User:Schissel/Personal watchlist
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[edit] Personal_watchlist
Separating into A-M, N-Z.Brief list of some pages I'm watching for (not pages I'm actively watching; these pages mostly don't exist yet). The most important of these in my honest opinion - which I feel competent to work on of course - will go gradually to my temp page, I think... e.g. we should not lack a page on Johan Wenzel Kalliwoda spelled somehow, and redirects from other spellings/common uses. (Had a list here of composers important to begin- some of them I've begun, others others have begun. Realize that this should be on the "Requested articles" page...)
Adding help for me on using this page to main page.
Edit: this is obviously also becoming an attempt at a resource page for people who do want to become part of a very informal seeding project - I'm looking for resources, anyway... (GFDL I'd better hope, hence focusing on interwiki) but no longer concentrating on languages I semi-know (French, German).
Another useful resource-
(Some composers chosen - carefully, not randomly - with Gilder-Musicweb as memory-guide) (also for ja: see categories and partial list at
m:ja:クラシック音楽の作曲家一覧 (五十音順) , similarly lists like
m:de:Liste_der_Sinfonien, m:de:Portal:Musik/Jahrestage
m:de:Liste_der_Komponisten_/_K m:da:Klassiske komponister fra det 20. århundrede , m:nl:Lijst_van_componisten m:ro:Lista compozitorilor de muzică clasică: K m:hu:20. századi és mai zeneszerzők listája, m:hu:Romantikus zeneszerzők listája
m:ga:Catagóir:Básanna i 1999 ( = m:en:Category:1999 deaths)
m:ru:Категория:Родившиеся в 1922 году = Category:1922 births. also m:ru:Категория:Композиторы России which is not linked to from Category:Russian composers (the corresponding page).
Next: compare articles- which of these is posted in the most Wikipedian and google post offices...
- Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, Århus Symphony Orchestra
- Antonio Maria Abbatini (1595-1677) (m:de:Antonio Maria Abbatini, m:it:Antonio Maria Abbatini, m:ro:Antonio Maria Abbatini)
- Nikolay Agnivtsev (m:et:Nikolai Agnivtsev, m:ru:Агнивцев, Николай Яковлевич) (8/20 April 1888- October 29 1932) (Russian poet, some of his texts set by Prokofiev eg in op. 23)
- Anatoli Aleksandrov Anatoly Nikolayevich Aleksandrov May 13 (O.S.)/25 1888-April 16 1982. (some other spelling?) (m:de:Anatoli Nikolajewitsch Alexandrow. Possibly m:ru:Александров, Анатолий Николаевич but I don't know- the dates are right, etc.)
- Alfred Alessandrescu (August 14, 1893 - February 18, 1959) (Romanian composer, a work was played on Radio 3/Euroclassic Notturno. Dates according to "BrainyHistory" but will attempt to confirm!!) (m:pl:Alfred Alessandrescu is now an interwiki, albeit very stubby.)
- Werner Andreas Albert (conductor) (January 10 1935) (m:de:Werner Andreas Albert)
- Grande Sonate (Alkan) (m:fr:Grande Sonate de Charles-Valentin Alkan) (the Quasi-Faust movement may have helped to inspire Liszt's B minor sonata...)
- Symphony No. 4 (George Antheil) (m:es:Cuarta Sinfonía, George Antheil)
- Johann Ernst Bach/Johann Ernst Bach II (m:de:Johann Ernst Bach II, m:es:Johann Ernst Bach (1722-1777), m:hu:Johann Ernst Bach II) (listening to music of his on BBC Radio 3 COTW now... interesting/neat...) (Jan 28 1722 - Sept 1 1777) (link: [1] from (860 google hits to "Johann Ernst Bach", 2 links)
- Ion Baciu could refer to the conductor or the scientist, and on google hits more likely to the latter. Conductor born July 21 1931 ([2]), died November 8, 1995 . Has recorded Enesco, Brindus, Dumitru Bughici, Mihai Moldovan. Ion Baciu- three wikilinks to a wrestling medalist also of this name.
- Allan Badley (musicologist- editor, and in some cases cataloguer of composers from Samuel Arnold to Vanhal) (His work page at New Zealand School of Music where he's Director of the Centre for Eighteenth-Century Music.; Alumni profile (PhD 1986 according to [3]. Yes, trying to figure out approx birthdate.)) (Interview) (founded the new Artaria Editions with Klaus Heymann) Author of PhD thesis on the Concertos of Leopold Hofmann; author of '‘The composition of Ferdinand Ries’s Piano Concerto, Op. 55’'
- Baker's Biographical Dictionary or Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (Slonimsky, Nicolas, Kuhn, Laura Diane, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians Centenary Edition, New York: Schirmer Books: 2001, ISBN: 0-02-865525-7 0-02-865526-5 0-02-865527-3 0-02-865528-1 0-02-865529-X 0-02-865530-3 0-02-865571-0)
- Eduardas Balsys (m:lt:Eduardas Balsys, Dec. 20 1919-November 3 1984)([4])
- Matthias Bamert or Mathias Bamert (m:de:Matthias Bamert, m:fr:Matthias Bamert) (July 5 1942) (about 129,000 google hits for "Matthias Bamert" though between radio stations, commercial sites, etc.- and attempting to filter out all of them ( -...etc. ) one still only loses about 10% of these hits perhaps. Fairly popular fellow. A composer also, though his efforts in this domain less known!)
- Stanley Bate (m:de:Stanley Bate) (1911 - 1959)
- Carl Gottlieb Bellmann (m:de:Carl Gottlieb Bellmann) (September 6 1772 - January 10 1862) (famously composed in 1844 the Schleswig-Holstein-Lied...?)
- Friedrich Ludwig Benda (1746 - March 20 1796), son of Georg Benda) (m:nl:Friedrich Ludwig Benda)
- Viktor Bendix (May 17? 1851- January 5? 1926) [5], also Edition Samfundet URL
- Theodor Berger (m:de:Theodor Berger, m:pl:Theodor Berger), (May 18 1905 - August 21 1992)
- Vera Beths (m:nl:Vera Beths, [6], [7]. Source with year of birth not yet?)
- Hermann Bischoff (January 7 1868- poss. January 25 1936?) (symphony no. 1 in E opus 16 now on cpo. Heard of him while trawling through the Neue Zeitschrift.)
- Constantin Bobescu (Romanian composer-conductor.) (May 21 1899-1992)
- Ermend Bonnal, Joseph-Ermend Bonnal (1880-1944) Violin sonata (finished 1907), two string quartets (1918, 1934)
- Hakon Børresen, Håkon Borresen, Håkon Børresen (see m:de:Hakon Børresen, m:da:Hakon Børresen) (June 2 1876-October 6 1954)
- Henriëtte Hilda Bosmans (see m:nl:Henriëtte Hilda Bosmans, m:de:Henriëtte Hilda Bosmans, m:lb:Henriëtte Hilda Bosmans are the iws so far that I know of) (December 6 1895- July 2 1952)
- Cello Sonata No. 2 (Brahms), Clarinet Trio (Brahms), Clarinet Quintet (Brahms) (m:fr:Quintette pour clarinette et cordes de Brahms), Horn Trio (Brahms), Piano Quartet No. 1 (Brahms) (m:ja:ピアノ四重奏曲第1番 (ブラームス)), Piano Quartet No. 2 (Brahms), Piano Quartet No. 3 (Brahms), *Piano Trio No. 1 (Brahms), Piano Trio No. 2 (Brahms), Piano Trio No. 3 (Brahms), String Quartet No. 1 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽四重奏曲第1番 (ブラームス)), String Quartet No. 2 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽四重奏曲第2番 (ブラームス)), String Quartet No. 3 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽四重奏曲第3番 (ブラームス)), String Quintet No. 1 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽五重奏曲第1番 (ブラームス)), String Quintet No. 2 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽五重奏曲第2番 (ブラームス)), String Sextet No. 1 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽六重奏曲第1番 (ブラームス)), String Sextet No. 2 (Brahms) (m:ja:弦楽六重奏曲第2番 (ブラームス)), Violin Sonata No. 1 (Brahms), Violin Sonata No. 2 (Brahms), Violin Sonata No. 3 (Brahms)
- Johannes Bernardus van Bree (m:nl:Johannes Bernardus van Bree) (January 29 1801-February 14 1857)
- Franz Brendel (music critic) (editor of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik at an ill-fated time...) (m:de:Franz Brendel (Musikkritiker)) (1811-1868)
- Max Butting m:de:Max Butting (Oct 6 1888 - Jul 13 1976)
- Paul Büttner m:de:Paul Büttner (also: m:de:4. Sinfonie (Büttner)) December 10 1870 - October 15 1943
- Oscar Bystrom, Oscar Byström, Oscar Fredrik Bernadotte Byström (October 13 1821 - January 22 1909) ([8]) (m:de:Oscar Byström, m:sv:Oscar Byström)
- Thomas Bystrom, Thomas Byström (1772 - 1839)
- René Chalupt (1885-1957)
- Stéphane Chapelier (m:sv:Stéphane Chapelier) (1884 - 1966), French composer (poss a pen name)
- List of works by Muzio Clementi ([9], Muzio Clementi article by David Wright (though Mozart 'stole' Clementi's theme in a way Stravinsky, was it?, would much approve of... but explaining the mystery of Clementi's six symphonies). (this list may contain the complete list of Clementi's compositions already and may just need association with other information on each work, etc.)
- Jean Yves Daniel-Lesur (m:sv:Jean_Yves_Daniel-Lesur, m:fr:Jean_Yves_Daniel-Lesur, m:de:Jean_Yves_Daniel-Lesur) (November 19 1908 - July 2 2002)
- Symphony No. 3 (Draeseke) (m:de:3. Sinfonie (Draeseke) (also second symphony is on de:.)
- Per Dreier (hrm.. hard to find bio info, but has been conducting since before 1958 ([10] and joined the Aarhus Symphony as chief conductor from 1957-71 ([11]))
- Stabat Mater (Dvořák) (m:cs:Stabat mater, op. 58)
- Klaus Egge (m:no:Klaus Egge, m:nn:Klaus Egge) (Born: July 19 1906. Deceased: March 7 1979.)
- Electrecord (Electrecord (record label) (check List of record labels)
- Rudolf Escher (m:nl:Rudolf Escher) January 8 1912-March 17 1980
- Marius Flothuis (m:nl:Marius Flothuis) (October 30 1914 - November 13 2001) (mentioned a few times in en: but no article.)
- Bengt Førsberg, Bengt Forsberg, Bengt Försberg (1952 in Edsleskog?, Sweden -present)
- Kaspar Förster, Kaspar Foerster, Caspar Förster, Caspar Foerster, Kaspar Förster, Jr., Kaspar Forster (1616 - 1673) (m:de:Kaspar Förster) (Recording of some works of his on [12])
- Petronio Franceschini (m:de:Petronio Franceschini, m:fr:Petronio Franceschini, ca.1651-1681.) (about 800 google hits for "Petronio Franceschini".)
- Blas Galindo Dimas, Blas Galindo (1910-1994) Biography m:ja:ブラス・ガリンド
- Paul Gilson (June 15 1865-April 3 1942) (m:de:Paul Gilson, m:es:Paul Gilson, m:nl:Paul Gilson, m:ru:Жильсон, Поль)
- Werner Wolf Glaser (m:nl:Werner Wolf Glaser, m:de:Werner Wolf Glaser, m:sv:Werner Wolf Glaser) (1910-2006)
- Mikhail Gnesin (m:ja:ミハイル・グネーシン, m:de:Michail Fabianowitsch Gnessin 1883-1957 ([13])
- Paul Graener (m:de:Paul Graener) (Jan 11 1872 in Berlin-Nov 13 1944 in Salzburg)
- David Mason Greene (poss. not notable enough)
- Jesus Guridi (m:eu:Jesus Guridi, m:nl:Jesús Guridi, m:ja:ヘスース・グリーディ, m:es:Jesús Guridi) (September 25?? 1886-April 7?? 1961)
- Bengt Hambraeus Bengt Hambræus (Biography) (January 29, 1928 in Stockholm, Sweden-September 21, 2000 near Montreal.)
- Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann (m:de:Johann Peter Emilius Hartmann, m:da:J.P.E. Hartmann, m:sl:Johann Peter Emilius Hartmann) (May 14 1805-Mar 10 1900)
- Roman Haubenstock-Ramati (m:de:Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, m:ja:ローマン・ハウベンシュトック=ラマティ, m:fr:Roman Haubenstock-Ramati. 1919 in Cracow - 1994 in Vienna.)
- Halvor Haug (born February 2 1952) MIC biography
- Oscar van Hemel (August 3 1892 in Antwerp - July 9 1981 in Hilversum) ([14])
- Hans Henkemans (m:nl:Hans Henkemans) (The Hague 1913 - Nieuwegein 1995)
- Fini Henriques (Fini Valdemar Henriques) (many google hits) m:da:Fini Henriques, m:de:Fini Henriques, m:fi:Fini Henriques, m:sv:Fini Henriques (October 20 1867-October 27 1940)
- Kurt Hessenberg (I knew I was forgetting someone) (m:de:Kurt Hessenberg) (August 17 1908 - June 17 1994) This site.
- Concert Music for Strings and Brass (m:fr:Konzertmusik pour orchestre à cordes et cuivres)
- Symphonia serena (Paul Hindemith) or Symphonia serena (m:fr:Symphonia serena (Paul Hindemith)) (always nice to find that there's a page about this on another site, and one with a language I still can basically read. Might start on that soon...)
- Richard Hol (m:nl:Richard Hol) (1825-1904)
- Jef van Hoof (May 8 1886-April 24 1959) ([15]) (m:nl:Jef Van Hoof) (capitalization nec. - no redirect seems to exist.)
- Leonid Hrabovski (b. 1935)
- Jean Hubeau (June 22 1917 - August 19 1992) ([16])
- Ketil Hvoslef (son of Harald Sæverud.) (July 19 1939-) m:no:Ketil Hvoslef, m:nn:Ketil Hvoslef, m:sv:Ketil Hvoslef.)
- Ludvig Irgens-Jensen (m:nn:Ludvig Irgens-Jensen, m:no:Ludvig Irgens-Jensen) (1894-1969) (his Passacaglia and a song cycle have been recorded and the former played from time to time in concert...)
- ISCM, International Society for Contemporary Music - very important organization, there are already articles m:sv:International Society for Contemporary Music, m:ja:ISCM. It is mentioned here in a (redirect-filled, grammatically-... am not awake enough now to work on that...) article ACM - Association for Contemporary Music.
- Louis Emmanuel Jadin (m:de:Louis Emmanuel Jadin, m:ja:ルイ・エマニュエル・ジャダン, m:nl:Louis Emmanuel Jadin) ([17]) (Sept 21 1768 in Versailles - 1853)
- Shandor Kallosh (b. October 23 1935) ([18]) ([19]) (also: Sándor Kallos)
- Nikica Kalogjera (1930-2006) m:bs:Nikica Kalogjera
- Alemdar Sabitovych Karamanov or Alemdar Karamanov or Alemdar Sabitovich Karamanov (born September 10, 1934) (m:ja:アレムダール・カラマーノフ) (here again we go into the composers that don't really interest me region, but here's where to get GFDL information on them)
- Cyprien Katsaris (m:de:Cyprien Katsaris
m:ja:シプリアン・カツァリス,m:fr:Cyprien Katsaris - the page that was begun was a copyvio- erm- NO and again no thrice no. Let's have a page here that draws on pages, translates pages that are non-copyvio pages, isn't a copyvio page, here.)
- Wiktor Każyński (December 12 1812 in Vilnius- March 18 1867 in St Petersburg) (m:pl:Wiktor Każyński, m:ru:Кажинский, Виктор Матвеевич)
- Talivaldis Kenins (b. Apr 23 1919, Liepäja, Latvia) ([20]))
- Dieter Klöcker (clarinetist) (born 1936 in Wuppertal? [21])
- Jan Klusák (born April 18 1934 in Prague) m:cs:Jan Klusák, m:de:Jan Klusák ([22])
- Hermann David Koppel or Herman David Koppel (October 1 1908-July 14 1998) (the latter is the form used in the article m:de:Liste_der_Komponisten_/_K though the article m:de:Herman David Koppel does not exist yet) ([23])
- Symphony (Korngold) or Symphony in F-sharp (Korngold), or Symphony in F-sharp major (Korngold)
- Zdeněk Košler/Zdenek Kosler (1928-1995) m:cs:Zdeněk Košler , m:ja:ズデニェク・コシュラー one bio
- Hans Kox (born 1930) m:nl:Hans Kox
- Alexander Krein (1883 – 1951) (was created and deleted before I could even remove this line!)
- Josef Krejcik (Jíří Krejčík?? (prob. different person- film director.), Josef Emil Krejcik ?) (m:ru:Крейчик, Йозеф Эмиль (January 22 1885 - January 4 1957)) (The Chess Games of Josef Emil Krejcik)
- Ignacy Krzyżanowski (m:pl:Ignacy Krzyżanowski, m:ru:Кржижановский, Игнатий) (December 24 1826 - February 10 1905)
- Jan Křtitel Kuchař (March 5 1751-February 18 1829) (m:cs:Jan Křtitel Kuchař)
- Viktoras Kuprevičius (m:lt:Viktoras Kuprevičius, January 27 1901-April 1 1992) (poss. father of Giedrius Kuprevičius born April 8 1944)
- Peter Erasmus Lange-Müller (Dec. 1 1850-Feb. 26 1926) (m:ru:Ланге-Мюллер, Петер Эразм, m:da:Peter Erasmus Lange-Müller, m:sv:Peter Erasmus Lange-Müller)
- Henri Lazarof (born April 12, 1932) (Some information Some more)
- Sylvio Lazzari (Dec 30 1857-1944) (m:ja:シルヴィオ・ラザーリ)
- Victor Legley. Vic Legley m:nl:Victor Legley (June 18 1915-Nov 28 1994) (other sources -- [24], [25], [26]) (Seven? Eight? symphonies, at least two violin concertos, viola sonata, viola concerto iirc, choral works, etc.)
- Michaël Levinas (born April 18 1949, Paris) (m:fr:Michaël Levinas, m:de:Michael Lévinas, m:ja:ミカエル・レヴィナス)
- Fran Lhotka (Stanford opera list for birth and death dates (December 12 1883 Wozice, Cechy? - January 26 1962 Zagreb)) Wrote a string quartet in G minor and other works, a few recorded, some broadcast in studio performances (on BBC etc). m:hr:Fran Lhotka (finally) (note categories- considered a Croatian composer)
- Sigurd Lie (m:nn:Sigurd Lie, m:no:Sigurd Lie) (May 23 1871-September 30 1904) (taught by Ferdinand A. Rojahn)
- Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet (Ligeti) (m:fr:Six Bagatelles pour quintette à vents (György Ligeti))
- Carl Ludvig Lithander, Carl Lithander or Carl Ludwig Lithander m:fi:Carl Ludvig Lithander (FIMIC page) (1773-1843) (a piano sonata and a flute and piano rondo played recently over BBC Radio 3 Through the Night)
- Isaac Liuban (born 1906 Minsk, died 1975) (Belorussian composer) (m:ru:Любан, Исаак Ицхакович) (Worldcat has three items, including one in which he was a contributor to LP Melodiia D-0008551 (matrix)--D-0008552 (matrix)- good transcription spelling of surname and first name not really clear however.)
- Peter Maag (m:fr:Peter Maag, m:it:Peter Maag) (May 10 1919 - April 16 2001)
- Otmar Mácha (m:cs:Otmar Mácha) (b. October 2 1922) (a string quartet of his will be on radio in the next week or so) [27]
- Apollon Maikov or Apollon Maïkov or A. N. Maikov or AN Maikov or AN Maïkov or etc. Poet whose settings can be found in the music of Glazunov, Mussorgsky, and others. Eventually...! Work on this one sometime. Maybe an interwiki. Born 1821, may have died 1847.
- Pierre van Maldere/Pierre Van Maldere/Pieter Van Maldere? (m:de:Pieter Van Maldere, m:fr:Pierre Van Maldere, m:es:Pierre van Maldere) (1729-1768)
- Cristian Mandeal (m:ro:Cristian Mandeal) (Pianist/conductor born April 18 1946. Somewhat well-known for his Enescu recordings...)
- Cristian Marina (m:ja:クリスチャン・マリーナ) (1965-) (Swedish, not Romanian as I thought from sim. of name..!) ([28])
- Vincenc Masek, Vincenc Mašek, Vincenc Václav Mašek (April 5 1755 - November 15 1831) (m:de:Vincenc Mašek)
- The Mathematical Experience (book by Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh, perhaps deserves page)
- Frederick May (1911-1985)
- Alfred Mendelsohn (Alfred Mendelsohn - February 4 (or 5. or 17 ([29]) 1910 - May 9 1966 - m:ro:9_mai and m:ro:4 februarie link to him but, no article yet...) - composed the Fall of Doftanus - or, Prăbușirea Doftanei - which I've heard on a recording, coupled with a Carl Czerny concerto, but which was misleadingly credited. He also wrote at least six symphonies, the 6th of them broadcast in an Enescu memorial concert (one of many, a regular festival) which was transcribed/rebroadcast over BBC.) (the 6th symphony - see [30])
- Arnold Mendelssohn (m:de:Arnold Mendelssohn, m:pl:Arnold Ludwig Mendelssohn) (December 26 1855 in Ratibor; died February 18 or 19 ([31]) 1933 in Darmstadt) (Teacher of Paul Hindemith)
- Jorge Mester (Louisville Orchestra) (Born April 10, 1935)
- Arthur Meulemans (May 19 1884 in Aarschot – June 29 1966 in Brussels) (m:de:Arthur Meulemans, m:nl:Arthur Meulemans)
- Herman Meulemans (October 19 1893 in Aarschot - January 5 1965), Belgian organist m:nl:Herman Meulemans)
- František Adam Míča (or Frantisek Adam Mica) (January 11 1746-March 19 1811 ([32])), m:cs:František Adam Míča m:de:František Adam Míča
- Maurische trauermusik (Maurische Trauermusik) (Mozart KV 477/479a)
- Ch'io mi scordi di te? (K._505)
- Divertimento No. 1 (Mozart) (K. 136) (links with m:hu:Mozart: Divertimento No. 1); also Divertimento No. 2 (Mozart) (K. 137) (m:hu:Mozart: Divertimento No. 2) (etc. -- the Hungarian Wiki has 10 articles corresponing also to K. 138, K. 205, K. 247, K. 251, K. 253, K. 270, K. 287, K. 334 ) (anyone know Hungarian...)
N-Z moved to Personal watchlist2. (don't save it on server so often, use rtf file when possible)