School of Information
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Schools of Information or iSchools are emergent academic programs committed to understanding the role of information in human endeavors. The schools conduct research into the relationships between people, information, and technology and educate new information professionals to provide leadership and vision for our increasingly information-driven world.
In the US and Canada, 19 information schools have joined together to form the “I-School Project” (now the iSchool Caucus), which defines I-Schools as sharing a fundamental interest in “the relationship between information, technology and people.” These schools, colleges and departments are evolving from programs formerly focused on specific tracks such as information technology, library science, informatics, and information science.
I-Schools promote an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the opportunities and challenges of information management, with a core commitment to concepts like universal access and user-centered organization of information. The field is concerned broadly with questions of design and preservation across information spaces, from digital and virtual spaces like online communities and databases to physical spaces such as libraries, museums, collections, and other respositories. Many iSchools are former LIS programs or have a strong legacy in library studies.
Programs in information offer specializations in areas such as information architecture, design, policy, and economics; knowledge management, user experience design, and usability; preservation and conservation; librarianship and library administration; the sociology of information; and human-computer interaction and computer science.
The first ever I-School Conference was held in September 2005, with a second “i-Conference” in October 2006.
[edit] Existing Schools of Information
University of California, Berkeley, School of Information Management and Systems:
University of California, Irvine, The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences:
University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies:
Drexel University, College of Information Science and Technology:
Florida State University, College of Information:
Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing:
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, The Graduate School of Library and Information Science:
Indiana University, School of Informatics:
Indiana University, School of Library and Information Science:
University of Maryland, College of Information Studies:
University of Michigan, The School of Information:
University of North Carolina, School of Information and Library Science:
The Pennsylvania State University, School of Information Sciences and Technology:
University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences:
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies:
Syracuse University, School of Information Studies:
University of Texas, Austin, School of Information:
University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Studies:
University of Washington, Information School: