Обсуждение участника:Drbug/Iwiki-отчёт
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
[править] Interwiki report
I'm Kpjas, a Wikipedian active mainly in WP-PL and WP-En. For some time I've been associated with The Wikipedia Signpost on the English Wikipedia. You see, I'm kind of responsible for a regular feature in the Signpsot called "Interwiki Report" that in a quite standard way presents various language Wikipedias to the English-speaking audience.
You can review interwiki reports that have been written so far on my page.
I'm planning for the next issues of the Signpost and I think the Russian Wikipedia is a perfect candidate for a new installment of the Interwiki Report.
Could you please announce it to the Russian Wikipedia community (Wikipedia Village Pump, mailing list, IRC etc.) ? If someone (maybe more than one person) volunteers to write the report could you please direct him/her to me (kpjas [at} wikipedia dott pl).
Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation,
Best regards,
Kpjas 19:47, 18 октября 2006 (UTC)