! We came this far. We defeated DiMera, we got off that damn island, just to... just to lose them all over again.
Lexie: Do you wanna get back together with Sami?
Brandon: Absolutely not! How many times do I have to say it? I'm not getting sucked back into her craziness. She has Lucas now. They have a son together. I hope they're happy.
Lexie: And you are much too good for her, Brandon. So, where do you go from here?
Sami: So, Celeste, tell me what it says. What am I not gonna like?
Celeste: If Brandon Walker stays in Salem tonight, you will not find happiness.
Sami: What? What does that mean, that I'm gonna lose Lucas, that we're not gonna be a family?
Celeste: I can only tell you what the cards portend. Now, the next few hours are critical. If Brandon spends the night here, darling, your life will never be the same.
Sami: Listen, Celeste, there must be some kind of mistake, okay? Maybe you should reshuffle the cards and -- and read 'em again because you'll get something totally different, okay?
Celeste: The cards have spoken. Your happiness will be decided tonight.
Rex: Mimi, promise me that there'll never be any secrets between us.
Mimi: I promise, no secrets from now on.
Rex: I love you so much. Now I wanna take you home and show you how much you mean to me.
Mimi: If I ever lost you, I don't know what I'd do.
Bonnie: Don't you believe that phony fortune-teller. I'm sorry, baby, but Maggie is dead. She's not coming back.
Julie: What if it is true? What if Doug is out there with Maggie, and they are trying to get back to us? Maybe that's the reason I had no interest in moving on with my life without Doug. Maybe that's the reason you shouldn't move on with your life with Bonnie. What if it's true? What if they're alive?
Bonnie: How? No, it's not true. And I'm not gonna let you do this to poor Mickey. It's downright cruel. Let Mickey move on with his life.
Maggie: Remember what Alice has been saying for months? Keep the faith, and we'll all be reunited.
Hope: She's right.
Jennifer: God, please let it be true. Please return Jack safely to me, please. Please, God.
Maggie: Uh-oh. Abe?
Brady: Oh, God.
Man: Get the medic over here. We have one that needs to be pronounced dead.
John: No, no, no, no. Marlena, no.
All: [ Gasp ]
Hope: Bo.
Pike: No pulse. How long has he been like this?
Man: I have no idea, but the guys who brought him in said they'd been trying to revive him for quite a while. We've been doing C.P.R. on him, too, but I think he's gone.
Hope: No, he's not. No, he's not. He can't be.
Man: I'm very sorry, ma'am.
Hope: No! He saved my life. Then he went to save Billie.
Hope: [ Coughing ]
Bo: Thought I'd lost you.
Hope: You could never lose me, Brady.
Bo: Look, there are lights. A boat is on its way here. Looks like we're gonna get out of this.
Hope: How is that even possible after everything we've been through?
Bo: Well, whatever, it is possible. We're gonna make it. Hope, I need you to stay here on this raft. I gotta go find Billie.
Hope: No! Bo, no. The sea's too rough. Please. Look at you, you're exhausted. Just wait for the rescue boat.
Bo: We can't do that. By the time they get here, it'll be too late. You stay right here, okay?
Hope: No, Bo... please.
Bo: I love you. Remember that.
Hope: Bo, don't go. Please, Bo! Don't go. No! Bo!
Hope: Come back to me. Please come back to me. I love you. Please. Damn you, Bo. Your sons need you. I need you. Come back to me.
Hope: [ Gasps ]
Bo: Hey, fancy face.
Hope: Hey. You're gonna be okay.
Jennifer: Oh, Jack.
John: Doc.
Patrick: Now that's a miracle.
Pike: That's the way I see it. There's another lady below deck. She's in pretty bad shape. Her name's Billie Reed.
Hope: Billie.
Bo: Yeah, I found her. Who else is missing? Ma, Victor... Roman?
Hope: Still quite a few people missing.
Brady: I gotta find my grandfather. I can't stay here. I gotta find other people that are missing.
Nicole: Brady, listen, I won't let you go. Let the Coast Guard handle the search now.
Man: We've got boats combing the area. They've just plucked out Doug Williams. He's gonna be okay.
Hope: Oh, thank God. Daddy made it.
Bo: Anybody else?
Man: I'll get on the radio, see what they've got.
John: I'll trade my life in a heartbeat for Doc.
Jennifer: What if they don't find Jack? What am I gonna tell Abby?
Patrick: Look, Jack's love for you, Abby, and the baby kept him going in the jungle. There's no way he's going to give up now.
Hope: What did you find out?
Man: I've got a list of the survivors, and the ones who weren't so lucky.
Rex: Mimi, what's wrong?
Mimi: I just heard Shawn and Jan going at it in his room. I just hate that those two are together in here. It's wrong.
Rex: Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. He needs to dump that witch and go back to where he belongs, with Belle. But there's nothing we can do, okay? We need to concentrate on our relationship. I mean, we're... happy, we're in love. I love you so much, Mimi. Look, I want to have a wonderful future together and a beautiful family.
Mimi: No. No, no, no, no, no. I can-- I can’t.
Brandon: Well, I finally made a decision about my future. I'm not moving back to Salem. I came here to see how you and Theo are doing, and that's it. And I'll be back as often as I can, but... I don't think living here would be a very good idea for me or Samantha.
Lexie: I think that's a very wise decision. So, what about Kate’s offer?
Brandon: Well, I won't have the kids in my outreach program suffer if Basic Black is willing to help. But if Kate’s offering charity just so that I can break up Sami and Lucas, forget it. I won't have any part of that. You know, if Kate really wants to fund the program, I can run it from Chicago. You know, I don't have to stay here in Salem.
Lexie: Well, you know I'll miss you.
Brandon: I know. I'll miss you, too.
Lexie: Well, do you have to leave right away? Can you at least stay the night?
Sami: Okay, Celeste, that was a pathetic prediction, and I'm not buying it. How could it possibly make a difference to my happiness if Brandon spends the night in Salem or not? Look, you should get some new cards, because those are broken.
Celeste: Ignore the warning at your own risk, darling.
Sami: Yeah, you believe it. I am gonna ignore it, thank you very much, or maybe I should talk to Brandon. So, listen, you don't happen to have some sort of psychic G.P.S. Tracking device that can tell me where he is?
Celeste: I don't need my psychic abilities for that, Samantha. My daughter Alexandra invited him to stay with her and Theodore.
Sami: Figures.
Celeste: Are you jealous?
Sami: How many times do I have to tell you? I am in love with Lucas. I love him, and we are gonna be happy together. We are gonna be a happy family with will. I'm not gonna let Brandon come between us. I am not gonna let him mess up our relationship.
Celeste: Sometimes we don't always get what we want, Samantha.
Sami: Are you saying that it's for sure that Brandon is gonna break us up?
Celeste: I'm saying that if he doesn't leave tonight, it will not bode well.
Sami: Well, then I'd better talk to him and get him to leave. Thanks.
Bonnie: Honey, Maggie is dead. She was killed last Halloween by the Salem Stalker. I know it's a sad anniversary. And you... you're just making things worse by giving him false hope. Maggie is not gonna rise from the grave.
Celeste: Don't be too sure.
Bonnie: Ah! You know, maybe in your little world you talk to dead people, but I'm gonna tell you one thing, Maggie is not gonna come line dancing through that door. She is not gonna be snuggling up with Mickey at night. I'm his fiancée -- living, breathing, with a body to wrap him up like batter on a corn dog. Now we are going to vegas tomorrow to get hitched, and that's what Mickey wants. Right, Mickey?
Mickey: I've made a decision.
Mickey: If I found out that Maggie were alive, it would be the happiest day of my life. But I cannot live my life with false hopes. I have to move on with my life. Whether or not you've noticed, I'm not getting any younger. And I don't wanna waste any more time. I want to live my life to the fullest. And frankly, Bonnie helps me do that. And I do plan to marry her, if she'll have me.
Bonnie: Yes! Oh! I can't wait!
Celeste: The future will indeed be clearer in the light of day.
Bonnie: My future has never been brighter. Come on.
Celeste: We should know for sure. Maggie may still be alive.
Julie: Well, I hope she shows up in time to stop Uncle Mickey from making the biggest mistake of his life.
Celeste: Right.
Bonnie: I am gonna rustle you up some of that 4-alarm chili that you love so much.
Mickey: Oh, good. Ha ha ha.
Bonnie: Excuse me. What if that prediction is true? What if Maggie is still alive? I have got to get that boy to Vegas and marry him tonight.
Rex: Mi, what's wrong?
Mimi: I want a future with you, Rex, but I'm not ready to start a family.
Rex: Neither am I. We've talked about this already. It's too soon. I will never stop loving you, Mimi. You're perfect, and beautiful, and kind, and true, and... I just can't get enough of you, Mimi.
Lexie: Oh, please, Lord, I need to know if Abe and Tek are alive. Please tell me what happened. Please just give me a sign.
[ Knock on door ]
Sami: Oh, thank God. Look, where is Brandon, Lexie? I have to talk to him. I have to make sure that he doesn't stay in Salem tonight. Well? Lexie, where is he?
Man: We've picked up two more survivors.
Brady: Is my grandfather one of them?
Man: We have an Abraham Carver and a Thomas E. Kramer.
Hope: Oh, thank God. Abe and Tek.
Bo: Are they all right?
Man: They'll be fine.
Jennifer: What about the others? Have you found anyone else?
Man: I'm sorry, we've searched the entire area. There's no sign of life out there. We doubt anyone else will be rescued. I have a list of those who are presumed dead -- Marlena Evans Black, Roman Brady, Cassie Brady, Caroline Brady, Colin Murphy, Victor Kiriakis, and Jack Deveraux.
John: No. They can't all be dead. No.
Brandon: In the limited amount of time that I have in Salem, I wanna spend it with the people I really care about.
Lexie: Don't take that chance. Don't let her ruin your life.
Ash: I need to contact Misty.
Misty: What?
Ash: We have just landed at Lilycove!
Lucas: You went to see Brandon, right?
Sami: Yeah, I did.
Lucas: It's over. I'm not marrying you.
Bo: Why them? Why did the Brady’s have to suffer?
Sami: You and your mother, you're doing this on purpose. Lexie, I am not gonna let you do this to me!
Ash: Where in the hell are we?
Blue: HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! Will you please stop beating me, you imbeciles? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH!
Brock: [British accent] Why, those hairy Japanese bastards!
Ash: I guess that answers our question.
Days of Our Lives is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.
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Cels were provided by SoftX, makers of the anime productions since 1995.
Corday Productions (c) 2004
MIRAMAX Television
MATT CEDENO as Brandon
Lucas: Damn you, Sami. Where the hell are you? I got a pretty good idea. That's who you were dancing with, right, Sami -- Brandon? That's who you went chasing after?
Sami: Yeah. Yeah, it was Brandon. But, Lucas, I didn't catch up with him. It's not like we --
Lucas: That is not the point. The point is you went after him, and I want to know why. Maybe it's because you're not over him in the way you think you are. Is that it? 'Cause if that's it, I mean, if that's the truth, it's like I told you -- you and I will never get married. I mean it, Sami. If you're chasing after Brandon, you've run out of chances. That's it. We're history.
Sami: Lexie, thank God. Look, I have to know where Brandon is. I have to talk to him. I have to make sure that he doesn't stay in Salem tonight.
Lexie: Sami, why are you so worked up? What's your problem?
Sami: Your psychic mother made this totally crazy prediction, but I'm just worried that it might come true.
Lexie: Oh. Oh. And what was her prediction?
Sami: She said that if Brandon spends the night in Salem tonight, it will totally ruin my future happiness.
Lexie: Oh, then you get exactly what you deserve.
Sami: So you're saying that he is here, that is Brandon’s rental car in the driveway.
Lexie: Brandon is family. If he wants to stay the night, he is more than welcome. But you are unbelievable. You have Lucas and your son at home, yet here you are. Admit it, Sami -- you still have feelings for Brandon, don't you?
Sami: Yes! Yes, damn it, I do!
Bo: Abe.
Hope: Abe, thank God.
Abe: Oh, Hope, oh.
Hope: Ooh, Abe, thank God. Oh.
Abe: I'm so lucky to be alive. I tell you, Tek saved my life. I would have drowned.
Hope: Yeah, well, Tek saved Gran and Maggie, too. Where is he?
Abe: He's down below. He's got an oxygen mask on his face. I saw Billie. She's still in critical condition.
Bo: Yeah, we know.
Abe: Okay. Give me the bad news. Who else is missing?
Bo: The Coast Guard just filled us in. Marlena and Roman, Colin, Cassie, Jack, Victor, and my mom. They're all missing and presumed dead.
Abe: God.
Hope: How can this be happening? How could we lose them all over again?
Bo: No, no. I'm not going to believe that anyone is dead until we see bodies, and even then -- who the hell knows? They could be on a desert island or something with DiMera involved. Damn it. This is not happening again.
John: No, it's not. I'm going to find Doc. We need to get back out there in the water.
Brady: Dad, come on, please. You can't even move your own legs. If anyone's going out there, it's me. I need to find my grandfather.
Abe: Brady, uh, Victor was in pretty bad shape. I don't think he could have lasted very long out there.
Nicole: [ Thinking ] I hope the old geezer croaks.
Jennifer: Please... please, my baby needs his father. We have to find Jack.
Patrick: I'm feeling better. I'm going back out to start searching.
Bo: You're not going alone. Brady, Abe, how you feeling?
Brady: Feeling good. What's the plan?
Abe: Let's split up in four directions and start searching.
Chavez: You're not going anywhere. I'm not adding your names to the list of the dead.
Ash: Fuck it, man. I’ve never seen this town busier than last time...
Brock: Looks like there’s a slave trade going on...
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.
Bo: Captain, our loved ones are out there.
Patrick: Yeah, give us one more chance to find them.
Chavez: No, you're not going back out into that water.
Bo: Come on, man. You need manpower. Use us. We'll do whatever it takes to find them.
John: Come on, Captain. You're wasting valuable time here.
Chavez: Will you just listen to me? There's no need to go out there and risk your lives. We've just sent out a state-of-the-art deep sonar probe.
Abe: What can it do?
Chavez: It can recognize and identify any moving form by weight, shape, and density. If you guys churn up the surf any more, you could be the reason we never find them.
Bo: All right, fine. We'll sit tight.
Hope: The Coast Guard saved our lives. Let's just pray to God that they save the others.
Nicole: Yeah. Everyone but Grandpa Munster.
Brady: You say something?
Jennifer: Oh, Jack. Oh, Jack, you have to be okay. What are we going to do?
Patrick: It's going to be all right. It's going to be all right.
Ash: Where in the hell are we?
Blue: HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! Will you please stop beating me, you imbeciles? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH!
Brock: [British accent] Why, those hairy Japanese bastards!
Ash: I guess that answers our question. Time to hit the old damn dressing room.
[Ash falls into a manhole and reemerges as Ashley.]
Ashley: Wow, that was a cinch.
Brock: Let’s go!
Stefano: Damn straight. The will, Armaggedon?
Armaggedon: Yes, sir.
[He reads.]
Armaggedon: “...and that my cremated remains be scattered along the coast of Lilycove.” Come on, now, sis. Into the oven.
[Scary music plays, then dies down.]
Stefano: STOP! She’s not quite dead yet.
Armaggedon: Dammit. [He pulls Blue out of the furnace and throws her into the warehouse.] That should do it.
Lucas: So you're lying. So you're lying to me. She swore -- she swore to me it was over between her and Brandon. I gave her fair warning. I cannot marry a woman I can't trust. There's no way.
Will: You can't give up on mom. You have to fight for her. You can't just let Brandon win.
Sami: Yes, Lexie, I do have strong feelings for Brandon. I want him out of my life. I want to marry Lucas and be a family with Will.
Lexie: Oh, and somehow, Brandon is spoiling your dreamy future?
Sami: Yes. It's going to turn into a nightmare if your mother is right.
Lexie: Oh, so you mean that if Brandon stays overnight in Salem, that your happily ever after with Lucas may end up with a very unhappy ending?
Sami: Yes. Yes, okay? If Celeste is telling the truth.
Lexie: Well, we should get a second opinion, Sami.
Sami: Look, I don't believe in any of this hocus-pocus stuff either, okay? But -- but right now, I can't afford to take any chances, so you just tell me -- is Brandon here, and if he is, how quickly can he pack, get in his car, and lay rubber to the city limits? In fact, the state border would be better, or even better yet, getting him out of the country, but anything. It just has to be tonight.
Lexie: Okay, okay, look, I hate to disappoint you, but just before you got here, I asked Brandon to stay overnight so he could spend some time with his little brother Theo.
Sami: Oh, my God! You -- you and your mother, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You're working together to ruin my life! Look, Lexie, I am not going to let you get away with it! I'm not going to let you do this to me!
Roman: Thank you.
Marlena: I-I don't know what you're saying, but thank you so much for saving us. Roman, do you think that anybody else might have survived?
Roman: Well, let's see if we can find out. Uh... listen, uh... are we the only two people who survived, or did you find -- did you find other people in the water? Well, I don't know whether those nods mean yes, or they don't know what the hell I'm asking.
Marlena: Roman, I'm so scared for John. He was paralyzed. I'm not sure he could have made it through those waves.
Roman: Doc, listen to me very closely. And I'm sorry to have to say this, but I think we have to face the possibility that we are the only two who did survive.
Stefano: This girl is a likely candidate for just as little as ten Pokepoints.
Stefano: Go ahead, sir. Choose your slave.
Caroline: Oh, please, Lord, help Victor pull through.
Caroline: I thought I'd lost you. Luckily we were rescued by those Japanese fishermen. Now I'm wondering... if we're the only two survivors.
Jack: Come on. Come on, come on. You're going to make it. You're going to be all right.
Lexie: What has gotten into you? Have you lost your mind? Get out of here!
Sami: Oh, God, Lexie. I'm sorry, okay? I've just had a really bad night, and if Celeste’s predictions come true, it's going to get a whole lot worse for me.
Lexie: Where do you think you're going?
Sami: Wait, he's up there, isn't he?
Lexie: No, he's not, Sami. I asked him to stay, but he turned me down.
Sami: What? Why?
Lexie: Yeah, well, he's made up his mind. He's not moving back to Salem.
Sami: Really?
Lexie: Mm-hmm. He doesn't want to be anywhere near you. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to be near you, either.
Sami: Well, that's really good news, 'cause now I'm sure that Brandon’s not going to ruin my future.
Lexie: I'm sure you can do that all by yourself. Good night.
Sami: [ Sighs ]
Lexie: I can't let Sami get anywhere near Brandon -- not tonight or ever.
Brandon: Hey, I thought I heard voices. Was someone here?
Lexie: Uh, no, no. I was, uh, watching TV -- "Law & Order."
Brandon: Oh.
Lexie: Oh, did you have a good time with Theo?
Brandon: Yeah, having a great time. I just read him a story. Zack slept straight through.
Lexie: Mm.
Brandon: Yeah, Theo and I are getting real tight. It was hard to say goodbye to him.
Lexie: Yeah, I'm sure it is.
Brandon: So I've decided to take you up on your offer and spend the night.
Lexie: What? Y-you want to stay here tonight in Salem?
Brandon: Well, yeah. One night won't really make a difference. Is there a problem?
Brandon: Is something wrong?
Lexie: No, no. I just think that you should leave tonight.
Brandon: But you wanted me to stay.
Lexie: Yeah, I know, but I just heard a news blurb that said it's supposed to pour down raining tomorrow morning.
Brandon: There's not a cloud in the sky.
Lexie: Well, no, but I'm -- Brandon, I'm guessing there will be tomorrow morning, okay? Anyway, you just said how difficult it was for you to say goodbye to Theo, so why put yourself through that pain again? You should go. I'll get your coat. Oh. Um... I'll really miss you. But, um, if you will be living in Chicago, you won't be that far away, so theo and I will come and visit you soon, okay?
Brandon: All right, cut the crap, Lexie. I can tell you're hiding something. Tell me the truth. Is this about Samantha?
Lucas: Sami.
Sami: [ Gasps ] God, Lucas, you scared me. I thought you were sound asleep. I mean, you have that big job interview tomorrow.
Lucas: Where you been?
Sami: To the store.
Lucas: What'd you buy?
Sami: It was closed.
Lucas: You can't even tell the truth, can you? You went to see Brandon, right?
Sami: Yeah, I did.
Lucas: I knew it. That's it. It's over. I'm not marrying you.
Brady: Answer my question. You don't want my grandfather to make it? Is that what you're saying?
Nicole: I'm not going to lie. My future would be a lot brighter if Victor wasn't in the picture. I love you, Brady, and I want us to be together. And as long as Victor is alive, he'll do whatever he can to keep us apart.
Brady: You know, we're talking about my grandfather. How far would you go to see him dead?
Hope: I'm so sorry.
Bo: Yeah. You know, Victor was frail before that wave hit, and ma -- no way she could survive that ocean. But Marlena, Roman, Cassie -- they're strong. Why them? Why do the Brady’s have to suffer? Even with Tony and Stefano dead, will this ever end?
John: Oh, dear God, please return Marlena, Roman, and all the rest to us safely and end this nightmare forever.
Marlena: I need to know that John is all right and that we're going to be together again soon.
Roman: Doc, listen to me. I know what you're saying, but I am worried about ma, Abe, and Cassie. My God -- Cassie can't even swim.
Marlena: Oh! Oh, Roman, I'm so sorry.
Roman: Doc, it's not your fault. It is not your fault at all. It's DiMera’s fault, and thanks to DiMera, Kate thinks she lost me, our daughter, and Billie. At least I had a chance to bond with Cassie on that island. But what if we did lose her? What if we did? How do I tell Kate? How do I tell Kate that we lost our newfound daughter?
Ash: I’ll buy Blue. 10 Pokepoints.
Stefano: She’s yours.
Blue: I’ll miss all you yet-to-be-bought slaves!
[Ash walks into the elevator with Blue.]
Stefano: What the hell is that fucking thingy doing beeping around me?
Tony: I’ve made it to the boat.
Stefano: Good for you, son.
Jack: Come on. Come on. It's all right. Come on.
Cassie: [ Coughs ]
Jack: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. Thank God.
Cassie: What happened? Where am I?
Jack: I don't know. We've been picked up by some kind of Japanese fishing trawler.
Cassie: Did the others survive?
Jack: They only speak Japanese, so at this point, I haven't been able to communicate with anybody.
Cassie: Oh, my God. My dad, my grandma Caroline, your baby, and your wife. We -- we have to find out what happened to them.
Victor: I feel like I'm in heaven and you're an angel.
Caroline: Ha ha ha. Oh.
Victor: What happened?
Caroline: I'm so grateful you made it. Everyone else may not have been as lucky.
Victor: You don't know if Brady or Bo or Roman...
Caroline: Cassie, Marlena... I just pray we haven't lost them all.
Marlena: Roman, there could be other survivors on this ship.
Roman: Yeah, I know, Doc, but -- but wouldn't the fishermen maybe have taken us to them if there were? I think we need to find out. Damn it. This door is locked.
Ash: This is it, the Safari Zone.
Brock: Hey, we’ve to get the hell out into this place.
Ash: Here, you can have one of my Pokeballs.
Jack: I've got to find Jennifer and my son.
Cassie: Is it horrible for me to say that I'm glad that Tony’s dead?
Jack: No, no. No, no, we're all glad. Let's just hope that this time, it's finally true.
Marlena: Roman, Tony is dead. He can't hurt us anymore, and for my part, I'm glad about that.
Roman: Yeah. Oh, Doc, I hope you're right, but knowing Tony’s track record, I'm sure he plans to haunt us from the grave.
Roman: And what the hell did you call me for?
Ash: Blue’s ready to catch another Pokemon.
Blue: Pokeball, GO!
Blue: Got ‘im!
Bart: Man. Okey-dokey. If it hadn't been for your emergency escape route from that island, I'd be dead. Sorry you weren't so lucky, sir, but I have my orders. None of your old enemies are going to get out of here alive.
Sami: Lucas, what do you mean it's over, that you don't want to marry me? You're not even going to give me a chance to explain?
Lucas: No. No more explanations. You give me two inches of truth and 50 yards of lies, and I'm sick of it. No more. You stood here in the living room and said my mom was trying to set you up, huh? She was trying to set you up just to go to that Halloween party to dance with Brandon, is that it?
Sami: Lucas, it's true. She and Eugenia were in on it together.
Lucas: Oh, and you were just this innocent victim of this huge conspiracy to set you up with your hunky ex-husband again? Great, Sami. Nice setup.
Sami: Lucas, would you just use your own common sense? Don't you think it's quite a coincidence that Kate practically forced me to go to Alice’s tonight, that I wind up dancing with my ex-husband? Both of us in masks, not knowing who the other person was?
Lucas: "Not knowing" -- yeah, right.
Sami: It was a setup.
Lucas: Really? After we got home it was a setup? After you told me you loved me and not Brandon and we were going to be a family -- me, you, and Will? Huh?
Sami: It's true.
Lucas: Oh, really? Five minutes after you told me you loved me -- five seconds after you told me you loved me -- you ran after Brandon. You're sick. Something is wrong with you, and you need help. I am sick of it. You know, you're like a moth going back to an old flame. You are so damn predictable. Over and over again. I can't believe I do this. I can't believe I stood there and wondered if you were gonna pick me or Brandon! No more. I've had it. Either you give me your heart completely, or that is it. I want nothing to do with you. Is that clear enough for you?
Sami: Lucas, would you -- would you please listen to me? I went to Lexie’s tonight to make sure that Brandon was gone. I didn't even see him. I just wanted to make sure that he was leaving town. Brandon is out of my life. You have to believe me. Look, he is in the past. It's history, okay? We don't have to worry about him again. What do I have to do to convince you that Brandon is not a problem for us?
Brandon: You want me to leave town to keep me away from Samantha. What do you think, Lexie -- that if I spend the night, I'll sneak out the window and run over to Sami’s for a nightcap and some hot sex for old times' sake? I mean, get real. How many times do I gotta say it? It's over. Sami and I have no future together. You have nothing to worry about.
Lexie: Brandon, you told me that you were in front of Sami’s building tonight. You came very close to paying her a visit. It could've been a disaster.
Brandon: But I didn’t.
Lexie: Okay, the point is, as long as you stay in Salem, you and Sami will be drawn together. You will run into each other. It is inevitable. Knowing her, she'll pull one of her old tricks and she'll ruin your life.
Brandon: Lex, I know you care --
Lexie: Damn right I care! We're a family, Brandon. You and Theo are all I have left of my husband now that he's gone. Look, I just don't want to see you hurt, okay? And I'm afraid that if you stay here in Salem, that your life will never be the same.
Jennifer: It feels so weird not having my baby in my arms.
Patrick: I know, it looks weird not seeing him in your arms. I think he'll be safe with Maggie and Alice.
Jennifer: It's so quiet on the lower deck. He's just sleeping like a little angel.
Patrick: Yeah.
Jennifer: He just has no idea what -- what he's been through or that his father's missing. My gosh, what -- what if Jack doesn't make it and what if --
Patrick: It's okay, it's okay. Just keep thinking positive, okay? Jack's going to be saved.
Jennifer: You know, Patrick, look, I really -- I want to tell you that we couldn't have done this without you. My baby and I -- we would not have survived in that jungle if it weren't for you. I mean that.
Patrick: I just hope that, uh, you realize I never meant for you to get hurt. And I hope, in time, that you can forgive me for working with Tony DiMera.
Nicole: How far would I go to see Victor dead? I could've killed him on the island, Brady. I could've crushed his skull with a hunk of concrete. But I saved him, remember?
Brady: I do remember. Nicole, you're not a killer. You would never wish anybody dead.
Nicole: You're hurting me.
Victor: If I told Brady you had Jan Spears try to kill me, you'll be hurting a lot worse.
Nicole: I just hope everything works out for the best.
Bo: Hi, Fancy Face. Here you go.
Hope: Thank you. You were gone an awfully long time. Is everything okay?
Bo: Yeah, I went down and checked on Billie.
Hope: How is she?
Bo: Well, her condition's improving.
Hope: Was she able to speak?
Bo: No, but I asked her one question, and she nodded yes. She still has that disk with the files on it she downloaded from Tony’s mainframe back on the island.
Hope: Well, the way that wave hit us, it's a miracle that she was able to hang onto it at all.
Bo: Yeah.
Hope: I just hope the water didn't damage it beyond repair.
Bo: Yeah. With any luck, either the I.S.A. Or Salem P.D. will get the details on how Tony was planning on controlling the world's power sources.
Hope: It's just so bizarre. It was like some kind of a video game or something.
Bo: And yet it's not. And even with Tony dead, that information gets into the wrong hands, it could be very dangerous.
Hope: Let's pray we can stop Tony before he hurts anyone else... even from beyond the grave.
Abe: Those are my sentiments exactly.
John: Yeah, I hear you, Abe. The biggest fear is, even a dead Tony could still have plans for us. That's why we gotta find Doc and the others as soon as we can.
Abe: Well, we don't know if any of them were rescued.
John: Still, all this waiting... Captain Chavez, what's the latest? Any word on survivors being pulled out of the drink by nearby craft?
Chavez: We've been monitoring incoming frequencies. We just can't radio out. We've heard from every vessel in the area. Only one ship hasn't responded -- a Japanese fishing trawler. Her radio must've gone out with the tidal wave, too.
John: Well, then there's a chance. I mean, perhaps the reason that crew isn't responding is they're busy pulling survivors out of the ocean. I mean, it's a possibility that not only is Marlena and everybody else alive, but they could be on that boat.
Bart: [ Thinking ] My japanese is a little rusty, but I've seen enough Godzilla movies to know "radio not functioning" when I hear it. The survivors won't be able to call for help...
[ Aloud ] 'Cause they'll never get off this boat alive.
Caroline: Now, don't overdo it, Victor. Don't overdo it. I mean, I don't think we're going anywhere for quite a while.
Victor: I've gotta find out if my grandson and Bo survived.
Caroline: All right.
Victor: I hope that my murdering wife Nicole didn’t.
Victor: It's locked. What's going on? Why can't we get out of here?
Caroline: Oh, maybe it's just stuck. I don't know why they'd lock us in. Here.
Caroline: But they did.
Jack: Hey. It's locked.
Cassie: What?
Jack: Suddenly, the door's locked.
Jack: Ow. Hey! Hey, we're in here! The door's suddenly locked! Can you hear us? Help us! Help us get out of here!
Marlena: Can you hear anything at all?
Roman: Damn it, I can't hear a thing. Damn it. All right. All right, Doc. All right, we gotta find a way out of here, see if anybody else is onboard, see if any other survivors are here.
Marlena: Roman, I've got a bad feeling about this. Look, I know Tony is dead, but what if he left instructions that all his enemies were to be destroyed?
Roman: Yeah, well, I wouldn't put it past him. He's as much as said he would.
Marlena: Well, then we've gotta have some kind of a plan to defend ourselves.
Roman: I got an idea. In a country like ours, the future is full of possibilities.
Guard: Congratulations on catching your first Pokemon.
Blue: Thank you, sir.
Brandon: Lex, I think you're overreacting. Look, if I stay over one night in Salem, it's not gonna make any difference. Like you said, I'm relocating to Chicago. Does that mean I can never come back to Salem again?
Lexie: No, of course not, but I --
Brandon: Okay then. I mean, forget Samantha. My family's here. And not just you and Theo, but my mom and Nicky and... I haven't even gotten in touch with her yet. She hasn't returned my calls. I'm a little worried about her. Do you have any idea where she might be?
Lexie: No, no, she must be out of town.
Brandon: The point is, Lex, in the limited amount of time that I have in Salem, I want to spend it with the people I really care about. And that doesn't mean I'm planning to hang out with Samantha at the blue note. I know she's with Lucas now. That's where she belongs. I only hope that she's happy.
Lexie: She won't be until she makes your life miserable, Brandon. Hasn't she hurt you enough? Look, I'm afraid that if you stay here in Salem tonight, Sami will sink her claws into you again. I cannot let that happen. Please -- please -- please go, okay? Don't take that chance. Don't let her ruin your life.
Sami: Lucas, you have to believe me. Brandon is out of my life forever. He is gone. He's never gonna come between us.
Lucas: Then why did you go over to Lexie’s tonight?
Sami: I-I told you, I really just went there because I wanted to make sure that Brandon was leaving town. Oh, God, you have to believe me, Lucas. It's the same reason that I -- I burned all that stuff from -- from my past with Brandon earlier. I just wanted to make sure that I got rid of any sort of stupid sentimental... thoughts and memories that I might've had about him.
Lucas: The exorcism of Sami.
Sami: Yeah. Kind of. Lucas, I wanted to make 100% sure that I had him out of my system, out of Salem, out of my head, and out of my heart. Because there's only room in my heart for one man... and that's you. Lucas, you are the only man that I could ever love. God, I have made so many mistakes in my life. And I ruined every relationship I ever had with a man because I was so selfish. But I don't want to do that with you. I'm not just thinking about my own happiness. I really, really want us to be a family with Will. I want him to have two parents that he can depend on to always be there for him. And... and I want you to have a wife that you can trust to always be faithful to you. And I want you to always know that I will always love you with all of my heart for as long as I live. But now I'm -- I'm so afraid of losing you because, Lucas, if that were to ever happen, I don't know what I would do. Because I don't think I could live without you.
Lucas: I am never gonna leave you, because I love you. I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Lucas: You okay?
Sami: Lucas, I... I think this has really been a turning point for us. I mean, I will admit, it's really weird how we got here, but... Lucas, I think we're going to be happy and together for the rest of our lives. Um... so... Lucas... how about we go back to the bedroom and... you can make love to me?
Lucas: Okay.
Sami: Ha ha ha ha!
Sami: [ Thinking ] Thank God Brandon is gone. Nothing can go wrong now.
Brandon: Wish I could've stayed longer.
Lexie: Brandon, you made the right decision. You need to stay far away from Sami Brady. But Theo and I will come visit you in Chicago real soon, okay?
Brandon: All right.
Lexie: Okay, goodbye. I love you. Thank you for doing this.
Brandon: Right, I'll, uh, I'll see you soon.
Lexie: Yes, you will.
Brandon: Now, you give Theo a hug for me when he gets up now.
Lexie: I will. I will. I'm really gonna miss you.
Brandon: Me too.
Lexie: I love you.
Brandon: Take care.
Lexie: Okay.
Brandon: Bye-bye.
Lexie: Bye. You deserve to find someone special, Brandon, and to be happy... like I was with Abe.
Lexie: Oh, Abe... I wish you were here. Theo and I need you so much.
Abe: John, you're getting ahead of yourself. With these atmospheric conditions, that fishing boat's radio may be inoperable. There's no guarantee they picked up anybody.
John: I'm not looking for any guarantee, Abraham. I just want to know if there's a chance so we can find Roman and Marlena and get 'em all back to Salem. Captain Chavez, you make contact with that that Japanese fishing trawler. Anything short of ramming it is fine by me.
Chavez: Mr. Black, that trawler is quite a long distance away. We wouldn't get there till morning.
Bo: All right, what about that sonar probe? Has it picked up signs of bodies in the water?
Chavez: No.
Bo: All right, John may be right. The trawler could've picked everybody up.
John: And we're gonna find '
Chavez: Then let's go.
Hope: Please, God, let them be there. Keep them safe.
Jack: Konichiwa! I wish I knew more than one word. Hello! Is there anybody out there, any survivors? Roman, Bo... Jennifer.
Cassie: We're trapped in here, Jack. I have such a bad feeling about this.
Jack: Yeah. Me too. Something's going on, and it is not good.
Victor: Somebody help us! This door is locked!
Caroline: Victor, stop. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack.
Victor: You're right. I'm feeling we're locked in here on purpose, anyway. But why? What's going on?
Roman: All right, Doc. It's all set now. Just remember, be prepared, because we may damn well have to get off this tug in a hurry. All right?
Marlena: [ Gasps ]
Bart: Surprise.
Roman: Well, Bart, if God kept you alive, then the others damn well must be alive.
Bart: It doesn't always work that way, Roman. And let's leave religion out of this.
Marlena: What do you want from us?
Bart: The Captain would very, very much like to see you.
Marlena: You.
Roman: It can't be.
Tony: Please... don't leave on my account. You don't want to miss our killer reunion.
[ Chuckles ]
Ash: Let’s get going to the Cave of Origin!
Blue: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! [Thunk.] HEY, WAIT FOR ME! [a trumpet plays as she skates after the Wailord.]
Jan: I think we should plan our wedding, maybe set a date.
Shawn-d: Even so, I just don't think we should rush things.
Sami: I am very glad that Brandon is nowhere near Salem today.
Brandon: Aren't you glad to see me?
Roman: How in the hell can Tony be alive and captaining this ship?
Marlena: What new hell does he have in store for us?
Ash: Blue, did you hear? Lucas was idiotic enough to split with Sami.
Blue: I would send him to heck myself, but why in the hell would he do that?
Tom: Brandon.
Blue: Huh?
Tom: You’re not alone, kids.
Days of Our Lives is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.
Mechanics were made possible by Norton Anti-Virus, Inc.
Cels were provided by SoftX, makers of the anime productions since 1995.
Corday Productions (c) 2004
MIRAMAX Television
MATT CEDENO as Brandon