Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Description |
Wheel of life - buddhistic painting from Bhutan
Lietuvių: Gyvenimo ratas.
Budistinė tapyba, Butanas.
Русский: The Wheel of Life, Буддистская картина из Бутана
Source |
photo of the painting by Henryart (who is owner of the original painting)
Date |
photo taken 9. Jan. 2005
Author |
Permission |
Henryart released the photo under CC-BY-SA-2.0
Nederlands: In dit schilderij zijn de volgende leringen van het Boeddhisme weergegeven:
Afhankelijk Ontstaan, Hemel en Hel, Kamma, Nibbana, Boeddhaschap, Haat, Verlangen, Onwetendheid, Lijden

This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License. In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. |
This image was selected as a picture of the day for February 2, 2005. It was captioned as followed:
English: Wheel of life - buddhistic painting from Bhutan
Deutsch: Das Lebensrad - buddhistische Zeichnung aus Bhutan
Français : La roue de la vie - dessin bouddhiste du Bhoutan
Español: La rueda de la vida- Pintura budista Bhutan
Български: Колелото на живота – будистка картина от Бутан
Česky: Kolo života – buddhistický obraz z Bhútánu.
Deutsch: Das Lebensrad - buddhistische Zeichnung aus Bhutan
English: Wheel of life - buddhistic painting from Bhutan
Español: La rueda de la vida- Pintura budista Bhutan
Suomi: Elämänpyörä – buddhalainen maalaus Bhutanista.
Français : La roue de la vie - dessin bouddhiste du Bhoutan
Magyar : Az Élet kereke - Bhutáni buddhista festmény
Italiano: Ruota della vita. Dipinto buddista proveniente dal Bhutan
Lëtzebuergesch : D'Rad vum Liewen - buddhistesch Zeechnung aus dem Bhutan.
Polski: Koło życia - buddyjski obraz pochodzący z Bhutanu
Português: A Roda da Vida - pintura budista do Butão
Русский: Колесо жизни - буддистская картина. Бутан
简体中文: 不丹喇嘛教的轮回图
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