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Scrumtrillescent (SCRUM tril ES ent)
Scrumtrillescent is an adjective that describes something that has no other word to describe it. It can only be used in an exemplary and lauding context; for instance, to reference something that exceeds perfection. Scrumtrillescent finds its origins within the masterful improvised works of Will Farrell, a former cast member of SaturdayNightLive. He invented the word during a random adlib in a sketch entitled “Inside the Actors Studio: The Craft of Theater and Film.” In this sketch he played the role of the moldy and stiff host, James Lipton, interviewing a flamboyant Charles Nelson Riley. Master Farrell used the word Scrumtrillescent to describe the game show “Match Game.” He raved that it was beyond delightful, beyond brilliant; in fact, there was “no word to describe its perfection.” Then he used the word “Scrumtrillescent” to fill the void. Things that are Scrumtrillescent should be a “blinding brilliant light from heaven.”
Examples of thing that may be Scrumtrillescent include: lemonade on a hot summer day, long walks along the beach at sunset, and Sean Connery. Synonyms include bootilicious, supercalafragilisticexbialidocious, nar-nar, wonk, wachemajigant, and shangra-la-de-descent. Scrumtrillescent comes from the Latin scruma meaning indescribable and truelmicae meaning little more than babble. The word Scrumdiddliumptious comes from the same root.