Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
from us government, originally found on en wikipedia.
Caption: 050102-N-9593M-040 Indian Ocean (Jan. 2, 2005) – A village near the coast of Sumatra lays in ruin after the Tsunami that struck South East Asia. Helicopters assigned to Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2) and Sailors from USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) are conducting humanitarian operations in the wake of the Tsunami that struck South East Asia. The Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group is currently operating in the Indian Ocean off the waters of Indonesia and Thailand. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Philip A. McDaniel (RELEASED)
Source: http://www.news.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=19968
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