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Saillune (Japanese: 白魔術都市, "white magic city", Seyruun) is a fictional kingdom in the Slayers anime, manga, and novels. Saillune is located within the Mazoku Barrier and it is the most influencial kingdom within it.
[edit] History and Information
Its capital is Saillune City, a hub for economy, culture, music and learning.
It is unknown how long ago the kingdom was founded, but it is unlikely that it predates the Kōma War, as most human nations have been devastated by the conflict. According to Lina Inverse, the capital has been founded "ages ago", meaning that Saillune must be at least a few centuries old.
Saillune City is also known as the Capital of White Magic. The city's layout was designed by a trusted advisor of the king, a white sorcerer, to resemble a giant white magic seal, a hexagram. All other magic types are suppressed within the city, while white magic spells are amplified. This, along with the fact that the hexagram also provides the capital with multiple layers of reinforced walls, makes the city nigh impregnable.
Saillune's politics and foreign affairs are exclusively oriented towards keeping the peace in the peninsula. While the state does have an army, it is never used for offense, and no sorcerer of the kingdom uses anything other then white magic, at least officially. This, along with the nation's economical and cultural significance makes Saillune the leading nation in the region; for instance, it organized the joint efforts of sending delegations into the outer world in the beginning of Slayers TRY.
[edit] Culture
Art and culture in Saillune seems to have an arabic touch, mostly apparent in architecture and clothing, especially among the royalty. Excessive usage of white materials such as marble can be seen on buildings. Other aspects more or less follow the medieval trend, with some anachronistic elements such as restaurants or public libraries thrown in, something which is common throughout the Slayers world.
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Major Characters: Lina | Gourry | Amelia | Zelgadis | Naga | Xellos | Filia | Luna | Lei Magnus | |
Deities: Lord of Nightmares | Ruby Eye Shabranigdo | Flare Dragon Ceiphied | |
Races: Mazoku | Ryuzoku | |
Information: Media | Spells | Saillune | |
Movies: Slayers The Motion Picture | Slayers Return | Slayers Great | Slayers Gorgeous | Slayers Premium | |
Related: Hajime Kanzaka | Lost Universe |