Santa Bárbara de Casa
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Sacred Bárbara de Casa is among the 37° 48 ` north latitude and the 7° 11 ` longitude west, in the district of the Western Andévalo (Huelva - Andalusia), occupying a surface of 14.660 hectares (147 square kilometers) and with an altitude of 310 meters on the level of the sea. The distance to the county capital "Huelva" is of 80 kilometers. Lima to the North with the term of Rosebush of the Frontier, with Puebla of Guzmán, to the South; to the East, with Blond Heads: and with Paymogo and Portugal, for the West. The origin of its term is to date it in the Primary Era, belonging the North area to the Cambrian one and the South the Silúricos. It belongs to the Judicial Party of Valverde of the Road, with a population of 1237 inhabitants, according to official census of 1-01-2.004.
COUNTY: Huelva
EXTENSION: 146 km².
IT DISTANCES: to 80 km. of Huelva capital.
The Northeast is the highest area in the municipality with the highest bench mark in Fat Summit, of 613 meters, located in Peeled Sierra that doesn't get off the 400 meters. In address to the town is Santa Bárbara's Swamp, with an environment of coniferous. The geologic sustrato is of the period Devónicos Superior and it is compound, in its biggest part, for slates, although it can be to the West a called rodal «raña» of mediterranean red floors on calcareous materials.
Peeled Sierra is the Northwest limit of the Andévalo and the most important residual relief in this area. Extended between Santa Bárbara of House and the traverse Cortegana-Almonaster, it serves of dividing from waters to the tributaries of the left riverbank of the Chanza and those of the Malagón. But also, Santa Bárbara's inverse flaw exists, of journey West-this that puts in contact Peeled Sierra Devónicos with the Carboniferous of the rest of the district.
The Central Plain. he/she extends from the previous mountainous areas until the Rivera of Water of the Honey in the South of the municipality. It is a relatively flat area, their height it oscillates between the 325 and the 251 meters in slope that falls from North to South with some high points as Eagle II. In this space it is where the urban nucleus is pierced, for its more advantageous conditions. We also here find a quite important dispersed poblamiento and it sustains, basically, species quercíneas, with a small heath stain. Here he/she concentrates the scarce extensive agriculture of the municipality and the pastizales for the livestock ovino. In this Central Plain the floor rests on some volcanic areas of dioritas and riolitas.
Toward the South he/she gets complicated the orography again, presenting an uneven relief, but that it doesn't reach the bench marks of the northeast sector. Their altitude oscillates between the 265 meters of Encinosas and the 200 of the South end. In a short space, this environment would be included in the Sierra Bramadero. The oaks and cork oaks compose their vegetation almost exclusively, thank you mainly to the reforestation. The sustrato edafológico is conditioned by the slates, with some small areas of volcanic rocks.