SCI Studio
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SCI Studio, software intended for creating games that execute using the classic Sierra's Creative Interpreter, was originally the progeny of Brian Provinciano. The software was worked on by Provinciano for many years, but on 25 March 2006 he announced on his website the cessation of work on his part, and released the complete archive of the SCI Studio source-code into the public domain (which contained much progress in the development of the program, which was never before seen in an official release). SCI Studio can also be considered an IDE for SCI Games for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. All games Created with SCI Studio run with Sierra's SCI0 Interpreter (SCIV.EXE) and The Open Source interpreter for Windows\MacOS\Linux\Sega's DreamCast\And more, FreeSCI.
[edit] Additional Programs
FreeSCI Using FreeSCI To Distrubute SCI Studio Games will let you port your games to run Natively on Windows (Instead of MS-DOS Command Prompt or MS-DOS Mode), Mac OS X, Linux, Sega's Gaming console, The Sega Dreamcast, and more.
SoundBox Also plugins for SCI Studio can be of use, Such as SoundBox (Which Can Read SCI0 Music Resources, and convert MIDI to SCI0 and let you select which sound channel play off what card e.g.,(Channel 1. PC Speaker,Tandy. Channel 2. AdLib).