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In the Zoroastrian religion, saoshyant refers to one who will "make existence brilliant".
"Since He is (the One) to be chosen by the world therefore the judgment emanating from truth itself (to be passed) on the deeds of good thought of the world, as well as the power, is committed to Mazda Ahura whom (people) assign as a shepherd to the poor." --Yasna 27:13, the Ahuna Vairya prayer
Noting this similiarity of this figure to that of the Jewish messiah and the Christian Jesus Christ, along with the fact that it is from the same geographic area and predated both by a century or more, many speculate that the very idea of a "christ-figure" has it's origins in this belief. This is, as of yet, unsubstantiated by concrete evidence. '
== I checked out the above quotation from the Zend Avesta. It didn't agree with what you've put forth. What translation did you use? == -- 12:46, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Umm, it predated it by quite a bit longer than a century. The Ýathā Ahū Vairyō (or Ahunwar, or Ahunavar...) is translated (as well as transliterated) so many different ways[1], here is just one other translation:
"As the Ahu is excellent, so is the Ratu (one who rules) from (his) sanctity, a creator of mental goodness, and of life's actions done for Mazda; and the Kingdom (is) for Ahura, which to the poor may offer a nurturer."
However; this passage has nothing to do with the Saoshyant directly, though it could apply to the Saoshyant as it applies to every person! Though 'shepherd' is a correct translation, it is not necessarily the Christ-like epithet. For more on the meaning of the Ahunwar see []'s word-for-word translation and explanation by a Zoroastrian priest (An 'Ervad' is a rank of priest, which is also a scholar of the scriptures).
Out of curiousity I googled the word 'Saoshyant' and came up with the same new-age "make existence brilliant" quote in a number of pages. The real meaning is much less spectacular[2]. Indeed the Saoshyant to be born of a Virgin mother with a halo of light around his head to redeem mankind at the day of judgement couldn't have NOT inspired Christian soteriology. It's just the shoddy references I'm criticizing. There is soooo much crap out there on Zoroastrianism, I don't begrudge anyone or think less of them for getting the wrong information and ideas.
I have so many articles on my Zoroastrian to-do list, but I'll get back to this one hopefully sooner than later. Khiradtalk