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Poorly written, uncited, etc. information which directly contradicts information on this topic found in the Iron maiden (torture device) article:
"The iron maiden was actually built in the 19th century as a misinterpretation of a medieval "Schandmantel" (infamy cloak), which was made of wood and tin but without spikes. The infamy cloak did not harm the body, and it was used as a chastisement for poachers and prostitutes, who were made to wear it in public for a certain time."
I assume that the better-structured and cited Iron maiden (torture device) article has the correct information, in which case this needs a complete do-over.
I'm not sure (because I have not researched it), but I believe I know where the word comes from. It seems to me it is derived from Dutch. 'Schand' namely means 'shame' and 'mantel' means 'cloak'. I don't know the word 'schandmantel' in Dutch, but we do have the word 'schandpaal' which litterly means 'shame pole'. It is what in English is called a Pillory. Also 'Schandtonne' could be derived from Dutch. A 'ton' is a 'barrel' and in older Dutch it probably was 'tonne' or this might be derived from German where 'tonne' still means barrel.