Samarpan Meditation
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[edit] Samarpan Meditation
Since time immortal man has been in search of various methods to have balanced and peaceful life, to find meaning to the life, why we exist here. To find answeres to various questions that comes in our mind about our existance, existance of supreme power, our life and the aim of life etc. All these question can come to an end if you can progress in meditation. Immense potentials lies in a human being, as you reach to deepper and deeper level of consciousness, you will find that all your questions are answered from within yourself. You will be satisfied, you be peaceful within; irrespective of external condition (which are many times not in your hand). Life then becomes a supreme gift. Samarpan Meditation is one such method poineered by H. H. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami, a Divine Master from India, who has spend number of years in Himalayas meditating with his Guru's and returned to the society just to guide others on the path of meditation.
Samarpan Meditation is a simple way of Meditation which connects us with Universal Consciousness. It is beyond the realm of religion and is practiced by peoples around the world. Samarpan Meditation is taught by His Holiness Shree Shivkrupanand Swami, a living Divine Master from India. Samarpan means surrender (of negativity, of the ego and of thoughts of the past and the future) so that we may experience connection with the divine. When we surrender everything, forget our physical existence and identify ourselves as pure soul mind become still there are no thoughts we are in thoughtless state.
Thoughtless state is a beginning point of Samarpan Meditation. Samarpan Meditation is an inward journey, journey from gross to the subtle. It is not possible to connect with the Divine as long as we identify ourselves as a body (with thoughts, emotions and perceptions at the surface of mind). We have to realize ourselves as a pure soul to get connected to the Universal Consciousness.
Meditation means to forget our physical existence completely and become one with the Universal Consciousness. At such a time we experience the pure joy as universal energy starts flowing within. Just as words are insufficient to describe the scents of flowers in the same way the experience of this eternal joy cannot be expressed through words.
Samarpan Meditation is a practice which unites us with the Universal Energy, with pure wish you will experience the awakening of Kundalini Energy the part of divine that is in each one of us, then connecting our awakened Divine energy within, with Universal Divine Consciousness we experience the divinity and process of inner transformation begins.
Samarpan Meditation is a path of Experience, meditate and experience an internal transformation.
[edit] Kundalini Energy
Kundalini Energy is a name given to the Divine Energy that enters our body whilst we are in our mother's womb. It enters through the crown and passes through the central channel of the body and settles into the triangular structure at the base of the spine. On entering the body it energies all the chakras – the active chakras receive this energy and the inactive chakras remain weak and do not develop – for example during pregnancy if the mother has a feeling of guilt then the child's Vishuddhi chakra becomes weak since birth and he / she has throat related problems and discredit and is unsuccessful in all areas. Kundalini energy is a basic life force for the person to exist. After birth it lies dormant within the physical body until it is awakened. Kundalini is the vehicle for the expansion of consciousness, enabling the individual to fully develop his/her innate potential and rise to the level of divinity.
According to Kundalini teachings there are seven major energy centers or chakras within the physical body. Each of these energy centers affects and are affected by the way that we respond to life and the people and energies around us. Apart from Kundalini there are three major energy channels (Nadi) in our physical body 1. The left channel (Chandra Nadi) 2. The right channel (Surya Nadi) 3. The central channel (Madhya Nadi) When a person is thinking about past his/her attention is in left channel, when thinking about future attention is in right channel and in thoughtless state in central channel.
Once the dormant Kundalini Energy is awakened, it travels up the spine of the person piercing seven energy centers (Chakras) and reaches the top of the head, cleansing and clearing blockages int the Chakras that stand in the way of our spiritual progress and opening the connection to the Universal Consciousness through the chakra on the top of our head called as Crown or Sahastrar chakra.
Whereas many Kundalini meditations and practises (devotional singing, spiritual worship etc.) can awaken Kundalini Energy, it may rise up to the Brow chakra from where only a living Divine Master, one of the very high Consciousness can rise the Kundalini to Crown chakra. In Samarpan Meditation with pure desire to experience the divine, just by pure wish one can experience the awakening of Kundalini energy.
[edit] The Seven Chakras
1. Muladhar (Root) Chakra: It is located at the base of the spine and it is a foundation stone in our body.Here you have to be totally receptive - like a smallinnocent child. The Kundalini Energy is feminine power always be aware of the divine power in all women and must give due respect to women. Weakness in Muladhar chakra invites disease like Cancer, Piles, Aids, Sex related problems By remaining in contact with Earth element one can strengthen Muladhar Chakra.
2. Swadhishthan Chakra : It is located near the pubic area and is related to thoughts. Excessive thoughts lead to diabetes – you can control this through regular meditations. start observing your thoughts every hour if you are in the past tell yourself to let go let bygones be bygones – later if you check you are in the future – tell yourself who knows about the future for sure – so let it go - both the thoughts waste your energy. Due to this whatever you do is not done fully. If you save this energy you will increase your efficiency.
3. Nabhi (Navel) Chakra : It is located near the navel. Dissatisfaction is primary cause of blockage in Nabhi chakra. If your focus is your own selfish and unfulfilled desires – this causes the nabhi chakra to be blocked. To purify this chakra you must divert attention to other’s problems instead of your own. This helps solve all problems related to this chakra. Spiritual progress begins from Nabhi chakra only and Satisfaction is the first step to progress in Meditation.
4. Hrudai (Heart) Chakra : It is located at the center of the heart, This chakra is based on faith, full faith on the Divine means a healthy developed heart chakra. Weakness in heart chakra attracts heart related disease.
5. Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra : It is located at throat and is responsible for success in life. Problems related to Throat chakra are Guilty conscious, Deception, Work against the conscious, Dramatisum, Lies, Failure etc. In order to develop this chakra you have to firmly believe that there is only one Supreme Consciousness and that all external religions lead to One. Once this chakra develops you will be successful in your life.
6. Agya (Brow) Chakra : It is located between eyebrows and is related to nervous system. Weakness in Agya chakra attracts mental problems. You have to forgive all in order to develop this chakra. Agya Chakra is also called the Masters abode because only a living highly developed Divine Master can raise Kundalini from Agya chakra to Sahastrar Chakra.
7. Sahastrar (Crown) Chakra : It is located at the top of the head. This is the place where Kundalini Energy finally rests, from this point you connect to the Divine Consciousness and attain the thoughtless state. The Chitta (Mind element) must be centered in the central channel - not left or right. Kundalini reaches the Sahastrar using the centered mind through the central channel. On reaching the Sahastrar there is a chemical processing which releases hormones which activate all the glands and make them healthy – and make you feel relaxed. Whatever fatigue you feel during work is mainly due to thoughts, 90% energy is wasted due to mental thoughts and only 10% due to physical strain. By Meditation you can save and reserve this energy and use it in whatever work you do – thus you put in full energy, concentration and commitment into your work and the outcome will be much better.
[edit] Realizations Before Meditation
It is essential to have clear understanding on following subjects:
Universal Consciousness : The universal consciousness (we call it God or The Supreme being) is all pervading consciousness which is present in each and every particle of the universe. So by its very definition a human body cannot be God, because body is mortal and God is immortal, it can be a medium of this consciousness.
Humanity : The true religion of a human being is humanity. When a child is born it does not bring any religion along with it. Religion is attached externally depending on the family, the place of birth. The goal of all external religions is to awaken the humanity. To love is a nature of human being.
Divine Master (Satguru) : After many years one Satguru is born. Satguru is a divine channel, a pipe, fully merged with universal consciousness and is able to guide others to experience the same. It is not possible to merge with the universal consciousness without a live Satguru's help.
[edit] Benefits of Samarpan Meditation
Regular meditation brings about complete balance in an individual, When a person is balanced and able to connect with the Divine, then his/her life becomes balanced and it is then possible to grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually and to experience wholeness and the resolving of problems in each of these areas of life.
At physical Level : As your level of meditation improves you are completely freed from diseases and the level of immunity increases in your healthy body.
At Mental Level : It leads to freedom from mental problems like stress, fears, worries, feelings of guilt and depression. You are free from thoughts of tragic incidents of the past and future worries. You can lead a happy and peaceful life by living in the present.
At Social Level : You gain satisfaction, peace and joy in your life and can work in a fully balanced state and be successful. You enjoy stability and feel a sense of completeness within yourself.
At Spiritual Level : Through meditation you achieve a state of thoughtlessness, experience the vibrations of your soul and gradually start getting spiritual experiences leading to self-realization through the grace of Divine.
[edit] External links
To know further about Samarpan Meditation and the Divine Master, H. H. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami please visit the official websites