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The abbreviation, acronym, or initialism SAP may stand for:
- Second audio program, an auxiliary audio channel for television that can be broadcast or transmitted both over the air and by cable TV
- Serum Amyloid P Component, the identical serum form of Amyloid P component (AP)
- Strong Anthropic Principle, the universe must produce life
- Structural Adjustment Program of the IMF
- Synthesizing Accounting Profits
- Special access program, Secret clandestine operations program, run by secret governmental agency
- Special Assistance Plan, an academic programme in Singapore
- Santa Paula, California (Amtrak station code: SAP)
- Stabilisation and Association process of the European Union for the western Balkans states
- Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport, located in San Pedro Sula, Honduras (IATA code is SAP)
- Statistical Analysis Plan in clinical trials
- Standard Assessment Procedure, the UK government's recommended system for energy rating of dwellings
In computing and technology:
- SAP AG, a global software company headquartered in Walldorf, Germany or its various products: see List of SAP products
- Session Announcement Protocol, a computer protocol for broadcasting multicast session information
- System Assist Processor, in computing, a specialized processor that assists a central processor on a large computer, particularly an IBM mainframe
- Service Advertising Protocol, an IPX network protocol that makes the process of adding and removing services on an IPX internetwork dynamic
- Service Access Point, an identifying label for network endpoints used in OSI networking
- Atari SAP music format, format used for storing music from 8-bit Atari computers and consoles
- SIM Access Profile, a Bluetooth profile that allows devices such as car phones with built in GSM transceivers to connect to a SIM card in a mobile phone with Bluetooth, so the car phone itself doesn't require a separate SIM card
Relating to political parties:
- Socialist Alternative Politics
- Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, from German Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
- Socialist Workers Party (Denmark), from Danish Socialistisk Arbejderparti
- South African Party
- Swedish Social Democratic Party, from Swedish Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti
[edit] See also
- disambiguation page for Sap (and SAp)
SAP Stands for Systeme Awendungen Produkte in der Dataverarbaitung -